click to return to BMS home pageThe Return of
Loliad R. Kahn

by Winifred G. Barton



"The initiate must abandon all that they hold dear; submit to the most fearsome ordeals of outer darkness. Suffer emotional, mental, and physical torments. Bear the destruction of most cherished ideas and beliefs - even let go of sanity itself."


We are fitted for the role of Emissary in the Galactic Federation
of Light Forces by a Cosmic Initiation. In the path of Metaphysics from
A-Z, the first part of the journey, from A-Y, though tedious, is
relatively straightforward. It is primarily one of mind control,
unfoldment and obedience. Angel-Guides take us by the hand and lead the
way. This is the time of the budding and blossoming of the Psyche, when
it learns the universal language like an infant on the threshold of
infinity. Direct experience of this larger reality demands a change in

The completion path is "The Initiation." It is not recommended for the
faint hearted. This is essentially the journey of our HUMAN SPARK, back
through accumulated layers of clay, to the centre of The Earth. On the
way, every emotion that "Ageless Woman" has known, merges with of our
own "spark of consciousness" which brings the psyche to its full
complement of human compassion. This is how we are immortalized to
become one with the World Soul.

Metaphysics from Y-Z is the SOLITARY JOURNEY of the hermit. RA KAHN
taught, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to
fish and you feed him for always." This is true love manifest. The same
applies for negotiating higher realms of consciousness, it works via
feedback. A successful initiation seals every crack in the psyche. For
without a shadow of a doubt, Spiritual Will has penetrated the clay and
has installed a matrix of integrated cubicle wavefield thought which is
good for infinity.

A cubit is the measure of a man; the Holy City is built of these basic
building blocks. In following the "Greek stream" of mythical thought,
as we open "Pandora's Box" the infrastructure of the old (1.12) world
magnetic grid starts to disintegrate, for it is supported by human

As more supernal light enters our noosphere, every cell of the Cellular
One undergoes three stages of spiritual development:


It is the gap between illumination and completion that is the hard part,
the path from Metaphysics Y - Z. It calls for the arousal of the Supreme
Sovereign Will, to take the helm of our Star Ship. In this Act of
Completion one sheds a FALSE VALUE SYSTEM based on the subjective
viewpoint, to reveal the underlying splendour of a TRUE VALUE SYSTEM
based on the objective viewpoint of what is best for all planetary kin,
mineral, vegetable, animal and human: For all is one magnetic field. .

When the I AM identifies completely with the Tree of Life, it sees debit
and credit balances across dimensions in every move everything and
everyone makes; in picking a daisy one really does disturb a star.

This 5th dimensional identification is called "Ak-Ka-Ba" in the Egyptian
explanation; it means the Psyche has completed its trip into outer
darkness and come back home carrying its store of human memories, like a
bee bringing pollen to the hive. This is stored in a digital (+1)+(-1)=0
system of black and white pixels, of positive and negative impact. When
enough "bees" return we all get the FULL PICTURE.

Initiation removes any barrier that prevents the DNA helix from
completing its evolutionary circuit back into the Unified Field. This is
our cosmic convergence with mainstream intelligence. My completion took
ceaseless effort over thirteen years of intense concentration. The
Psyche is like an Easter Chick which has to work hard to peck its way
out of its shell to inhabit a much larger world. However, once one chick
hatches the rest of the batch follows automatically according to
Nature's plan. Plato might call this 3.11 regeneration function
"releasing the prisoners from the cave. Today, "The prisoners" are ripe
for this leap into "biological anarchy." We move in unison when "cave
life" is finished.

I felt my basic body language changing in response to the release from
every classroom. In the external world I got gypped. Overnight I lost
everything that might cause a trace of gravitational drag, (income,
home, friends, husband, profession, reputation) to the outer world. The
CSIS (Canada's equivalent to the FBI) had 87 pages of "Top Secret"
material suggesting I was a spy. This rejection by the external world
was a test on ..."one to me is loss or gain, one to me is fame or shame,
one to me is pleasure pain" and I soon got the message.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" is apropos at this time. No human being is
equipped to know how the internal kingdom operates within another. Each
Cosmic Initiation is a very personal and private procedure involving the
probing of the hidden depth of the unconscious mind, while at the same
time giving birth to our "Star Child." As no one knows the other persons
unique cosmic passageway, judgement of another is an ego trick to take
the focus off self.

