Loliad R. Kahn
a landmark book in metaphysics
Winifred G. Barton

Chapter 1 - Two Youths in Atlantis
Chapter 2 - Cause and Effect
Chapter 3 - The Seven Scales
Chapter 4 - A Little Child Shall Lead Them
Chapter 5 - The ABWA Experiment
Chapter 6 - Into The Unknown
Chapter 7 - The Shadow of Black Light
Chapter 8 - Zadius Asks A Question
Chapter 9 - The Death Of Loliad-R-Kahn
Chapter 10 - The Proving Of The Guide
Chapter 11 - The End Of A Civilization
Chapter 12 - Loliad Has A Vision
Chapter 13 - Twentieth Century Dialogue

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Winifred Grace Barton holding up
a picture of Loliad R. Kahn.


The legendary island of Atlantis has inspired philosophical debate
since the time of Plato. Medieval writers, receiving the tale of
Atlantis from Arabian geographers, believed it true; as did the great
seventeenth and eighteenth century thinkers -- Montaigne, Buffon and

Plato's "Tinaeua" describes how Egyptian priests represented the island
as larger than Libya and Asia Minor, with a group of smaller islands
nearby. It was said to have been an ideal commonwealth nearly 10,000
years before the time of Solan, the home of a great nation which
conquered western Europe and Africa.

Legend relates, that to relieve humanity of this conquering race, the
gods sent an earthquake to submerge the island into the sea. The shoals
and shallows of this particular area of the Atlantic Ocean are cited as
proof of the islands former existence.

already familiar with Loliad-R-Kahn, the Atlantean metaphysician ... this
is the story of his life and times written through the medium of his usual
twentieth century instrument.

In those days when Atlantis was the seat of learning, Metaphysics was
recognized as both a philosophy and a science. "Meta" -- above and
beyond physics, is the study of the ultimate reality of all things, of
the real and final nature of matter (ontology); of mind (psychology) and
of the interrelation of mind and matter in the process of perception and

In recent years metaphysics has been clamouring for recognition as a
science. This has created a great deal of controversy, mainly centering
around the question of whether or not there could be any "science" of
things beyond the natural; the materialist claiming that man could only
have vague emotional reactions on such matters; the mystics contending
that their personal experiences with the supernatural were indefinable
in scientific terms.

The Metaphysician, attempting to prove that Pure Science = Pure
Religion has been attacked from all sides: Theology accusing its
adherents of impiety; science denouncing its claims as being
unscientific; public opinion clinging to its suspicions of hokus-pokus.

This thinking reflects 19th Century opinion. There is a wide contrast
between scientific ideas of yesterday and today. The former performed a
strictly factual function. Its business was to discover new elements,
new substances, new species of flora and fauna, and to carefully record
and systemize sensory facts.

New discoveries brought forth not only facts, but principles as well.
These, like the principle of conservation of energy; of mass; the tacit
belief that space and time are infinite, and the universe is eternal,
came to be held as indubitably correct. Any suggestion that these facts
could be questioned would be rejected by most thinkers as wholly

To the man on the street, discoverable facts still exhaust the meaning
of science. He looks back to those days when the contrast between
science and philosophy, and even more significant, the contrast between
science and religion, was extreme. In the light of present day
understanding this is not a fair appraisal. Science is becoming more
flexible in its estimate of what is, and what is not scientific. Facts
are as important as ever, but are now used in conjunction with ideas.

It is not only feasible that scientific accomplishments can provide new
ideas for philosophy, but philosophic views can induce a favourable
climate for physical discoveries.

For example: For over three thousand years the Hindu scriptures have
proclaimed the existence of a coloured aura, scintillating around each
human form. The average westerner has rejected this idea as fanciful.
Yet recent technological advances in cathode ray and spectrograph
instruments now make it possible for any physicist to examine the human

Much of the credit for developing this technique goes to a brilliant
metaphysician who lived in the critical days of biased 19th Century
science. "Psioneer" Sir William Crookes, born in England in 1832, was a
chemist. A prolific writer on both scientific and psychical subjects, he
founded the "Chemical Review" and five years later, the "Quarterly
Journal of Science". He was awarded the gold medal by the French
Academy of Science in 1880, and later knighted for his many discoveries.

Among his inventions was the "Crookes Tube", a vacuum container with
electrodes at opposite ends, which produced incandescent light when
subjected to an electric current. This lead to the development of the
cathode ray screen used today in metaphysics.

In his latter years Sir William's most controversial characteristic was
his outspoken belief in the existence of an undetected force which
governed both the natural and the supernatural. He was of the opinion
that telepathy (derived from two Greek words, "Tele -- at a distance,
and "Pathos" -- feeling) is the result of vibrations in the ether
travelling from mind to mind, in much the same way that messages are
sent by wireless telegraphy. But not between the conscious minds of two
individuals, rather at the supra-conscious level; the conscious mind
being fed solely by the factual senses.

Psychologists freely admit that experiments with the consciousness-expanding
drugs, mescaline, L.S.D., and psilocybin, have induced mystical
experiences which pull back the veil of materialism and permit the
subject to momentarily comprehend the life-dance of energy, long
proclaimed by the metaphysician as the peak of the religio-scientific quest.

Theology, too, is gradually softening in its attitude towards cold
logic, and attempting to clarify the parables of creation in the light
of ever increasing scientific knowledge. These abstract issues might not
have become actual for decades, or even centuries. But the explosion of
knowledge, as evinced by man's impertinent exploration of mind and space
makes it suddenly worth pondering if the church is to be accepted in the
20th and 21st Centuries.

The Metaphysician might be viewed as the referee in this age-old
struggle with the participants slightly less verbose in their cries to
"Kill the Umpire..."

And with the expansion of human consciousness it becomes increasingly
apparent, that before this century is passed, metaphysics will again
be recognized for what it originally represented in the Atlantean Era
... both philosophy and science.
