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Loliad R. Kahn
by Winifred G. Barton



Perhaps the most significant contribution Suerne made to Earth's accumulating wealth of spiritual knowledge was the proving of the Guide.

Suernian Metaphysicians delving into the spiritual pulsation field
halted once it was found feasible to keep the human body in a state of
suspended animation, similar to that of hibernation in certain warm
blooded animals.

Studying the inhabits of such animals had initiated the first
experiments along the lines of the hypnotic-trance state. (For over the
years it had been found that the procedure required to hold the body in
life while its spirit was absent was too complicated for general usage.)

Years of experimentation, followed by further years of intensive
training and practise finally brought suspended animation within the
realm of possibility for the human being.

Atlantis' contribution was to technically perfect and prove what Suerne
visualized. Always deeply interested in Khe discoveries, the Atlantean
Scientist habitually remained more concerned with the physical
application than the spiritual significance.

However, there was one particular group in Atlantis who were primarily
interested in etheric matters. This nucleus rose to become very
powerful, having a voice in all matters of state policy. They were the
forerunners of the Priesthood. They put themselves, their knowledge and
their practices, beyond the reach of the common people, feeding the
populace only that amount of information which they considered suitable
for public consumption. They took pride in their secret knowledge,
relishing the power it gave them; and in so doing, practised and taught
the breaking of the first commandment which came into effect at the time
when Spirit was first given to man.

This attitude was quite the opposite to the Khe policy, where all
knowledge was made readily available to all seekers. But in time,
returning students who had studied under this group (who were originally
very far advanced in the occult sciences) adopted these same practices.

This situation developed over several centuries, but was the beginning
of the end for my people. The first taint of corruption came when
sexual adulation replaced individual spiritual adoration, eventually
bringing a violent ending to our civilization, when combined with Black
Light practices and mass psychology. But this came much later in

With the knowledge made available from Suerne and super sensitive
instrumentation, Atlantean Scientists finally made a break through into
an ultrasonic vibrational scale hitherto unsuspected.

When its principles were applied to the human form it was found that
this scale was in some way connected with each individual but not a part
of that individual. Years spent trying to unravel this enigma were

Then one day a visiting student from a distant tribe began to display
signs of an unknown illness. A "Doctor" put the lad into a trance state
in order to establish direct connection with the preconscious, the known
method of bypassing egotistical blocks and making accurate diagnosis.
But this particular patient answered the questions in a strange manner;
insisting that he had lived many years before. He described a strange
land inhabited by an unknown people with foreign customs.

The medical man summoned the magnetic vibration group ... (already
closed societies with private information were coming into being.) They
took physical aura calibrations of the patient to compare with known
facts. But no answers were forthcoming as any variations were
explainable. When aroused, the boy acted quite normally. Only under deep
hypnosis were the answers to questions peculiar. In this state the
physical aura showed no emotional colour change, the lad was being
absolutely truthful, which rendered the vibrational tests along these
lines valueless.

A comprehensive group of subjects was assembled. Exacting physical
vibration charts were drawn up for each subject. Then they were
individually tranced and asked a specific list of questions.

The results showed that when under deep hypnosis, people of a mediocre
mental capacity (about 15% of the total population ) would declare
themselves as having lived before. Sometimes more than once. They
could describe times, people, events and foreign lands, which when checked
proved startlingly accurate in geological and geographical detail.

When in trance, the newer, super sensitive instruments, showed an
almost non-existent physical aura, but gave results in the ultra-sonic
vibration scale ... where no aura was apparently involved.

A whole new book would be required to detail the resultant
ramifications of these experiments. However, they appeared to lead back
to the old Khe belief that some people did live more than one life on

This indication should have led to frenzied inquiry. But the now
dominant Priestly Society, under whose auspices the experiments were
conducted, saw greater advantages to themselves by fostering a belief in
Reincarnation and Karma among the people. Here was logical answers to
the many behavioural problems which were becoming increasingly evident.
Past life belief also provided a valuable scapegoat where there was no
other answer.

Suernian interest was reawakened. It is interesting to note that in my
land, happy, prayerful and at peace; no one had yet realised the subtle
difference between ego-conquest and egotistical redirection. It was as
if the people slumbered, not knowing the crime of apathy, not knowing
that each generation must strive for further advances or be gradually
overcome with lethargy. Earthlings would do well to meditate on the
relationship between spiritual drive and apathy ... Khe-people proved
highly suitable for the new tests. Their calm dispositions lent strength
to a series of hypnotic experiments, which, alas, only added weight to
the new Atlantean belief in reincarnation.

'Till Truth took a part in the matter.

The following is a translation from the report of an ardent Theochrist
who had spent his life seeking and practising, as it had been done in my
day. This man was one of the few who occupied the original school built
for the Abwa experiment, where cells surrounded a centre hall. At one
time such buildings had been common, but by this period most had fallen
into decay.

"I lay on a sleeping couch in my cell at the old school, deep in silent
meditation, feeling the familiar floating sensation which continued
beyond anything I had ever felt before. I seemed to enter a state of
self-hypnosis, which being nothing new to me was easily recognizable.

