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Loliad R. Kahn
by Winifred G. Barton



The few dedicated dissenters were forced to conduct their further enquiries into mind and spirit in conditions of secrecy. The official viewpoint laid down that it was no longer permissible to teach beyond the fringes of accepted fact. Open discussions with teachers in other fields were no longer of any value, and metaphysical pupils must now be directed away from fresh avenues of theoretical exploration, expressing only variations of the accepted theme, (very similar to today's denominational thinking).

But since the beginning of time, neither law nor logic has successfully
suppressed the dedicated few who are bound to venture upwards and
onwards ... to such as these falls the task of per-petuating human
evolution in the realm of mental progress.

Suerne history records that twelve Metaphysical scientists requested
permission to be given the care of the Abwa people. This request was
granted when the authorities felt that this would happily occupy these
potential dreamers and keep them out of circulation with their different
opinions. It also solved the problem of re-educating the fourth
generation Abwa, who were now adult, and who seemed quite unsuited for
absorption into normal society. Thus the two groups became united and as
a result one of the greatest mysteries ever to face mankind was solved.

Perhaps a more detailed explanation of the manner of develop-ing the
Abwa people would be useful at this juncture. Originally six unrelated
babies, all born within a few hours of each other, were selected at
birth from families of proven health, mental capacity, and emotional

These infants were brought up in total seclusion, having no idea of
what went on in the outside world or what was considered to be socially
right or wrong. Only the scientists involved with the experiment had any
contact with the children. All their wants were supplied without them
ever becoming aware of how their food or clothing was produced, prepared
or named. They were totally sub-missive to the instructions of the
teachers, almost without a will of their own.

Although completely ignorant of social law, and life as it was lived at
the time, the children became fully familiar with the stars and planets,
and had an intimate knowledge of Creation.

At maturity, by the simple process of natural selection, they paired
off, producing healthy families who were raised in the manner of their
parents. This environment was never varied, and eventually a fourth
generation was born of the original six. These were the children who
participated in the automan experiments, and who had now grown to

When given access to free thought after generations of mental
submission, the Abwa amazed the twelve metaphysicians with their
keenness of mind and the startling rapidity with which their lessons
were learned. A second expounding of even the most com-plicated theory
was never necessary, for the Abwa seemed to see through the whole thing,
arriving at the correct conclusion ere half the problem had been
explained, as if they were reading from the preconscious knowledge of
the teachers, faster than these thoughts could be put into words. Though
none of the Abwa had been trained in thought transmission or reception.

Careful studies were made of the Abwa aurae. Charts were drawn up,
analyzed and compared with the earlier charts complied in the previous
experiments. Past comparisons among this group had always shown small
variations in both colour and striation intensity in the yellow, blue,
and green hands when studied alongside the aura charts of ordinary
citizens. But now, when thinking freely, both intensity of colour,
striation, and width of the yellow, blue, and green bands had very
marked changes, being brighter and much wider than any aurae previously

Physical aura among the Abwa rarely changed from a bright golden hue,
indicating a high degree of emotional stability, whereas previous
charts of these people had shown many colour variations. It was later
realized that the earlier physical aura
variations were actually emotional reflections from the one who was
implanting the thoughts at the time of the automan experiments ... but
at the time of recording, the metaphysicians were unaware of this, and
made a temporary assumption that golden-yellow was the colour of the
Abwa aura at peace, for indeed the Abwa radiated peace and contentment.

This conclusion had a somewhat depressing effect on the Metaphysicians,
for it seemed to tie in with the official belief that by a process of
controlled breeding, sheltered living, and very careful tuition, the
Abwa had attained the family desire of all Suernians ... could they be
mistaken after all in daring to question the possibility of factors
beyond known logic?

Gathering in council, the Metaphysicians made a complete resume of all
that had been learned from their Abwa experiment. Weeks were spent in
going over each detail and weighing the findings against recordings
given by past metaphysicians. They emerged from these sessions with a
growing conviction that apparent logical conclusions, logical that is,
in the light of previously accepted facts, are not the ultimate results
obtainable. Something kept nagging inside of them, insisting that belief
in the illogical was more correct than the acceptance of known logic.