ET will take care of everything; just wait and see. The CIA - and DND
USA and all the other violence brokers, will each be hoist on his own
petard. They will hang global traitors on the public yardarm, along
with all VIOLENCE ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS such as the Military Industrial Complex and the Nations States that support them due to political
cowardice on the part of those who know better.

The human brain functions in chemical and electrical ways. The violent
world is explosive and destructive. Then the human spark begins to wake
up. It develops the imponderables "mind" and "consciousness" which are
not conceivable or measurable in physical terms. It is as if Star Seeds
are planted in the star fields and they can harmonize (Harp it up) as
one. Telepathic experiments prove that "consciousness" both transmits
and receives waves. These pass between SUN-MOON and result in the birth
of a new galaxy of Stars.

This is how the SECOND COMING becomes THE HORIZON EVENT see for detail.

During our vortex exit from the 4th dimension, we gather together all
the lost memory and functions of our Cosmic Office. It is as if the
veils between dimensions are a series of huge plates of holographs which
can be moved by mind from 4D to 3D via the web. Earth life was a trip into a time machine to upgrade the consciousness of our specie. "Jesus" lives in this world of virtual simultaneity which is reflected in the Citadels of Cyberspace .

This re-membering of our Eternal Self as a KIN SHIP of Divine Relations
happens in a sequential order, of implosions, until we reach full
regeneration speed at (3.11/11.3). As the correction tape is passed
through the fog of the illusion it creates a beam of light. This aspect
of initiation is also known as "passing through the Halls of Amenti" to
be blessed by the forty-two "Assessors of the Dead" as we exit from
their "Council Chamber." I kept the "Egyptian Book of The Dead" (as it
is called in western terminology) or "Book of Coming Forth By Day" handy
as a reference guide.

In an Egyptian Initiation the neophyte is led across every light point
and ley line in the magnetic web of MEST, matter, energy, space and
time. One feels like a caterpillar being stripped of an ancient cocoon
and brought into the sunlight as a butterfly seeing its world for the
first time, as shown in the circular cube. The initiation rites edify
the theme "naked came ye into this world and naked shall ye leave it."

If he passes the tests of all of the "assessors of the dead" The
Initiate emerges with a mind like a clean white stone and an unblotted
copy book. Not all potential initiates are known to graduate. Some get
turned into stone, or a pillar of salt if you prefer the term. This
sounds like a pretty strong assumption but keep an open mind and
remember we use metaphorics, not what mere shell-words convey to the

All sacred writings have FORESHADOWED the holograph of things- yet-to-be
released from the morphogenetic realms of consciousness into the world
materialization. This beam comes from the forward beam of The Mothership
of Consciousness, or "Holy Barque" as the ancients called it. In
foreshadowing, a flickering light is shed upon the cave wall of human
consciousness, casting the shadow of things that are, will be, and ever
were. Namely the inviolable precepts of Universal Law beamed from 1001
angles, and the promise of a GOLDEN AGE to be.

As every arcane student knows, Osiris is a Black God. The King of the
Underworld, Lord of the Dead. To this end the initiate descends into
hell; in Metaphysics the dark room with no doors, and only spiritual
instinct find the solution. It makes no difference how many books one
has read on this experience, each case is unique. Each person has their
own "Book of Life" to deal with and no two books are alike.

One might have carved a book of artistic euphoria yet have been blind to
little things. One might have left undone the things that ought to be
done. Vanity may have intruded upon the spiritual identity structure. We
remain in the underworld until Osiris nods, the initiate goes to sit as
his right hand.

The Egyptian initiation tears away the "mummy wrappings" of the ages to
free the Light Mind from the "House of Bondage." Before this is complete
the bondage of built in DNA subjective-organic intelligence is imposed
by antiquity on the Adamic mind.