By visual concentration (while maintaining thoughtlessness and
weightlessness) on a small flaw in the wall of my cell, a deep hypnotic
state was achieved.

A figure appeared before me, entering through the wall. Glowing
slightly from an inner pulsating power, this person spoke to me, yet no
sound emanated from his unmoving lips.

"Fear not: I am whom you seek: Zolumn, now of the second level of
heaven, come to guide thee in thy learning. Know thee, that there is a
scale of magnetic vibration beyond which man mayest not go in the quest
of scientific knowledge. This scale must remain holy to Spirit, who
controls all life.

It is decided that my people are now ready to know more of Truth.
Through thee, I will speak to them. In His Name it has been given unto
me to come to Thee. Therefore knowest thou that every child born on
earth, male or female, has a spiritual guide who is a link, like a
silver thread of contact twist man and The Master.

As man's mind can find expression only through the conscious
transformer, so can man's spirit reach above itself only through its
Guide. Not in any manner of thought reading as such, but through the
spiritual aura which reflects thought. Know thee therefore, that a Guide
is governed by the spiritual thought only when it has become a conscious
thought interpreted into emotion, lighting up that portion of the
spiritual aura denoted by indigo or violet.

In this way man can reach the Master of Love and receive even material
help. Do you think that He would turn any part of Himself loose in the
material world of Nature unprotected or alone?

So, to each man a spirit, and to each spirit a Guide -- able to
communicate with you with much less ease than you can communicate with
it. At this moment you are able to see me as I stand here because you
are conditioned to permit your inner power of spirit to increase its
magnetic vibrations from within, permitting you to see.

This cannot always be so. Therefore, to know of my presence in the
future, drink in the essence of my being which now comes to you on a
much lower scale than visualization. This scale is within the range of
the carnal senses and comes to you in the form of a distinctive odour
which you will always understand as being peculiar to myself, indicating
my very close presence.

Believe in me. Lean upon me for truth, and through you I will do great
and wondrous things for the benefit of all men. But if you endeavour to
use me for worldliness I will be lost to you.

If your scientists probe deeper nought will result but confusion.
There is One, great beyond all measure, able to do all
things, be all things, know all things. One who is the beginning and the
end of all things. He is Truth; Love; Virtue; Ego; Nature; Vengeance;
Justice; The Law; happy for thee and with thee; who weeps copiously for
his children. He is Glory ... GOD.

To help you understand better, here are His Words, which, being not of
my own making, have come to me as I stand here.

Quote ... "I am the beginning and the end. I had looked upon Myself to
know love in the beginning. Therefore, I had looked upon Myself and
loved Myself first.

But were I to look upon Myself in the beginning, or in the end, and
loved only Myself, then I could not know love, for I cannot love Myself
and not love thee. Neither can I love Myself without loving all things
in the Universe.

Love, being an emotion, must then be part of Truth, which, in turn,
must be all things, as all other things are subordinate to love, and
emotion is subordinate to Truth.

I am therefore, Truth, knowing emotion, love, and ego. For I had looked
upon Myself in the beginning to know love."
... End of Quote.

Zolumn continued. "One other thing I would lay before thee. When Ego
is laid to rest, and the spirit is given freedom in trance, it is
sometimes replaced by one of us who, being now the spirit of that
person, has available that person's preconscious information, plus its
own spiritual knowledge.

In such cases it is not always the same Guide who takes over the body.

Know also who I am that no mystery shall remain. I am Zolumn, the first
of the three, who were of the six, and the twelve. Look to thy archives
and know me".

The apparition left and I aroused to record first, the detailed
appearance of my visitor, and secondly, the words which he had given me.
Then I slept.

The dawn brought active wakefulness. Rising from my pallet, with no
word other than hasty greeting to my fellows, I hastened to the archives
of Suerne to spend long hours in searching the records. Before the day
was over I had found him. Recorded in perfect detail many generations
before. Zolumn indeed was the first of the six spiritual adventurers to
die in the Abwa experiment. And these six were part of the twelve
Metaphysicians who had conducted the tests.

Once these facts were written into the records of my people they were
accepted, and within a short period of time many authenticated
instances of Guides were reported. In some of these cases the Guide was
actually seen, giving sense to the common phenomena of odour recognition
which most people had experienced, but failed to understood. This added
greatly to the mental abilities of my people. Self healing, through
faith, became an every day occurrence.

Meanwhile in Atlantis the powerful Priesthood, having searched among in
numbers, had found those who, under hypnosis, spoke of previous lives on
earth. They took this opportunity to announce far greater powers for
themselves than others, adding spectacle to their growing list of
errors. Even as the tempter tried with the Christ.

But in Atlantis, the tempter, "Excitation" had complete success.
Spectacle: Ritual: Dogma ... these were introduced by the Priesthood.

Unwilling to subject themselves to lifelong rigorous training in
humility and meditation, and finding mass adulation far more
egotistically rewarding, the Priesthood concentrated upon perfecting the
art of mass psychology, using "miracles" to enhance their image, with
ever increasing following.