Evidence mounted to indicate that the Abwa were possessed of some inner
intelligence beyond measurement or comprehension. The twelve
metaphysicians sensed that herein lay the secret solution for which they

Ostracized by their fellow scientists, without hope of obtaining
apparatus to aid their search, and reduced to scientific poverty as they
were, the twelve decided they must necessarily devise a very simple
method of investigation. They turned more and more to prayer and
meditation (always a large part of their daily routine) and after one
such session the idea came that six of the male Abwa should be trained
in the art of telepathic transmission, as it was now realised that the
Abwa had unwittingly spent a large part of their lives in receiving
telepathic pictures from their former teachers, and such pictures could
convey far more meaning than words.

Ever anxious to co-operate, the Abwa helped the twelve metaphysicians
to build the usual circular white domed building for further
experiments. The inside of the building was divided into twelve sections
with a large central hall. Eleven identical cubicles were built around
the outer wall of the building, while the twelfth space was used as an

The partitions which formed the side walls of the cubicles were each
equipped with a small observation slit. Each alternate cubicle was to be
occupied by a metaphysical teacher with an Abwa pupil, and the remaining
five cubicles would house five other metaphysicians acting as observers.
The twelfth teacher would act as a relief observer and generally serve
the building and its occupants, for no outsider would be permitted to
enter while the experiment was in progress. Food was to be prepared by
the Abwa women outside the building, (who delighted in practising this
new "art" never before known to them), and would be brought in by the
relief metaphysician, the only person allowed to come and go from the
building. In his spare time this teacher would occupy the passageway,
using it as a twelfth cubicle for observing the occupants of cells #1
and #11.

A twenty-four hour vigil was kept with very brief intervals of sleep
taken at odd moments. After a very short period of time it became
apparent that in each of the doubly occupied cells the position of pupil
and teacher became reversed, so that the metaphysicians became pupils
and the Abwa, teachers.

For the first few days and nights there were short periods of
telepathic discussion, interspersed with long hours of mental retreat.
Between the fifth and sixth days however, the Abwa began to behave in a
strange manner, and all within a few hours of each other. The unusual
behavioural pattern was intermittent, it might occur at any hour during
the twenty-four in any one of the cubicles, and while a coherent pattern
showed up in each individual, there was very little similarity between
the group reaction.

The obvious puzzlement on the part of the Metaphysicians convinced
the observers that they were unaware of the reason for the Abwa

This phase continued for several weeks. Then it seemed that the Abwa
teachers began to spend many hours in deep conversations with the
metaphysician pupils. To the observers, busily recording each action
and reaction, it was indicative that a new educational programme was
beginning. That the media of the spoken word should be chosen in
preference to telepathy, which covers a so much broader range of
expression, was surprising. Also in variance to the normal procedure was
the seeming need for bodily contact, the teachers and pupils grasping
hands during all the conversations.

The observers were unable to hear what was being said, but recorded
that the words were being spoken in low, urgent voices. During the days
that followed, these procedures began to be reversed as the Abwa
listened while their pupils talked rapidly, often with tears streaming
down their cheeks.

After awhile it seemed that the Abwa teachers began to operate in
unison. Each sat silently as in meditation, but powerful telepathic
waves were felt by all the observers, who became so greatly puzzled that
they gathered in the central hall to discuss this latest development.

It had been noticed that the concentrated and combined efforts of the
Abwa could put their pupils into a trance, and during this time the
behaviour of the metaphysicians followed the abandoned pattern set
earlier by the Abwa during the fifth and sixth days of the experiment.
Again there was no coherent group pattern, but definite individual
patterns, and all observers recorded that none of the metaphysicians
followed any of the known characteristics of his normal life pattern. A
look of ecstatic joy on the faces of each was the only common
denominator ... "as though bereft of all conscious awareness" ... wrote
one observer.

Weeks passed, and while some pattern of procedure evolved, there was no
basic change in the actions. The metaphysician pupils went into a series
of abandoned contortions, invariably at night, but occasionally during
the daytime ... though most days were still spent in fervent

Then one morning at daybreak, the metaphysician in number five cell was
noted to be lying still on his mattress. Failure to rise at dawn could
only indicate that the man was ill, but on entering the cubicle to
assist him, the observers found their fellow to be devoid of all signs
of life. His Abwa teacher was prostrated in a deep trancelike state,
apparently unmindful of the situation.