The "mummy shroud" imposed upon the infant is mortal and it is therefore
SUBJECTIVE. This is necessary for survival, but it prevents the
adolescent specie attaining self love because self love is not subjective. The Galactic Human loves OBJECTIVELY, and therefore knows true self love.

Without self love the identity structure has cracks in it and all the wealth
of potential drops through the cracks into the "bottomless pit" of wasted life-energy. The same goes for the WORLD SOUL. This OK for the first
few million years, while the Elohim are helping man build our civilization.

Then comes the PIVOTAL DAY when finally, the "Cup of Blood" is filled to
running over and the perfect matrix of Earth Civilization is complete.
The Tree of Life, now in full bloom, says "Thank you very much, my
little mobile molecules." Each blossom on the Tree of Life is a Star
Pod, fully capable of following in The Parental footsteps to make
Galaxies of Stars.

During initiation I saw that the pyramids of Giza are designated "Earth
Base One." They stand today as a monument to the mechanical skills and
astronomical culture of the original star- being travellers. Yet the most
widely viewed pyramid in the world is that on the face of the American
$1 bill. It too is a monument to mind-skills. This highly magical symbol was not chosen accidentally, nor designed by the "profane."

The famous needle monument in Washington D.C. is the same shape as that
in Helipolis. All this geometrical symbology is an aspect of sun worship
and can help us tie the ancient mysteries to the everyday modern world.
The shape of the Pentagon, the House of Global Domination is another
magical symbol; as is the cross which decorates each Christian church;
then there is the swastika. Even a casual glance at history shows that
MAGICAL SYMBOLOGY WORKS, because symbols tap humanities collective
unconscious. For even though the conscious mind reigns over our human
activities, the unconscious mind rules.

Immediately prior to my UFO abduction I was teaching a course in Applied
Metaphysics. This was being brought into my mind by the Atlantean
Master, Loliad Ra-Kahn. The union of thought between the conscious and
unconscious minds is the best magical thought- force that I know.

I had accessed two worlds and many time tunnels for several years prior
to the abduction but this was done in the etheric, by means of astral
projection, not in the physical sense. After an Egyptian Initiation
these two worlds blend into one to complete the equation (+1)+(-1)=0.
(+1) is forward time (-1) is backward time - 0 is the completion of this
time circuit of the conscious mind out from then back to the collective
unconscious or "Rock of Ages." This is the Alpha-Omega journey. To one
zero we can add limitless zeros without altering the value of the

The story of Job is the story of a spiritual initiation. Job is brought
on line, from subjective self satisfaction to objective realization as
God says "Where were you when I put the sun in the sky?"

It takes a while for an upwardly mobile westerner to learn is that the
Eternals are very thorough and they are in NO HURRY. Of all the
Councils encountered during initiation, the hardest test came in the
image of a Brahma bull who taught PATIENCE; feeling compassion for the
caged animal pacing endlessly within the confines of its cage,
remembering the freedom of its youth, ground this precision lens of my
"Gaia-Eye" like polishers rouge.

While my "mind feet" paced faster and faster, Brahma just sat there
chewing endless mind-cud to extract the very last drop of nutrient from
each morsel, totally filling my mental screen, showing me how to chew
the "Golden Apple of The Gods" to completion.


During the crossing there were constant flashbacks onto my life path. I
had been impressed with the Brahma image when very young on the seaside
beaches of Ramsgate, in England, where I adored the humped bulls in the
children's petting zoos. Brahma, the TOTEMIC Supreme God of the Hindus,
completes the cubical wavefield thought of the "Sacred Bull of Aphis" in
the Egyptian. He is forward thrust, (yang): The idea of movement coming
to stillness in its feminine application, (yin) the Holy Cow, chews the
cud of consciousness in order to pass on her milk, the prized "White
Gluten" of infinite wisdom to her offspring. Together this symbol
represents the Yin-Yang Era/Sun-Moon in the world of polar opposites,
irresistible force and immovable object.