From the viewpoint of mass psychology techniques the Priesthood added
a great deal of proof to the studies of both Atlantean and Suernian
Scientists. Taking male children at birth, and with lifelong training
along sectarian lines, it was possible to develop an amazing degree of a
single magnetic vibrational power. These powers included the ability to
walk through fire without harm, to overcome cold by perspiring even when
subjected to subzero temperatures, to be impervious to pain, (Ears,
fingers, or such could be cut off without the subject flinching or
bleeding). Some could make rain with projected vibrations. Some could
visibly improve crop growth.

All this and more was done. All in His Name.

But it was impossible for the Priesthood to develop a well balanced
spiritual individual under these conditions. Thus sects arose which
practised one "art" to the exclusion of others. Each sect had its
particular form of ritual and worship, exhibiting its prowess to the
public on set calendar days. Each sect tried to demonstrate its
superiority, vying for greater numerical adherence.

Thus God became divided into a number of demigods. The Fire god; The
Rain god; The goddess of fertility; each with its own temple and
trappings; each with its particular rituals and dogmas. Each with its
own subtle method of depreciating other gods. Each ignoring the first

Mass psychology flourished. These lies, introduced in infancy, fostered
in youth, and confirmed in adulthood by logical explanations such as
Karma and Reincarnation, became as truth to the people.

The age-old monetary system in Atlantis was undoubtedly the root of
this evil; for, of course, the Priests of each demigod demanded a high
price from worshippers for their intercession.

Now the younger Priests of Suerne began to vie for a similar system.
Knowledge hard earned should be hard bought they reasoned.
Feeling themselves to be superior in their wisdom, ego hinted at the
status to which they were entitled, it having seen the spectacular
settings of the aristocratic Atlantean Priesthood.

Using every conceivable subterfuge at their command, the insidious
tentacles of greed driving them on, these younger Suernians agitated for
"progress". They stressed Atlantean modernization, its miraculous
achievements. They began teaching their own children privately. Teaching
them among other things to desire more for themselves than for others.

The time honoured system of being chosen by The Council for vocational
ability was ignored. For a Priest's son to be become a shepherd they
reasoned, was illogical. For a leather worker's son to become a ruler
was idiotic.

This did not come about in one generation. Systematic catering to
material logic conceived this devil. The people began to go to them for
special favours. Distinguishing dress, revelry and sex began to creep
into the rituals as the Priests vied for power. Promise of a superior
station in after life for those devoted to a particular sect was openly
suggested -- all played its part. Equality was obsolete.

A magnificent temple sprung up here and there. Ornamentation began to
appear on Priestly apparel. Feast days were inaugurated. "We can do
wonders for you" the sects insisted, with always the excuse of a bad
Karma to fall back on if things went poorly. These things brought the
fall of my civilization.

The Priesthood then inaugurated courts of punishment for disobedience. Individual thinkers were the only menace to their power and had to be dealt with forcibly. Conform or die was the motto, only with far more subtle presentation.
It was simple enough to trump up charges. The Christ story re-enacted the same

Laws governing human behaviour now came into effect. Laws governing
human worship also came into being. Prior to this, and for hundreds of
generations previously, emphasis had been placed on individual integrity
and ethical family codes. Dishonour within a family was dealt with by
the head of the family, usually by sending the erring member for
spiritual re-education rather than punishment.

But now the vogue was mass sectarian education, mass worship, mass
beliefs. The Priesthood had perfected the scientific theory never before
proven ... how to herd the masses at will.

If one man took the life of another and had influence with the Priest,
he need only declare, "I was ordered by the Fire-god to revenge a slight
done to him, because this man worshipped the false god of another sect."
And he was, after a suitable tribute, excused.

Covetousness and pillaging was applauded if directed against people who
thought differently, or belonged to a weaker sect. Most of the Priests
were very careful to avoid encounters with more powerfully numerical
sects. The weak were always a more logical target for "conversion."

Pity the thief who gave less than two thirds of his ill-gotten gains to
swell the coffers of the Church, which the Priests' reasoned was fair
compensation, as it helped them to "teach" more people, thus to extend
their ever increasing power.

And if a man was too poor to pay for the privilege of belonging to a
certain group, it was always acceptable to donate infant sons, somewhat
older daughters, sisters, or even mother's to the church.
All this was done in His Name.

It should be noted here, after the downfall of this continent,
scattered remnants of outlying tribes remained. Most of their culture
and learning had originated from Atlantis shortly prior to the
catastrophe. These partially trained and incomplete remnants of
Atlantean culture formed what is known today as the ancient
civilizations. Traces of all the vices and virtues of Atlantis can be
found in their cultures.

There are sects today, the occultists and theosophists in particular,
who believe they hold the key to many of the ancient mysteries. There
are many who believe in Karma and Reincarnation, the false doctrines so
prominent at the time of Atlantis' annihilation.

Of these groups, indeed one of the small tribal remnants of outlying
Khe, Spirit chose a race of spiritual teachers. Into their hands was
placed the responsibility for human evolution. First He taught them
obedience. Then, through the Christ-Jew He taught Love. Through this
race He moulded the two great prongs of spiritual evolution ...
Christianity and Islam.