The observers, fully trained in medical matters, took the body away for
a detailed post mortum, but no cause of death could be found.

Reports of their findings stated that the subject had apparently
welcomed death with great joy, his face giving the impression that he
had seen beyond physical life and the prospect of passing was too great
a temptation to be denied ... prophetic words, written with an insight
beyond the ken of the recorder.

Two more metaphysicians died in like manner within a short period, each
with the same beatific look on his face.

While convinced that they were now on the track of the discovery they
sought, the observers began to wonder if the methods applied would be
justified by the end results. Such doubts were soon dispelled. The three
remaining metaphysicians and their Abwa teachers, without any
consultation with each other, for none had left his cubicle since the
experiment had started several months beforehand, adopted a ritual by
which, though the pupil's body appeared as in death, could be seen
encased in the teacher's aura which seemed to hold life within the still
body, in suspended animation.

While the observers could understand nothing of what was going on, each
felt that he was in the presence of some greater power than anything
heretofore experienced ... "It was as if we stood in the presence of
truth, but were unable to comprehend truth ...", they wrote.

Each of the six Metaphysical Observers felt quite certain that the
experiment was now heading in the right direction. They felt that here
before them, around them, above and below them, was all knowledge. Yet
they had neither the ears to hear or the eyes to see it with. Each
registered an inner sense of elation, exhilaration, and a thrill of
achievement, but none could comprehend the source.

The three remaining metaphysician-pupils, after the first transition,
had worn a look of radiance on their faces. It was noted that the
second, or spiritual aura had overshadowed the intensity of the physical
aura. Its deep golden glow barely allowed the green and blue to
scintillate through, almost as if the gold were some gossamer material,
finely spun, while the blue and green bands were of a like material held
behind the gold. The other spectral colours had faded into complete
insignificance, and although present, were almost unnoticeable.

Unable to contain their curiosity any longer, the observers called a
hasty conference, declared the experiment ended, and called for an
immediate council meeting in the central hall; while the Abwa left to
tell their relatives about what had happened.

The observers were enthralled as the remaining three metaphysicians
related their side of the story. Nothing even vaguely approaching the
nature of what had transpired in their modest school had ever been
experienced before by any human being on earth.

The three metaphysicians who had taken part in the experiment were
aware of the passing of their fellows, though none had been so informed.
They displayed no sign of grief, explaining that the others had departed
this life only to embark on a new adventure into happiness and

It was related that they too had succeeded in separating the spirit
from the fleshy body, but body function had been maintained by the
embracing aura of their Abwa companions, thus keeping intact the
essential link between body and spirit and permitting the re-entrance
of their spiritual selves into the body ... something which had not been
fully understood when the first three metaphysicians had ascended into
the cosmos.

The three talked on for days, holding their audience spell-bound. All
thoughts of food or exhaustion were forgotten as the participants took
turns in describing every detail of what had transpired. Much of what
has been noted earlier in this story was reiterated, explanations on
how to build up magnetic vibrations to a desired climax for the
discovery supreme. For contained within the human body, they explained,
was a vibrational scale far beyond anything which nature could withstand
or understand, and that, once released in all its magnitude, it could do
incredible things with the body.

To demonstrate this power, the Abwa teachers had each slashed a wrist
quite early in the experimental period, and although there had been an
immediate spurt of blood, the cuts had very quickly closed and the
bleeding was stopped. This, and similar achievements, required a state
of complete purification of the body and mind. The Abwa, having attained
this state, were able through telepathic media to bring the pupils
bodies within their complete control.

Two methods were used to purify the body. One utilized a greatly
lowered metabolism, as certain germs and fungi were most susceptible to
cold ... others simply exploded when in contact with highly increased
magnetic vibrations sweeping through the body.

Tiny abrasions, skin eruptions, and in one case haemorrhoids, were
eradicated almost instantly as the vibrations of the Abwa's power began
to flow through the bodies of the pupils when perfect
sympathy was shared. Minor sensations, such as feeling cool in the heat
of the day, and sense of mental detachment also occurred.

Just as body purification meant the complete destruction of harmful
organisms, so did mental purity require total expulsion, through the
conscious, via the spoken word, of all preconceived error.