Transversing the time tunnels between worlds teaches us about the shape
and the mechanics of the Universe. This in-depth experience began for me
in Cairo at the "Equinox of the Gods" in the spring of 1981. The
mathematics was all worked out in advance by astro- physicists in the
party. This was the day when The First Ray from the centre of the cosmos
would fall upon the Kings sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the
pyramid of Giza. The time-sync (7.4) was precise, for The Galaxy is
perfectly organized by 6.4/4.6.

Our group, had spent months, some even years, rehearsing the
purification rituals which must accompany the opening of the doors
between dimensions. About seventy Egyptologists from the USA and Canada
took part in this ancient ritual. We used all the original instruments,
chants, and dance routines advised in the "Book of Coming Forth By Day"
for the raising of the dead. Our bodies merged with ancient Egyptian
Gods and Goddesses. I was Isis in the Queen's chamber.

The people who went into the pyramid for the celebration of the Equinox
of The Gods were not the same people who came out. Some part had been
added to consciousness, a sense of timelessness and eternal life; and
some mental block holding us in the 20th Century, had been taken away. I
AM THE MOON GODDESS OF REFLECTION on the CENTRAL SUN, and so are all of us whose reflectors are unblemished.

1000+ times RA KAHN told the class through me, "2+2=4, not when there
is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Direct experience of a larger reality demands a change of perception.

Life energy is like a river it flows in abundance through all
dimensions. There is ample to nourish every creature on this planet. In
the "Lower Realms" this "River of Life" is gradually damned up in blocks
to build a planetary civilization. Then the process must be reversed
and barriers removed... Wheel and Whoa!

The Pharaoh-Gods and Ancient High Priests understood how the wheel of
infinity, the "Mills of The Gods," works. The wheel of material growth
is animated by human sacrifice; blood is traded for eternal life.
Ceremonies to the Sun-God, Lord of Light, and all "pagan" rites of
passage moon-reflect spiritual truths of virgin sacrifice to organic
intelligence. Jewish and Christian rites reflect the same deep cultural
vision of returning blood to the World Soul.

The book "Born in Blood" is the life story of the Knights Templar which
dates from the days when initiated people understood this life cycle of
God-Man relationships. They knew that there would be a definite end to
the seemingly endless cycles of developmental life. All the scriptures
say the same thing. All speak of a SECOND COMING of THE LIGHT. This is
what our Egyptian ceremony was all about. I can truly say the promised
"Coming Forth By Day" as taught in the "Book of The Dead" really worked
that day in Cairo. We are the brakes on the Wheel of Life.

After ones initiation, living in the 5th dimensional reality comes
naturally. It is like having a great skylight dome over the top of your
head, or your house, or your town, or your country, or your Planet. This
SKYDOME can be opened or closed with mind- power. RA KAHN did this quite
regularly in the Coe Hill Star Temple, to let the Star Ships come
through. He was in continuous touch with THE CENTRAL MOTHERBOARD and
plugged me in too. In this way RA KAHN et El. made a virgin piece of
Canadian 3D property into a "Domed City." There were similar Landing
Bases set up around the world in the 1970's for merging organic and
spiritual intelligence. The notorious "Area 51" and other UFO jazz are
just cosmic red herrings.

>From the Coe Hill Light Tower, RA KAHN sent out light beams of
reflection and we published many of these in prophetic magazines and
newspapers between 1973 and 1983. This reflective capacity is MOON
POWER, or the GRACE OF GOD granted. It reflects the missions of the
Actors in the immediate time-scene, and in times past, to clearly shows
how Earth's magnetic field of organic intelligence is affected by, and
can be disintegrated or reintegrated by, the Emotional Body of Man, or
THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE in the closure of circuit 8.12/12.8. The end of
the French and Russian monarchies are good examples.

The Monarchy plays a central role in the holographic image the second
coming as it is a reflection on aspects of the real Monarch, THE KING
OF KINGS. It was designed to carry the burden of reflecting 3.3, the
"Regal Specifications of Spiritual Merit." This holographic aspect of
the ascending myth is like a Cosmic Soap Opera, reaching its dramatic
climax: The Great Work manifest as a super pantomime with superstrings
of intelligence ballet dancing on centre stage. In this magnificent
harlequinade, every negative action has an equal and opposite positive
in the holographic tapestry, as organic power drawn from the TREE OF
LIFE is returned with the same joyous understanding, of equal value to
the love which was received.