To the listeners, absorbed in every detail of the account, this seemed
an incredulous requirement. The twelve metaphysical teachers had
lived as monks, their lives solely devoted to all that was good and
progressive. Each daybreak found them prostrated in prayer and adoration
... how could they possibly have any need for mental purification
through confession. In tones of deep humility the three revealed
how humanity was governed by three sets of laws; the law of society,
the law of nature, and the law of Spirit, each law superseding the
preceding one.

Complete understanding of these laws and their interrelationship was
an essential prerequisite to mental clarity and the metaphysicians had
encountered no particular problems in recognising preconceived faults
regarding social custom. The intricacies of natural law presented only
minor items for correction. But the Spiritual Law that the Abwa spoke of
was beyond comprehension.

"What is this Law? How did it effect the lives of men? How could one be
certain that it was Truth?" queried the observers.

"By personal exploration of the next world ..." came the reply, "Where
freed of the carnal blindfold, truth is self-evident. The key to
ascension is the matter of separating the spiritual self from its fleshy

"To become as innocent as a baby, requires the elimination of all
preconceived misunderstanding implanted from infancy, before judgement
is formed. To do this one voices all one's knowledge, tracing the source
of each item of information down to its original implantation, replacing
what is proven to be true and discarding any doubtful or incorrect
ideas. The Abwa, on a higher plane of spiritual understanding, when
seeing a flaw in our beliefs would discuss these points at length, until
we had placed such facts in proper perspective. Motivations, our deep
hidden motivations proved to be the worst stumbling block. Did we serve
Deity for hope of reward? For love of knowledge? Because this is what we
were trained to do? Did metaphysical matters best suit our ego?"

"As we talked with the Abwa, who at these times seemed not to talk of
themselves, but as ones having authority, it became obvious that we
accepted as spiritual fact, items often based on incomplete knowledge
with a regional flavour. The Abwa presented wisdom beyond our wisdom,
truth beyond our concept of truth, some ideas being so far beyond our
limited range of understanding that at first, we were asked to accept
them temporarily in faith, until such faith was rewarded ... as it was.

"They asked us to believe in a world beyond our own, The Spirit World,
limitless in scope, where after aeons of unfolding consciousness, we
could finally know Spirit -- The Absolute. Our initial faith was soon
rewarded with new insight, a sense of assurance that the whole Universe
was subject to this Power, and that our own little planet was but one of
billions in Omnipotent Domain, yet even the tiniest item in creation was
not too insignificant to be overlooked; Nature, the handmaiden in
charge of creating protogenic order out of chaos on the outer fringes of
vibrational energy, took care of these things.

And all the intense force released by this Being was for good ... pure
love. For a name they called Him "The Master of the Universe", though it
was known that this was all things to all, a Father-Mother to humanity.
Having delegated the lowest scale of His creative force to physical
matters, supervised by Nature, The Supreme Teacher, through an ever
ascending scale of magnetic vibrations, gave to one species on each
planet a power of thought beyond nature's realm, that these creatures
might understand Him, and through this power to love, leaven their

We learned that mankind is being evolved towards spiritual
companionship, that eventually the chosen species on each planet might
share the joy of all-knowledge and all-love with the Creator. Not in
physical life, for matter is unable to withstand the tremendous
vibrational energy of Spirit, being so weak and temporary that it is
even subject to time, decay, and death."

The three now paused to answer the many questions bubbling from the
lips of the six observers, then went on to tell of the last requirement,
and what a formidable stumbling block it proved to be...

"Intellect must be at least temporarily discarded. We found it nigh
impossible to stop the mind wanting to analyze every scrap of
information and relinquish its grasp on the personality. Egotistical
surrender alone could pierce this last barrier. Only our burning desire
to know more enabled us to press forward and accept the stupendous
teachings of the Abwa, whom we now regarded as god-men, in contact with
another world to which we so eagerly sought admittance.

Indeed, the Abwa instructors spoke with such quiet authority we could
not help asking how this could be, and each had replied ... "My faith in
Supreme Being tells me to utter words, and that the right words will be
put into my mouth, for my voice is merely a medium of expression for His
thoughts.." all our logical arguments were confounded with higher
Abwa logic as the weeks sped by, until finally the goal of complete
purity of body and mind was achieved.

A new phase in our instruction now commenced. A build-up of spiritual
strength. Always the last thought before sleeping must be of the wonder
of Deity and divine love-power given to mankind. Each awakening thought
must be adoration of The Master, as one might think and dream of a woman
in young manhood, so one must think of Him.

We were given a series of words to repeat, aloud or in silence as we
chose, (such words being strange to the day but were later recognised as

(This chant was later to become the national anthem of Khe, and more.
It lived through many generations, into my lifetime and beyond. At the
time of my birth it was used in every household as a morning and evening
hymn, and often repeated in stressful moments during the day. These were
the first it words whispered into the ear of a newly born baby, the
first it would learn to speak. Mothers used it, with suitable
variations, to meet any particular need. During pregnancy it was an
impassioned plea for guidance for the new life within. Men, women and
children in my country learned to live by these words, self-will and ego
becoming more suppressed as succeeding generations became more adept in
metaphysical principles ... and there was peace and joy in the land

Complete purification, which had taken many weeks of intensive effort
to achieve (even as in later years, The Buddha and The Christ spent many
days in the wilderness in self denial and meditation), was succeeded by
a phase during which the pupils had moments when it seemed as if the
body was beyond control, or controlled by others. Yet at these times
each man was able to stand beside himself and watch his own uninhibited
actions, as the physical self danced in a wild frenzy of ecstasy when
the spiritual mind first gained total control of the flesh.

This behaviour was not surprising to the subjects, as by this time each
had gained conscious awareness of his secretly suppressed desires, and
social implications no longer acted as a deterrent to expression of wild
delight and joyous dancing as an expression of unity with the
energy-dance of the Universe. Ego no longer dictated its whim, insisting
on a sedate attitude from its flesh as an indication of superiority;
superiority and inferiority ) which go hand in hand) were washed away
with recognition of social impositions. And though un aware of it at the
time, here the metaphysicians learned the secret by bypassing the
outer darkness in the spirit world, or purgatory as it is sometimes

Now the Abwa were ready to complete the experiment; to prove that each
person is endowed with a spiritual entity contained in vibrational
thought form within the magnetic field of the body, but not of the body
... rather a superior life-form from another sphere of existence,
captured briefly in the flesh to raise human thought above carnal

Mind control and meditation teach the preconscious animal mind the art
of relaxing its grip, allowing the superior being to take command of the
senses. Having become expert in the smooth operation of this phase, the
spirit, which has struggled so long to impress its thoughts of love and
truth, can leave the flesh to ascend briefly to its own higher sphere of
reality, and return to consciously imprint on the preconscious (via the
conscious) the wonder of its visit.

No human being is without the ability to prove this personally. But at
the time of this first spiritual flight, three psioneers succumbed to
ecstasy before re-entry was properly understood.

Body function must be maintained by the mind and spirit of another, in
this case the Abwa teachers, whose mental vibrations were identically
synchronized with the pupils'. With physical function controlled by
another, the spiritual entity can find release, be immediately picked up
in the higher vibrations of another spiritual entity and taken on a
guided tour of the Universe at speed incredible to the imagination.

Had it been possible for the observers to have used their instruments
to measure the calibrations of the spiritual aurae of those who had died
during the period when the spirit was free of the body and before the
time when death occurred, there would have been no instrumental
response, and the physical aurae calibrations would have been very
faint. Measurements of the spiritual and physical aurae of the remaining
three metaphysicians would have shown the Abwa spiritual aurae covering
both its own form and that of the pupil, though with faint separate
physical aura.

Before recessing for a brief rest, the three told of another phenomena
which they had experienced, but by this time the group were near
exhaustion and little attention was given to a seemingly unimportant
detail, which was really of the greatest significance; proving once
more, the ease with the physical mind can gloss over that which IT
considers trifling, even though these men were experts in the art of
uncovering mental fallibility.

One of the three remembered to describe how he had become aware of a
strong perfume, difficult to describe, which had seemed to envelope him
immediately prior to entering the state of non-existence. The other two
metaphysicians confirmed that they too had noticed this phenomena ...
but with such sensational revelations to discuss, who would think to pay
special attention to an unusual odour...