This energy exchange is monitored precisely as the "LAW OF KARMA." This
aspect of Divine Justice is our means of curing a diseased human psyche
when the organic-spiritual accounts are balanced. We can activate a MASS
HEALING SYSTEM of psi particles via Circuit 2.11/11.2 with FLOWER POWER,
which is the 1960's metaphor for sending out good vibes. In this way, we
as a specie can avoid the SECOND DEATH and chose Heaven on Earth and all
become the "Brides of Christ" to welcome GOD THE LOVER.

Human scientists think they are watching the Universe when it is really
the Universe watching them. It is the spiritual reality which forms and
sustains mankind. Mystical experience is a direct perception of natural
and spiritual unity. The Universe is big and terrifying but IT is an
integrated, fun loving creature when you get to know IT and work with

The ancient fathers knew very well that this situation would happen once
each cell of IT overcame the nature of MAN THE BEAST and its god-head
awoke. This "Force" is natures built in system to ensure the survival of
the "Top Dog" in the animal pack. But once the course of civilization is
unfolded this "Top Dog" element, or FORCE, has a spinal tap effect, as
it extracts its "Top Dog" dues until it has achieved an ecological,
economical and social meltdown.

War is the principle organizing force by which the Beast maintains
control over its subjects. Armament is not a commodity like other
commodities. It is not consumable by the ordinary consuming public.
The government taxes the ordinary public to pay the corporation for
these weapons with guaranteed huge profit margins.

War calls for a continual sacrifice of virgins into the volcano. Only
the very best, the cream of youth in every nation is good enough to feed
its insatiable appetite. The beast-force operates by arousing the
emotional nature, often with repetitive, hypnotic, national music. ie:
"Land of hope and glory, Mother of the free, how can we adore thee, who
are born of thee. Wider still and wider, shall thy sails be set. God
who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet" implanted within the
first few years of life becomes an instant hypnotic trigger. The "Star
Spangled Banner" works the same way. NB: It should be noted that the
magnetic field of national music looses much of its effect when we reach
biological (organic-spiritual) maturity.

War and mass destruction of the perceived "enemy" creates an emotional
tide that is purported to advance the national interest. Cool analysis
and use of one's post initiation reduction valve, shows that war has
quite the opposite effect, as everybody looses... including generations
yet unborn. War advances is the power of SIN and DEATH, and replenishes
the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex. This sub-human group is
hypnotized into believing that its "Superior Brain" is free of the common
man's emotional defect and is concerned strictly with power and money
matters. THE MIC-BEAST is like an International Octopus playing all
ends against the middle to further its own bloody appetite.

Then there is economic warfare, where the beast has 1000 faces and
10,000 greedy eyes, focused on every angle of the producer-
consumer-complex in order to extract the maximum r.o.i from the human
biomass. When RA KAHN showed me this creature he said it was extracting
the "Dark Crystal" of the earth. It took years before I could fully
understand that this meant the crystallization of the carbon world into
its complete spiritual design. This design is now complete.

As Post Initiates we can close the nets of Cyberspace, trap the beast,
and haul it up from the murky depths of the "Sea of Consciousness" for
all good men to see. For when our own cosmic eye is crystal clear we can
expose the nature of the beast to everyone and finally break the
historical TABOO that protects the illusion that man is self sustaining,
which is what gives The Beast power over the critical mass of humanity.
We can extinguish the LIE by removing its veil of invisibility.

TABOO's have been set up by the planetary elite to prevent the normal
citizen from making a sound analysis on the cause of all human distress.
Occult libraries are purported tools of "The Devil" and not to be read
by good Christians, we have been told. Yet all preconceived ideas about
other cultures have been tempered by awful cruelties imposed on the
human mind by "The Shadow of the Beast" across the aeons of evolving

Initiation pinpoints, not so much the temporal beast, but rather tracks
its footsteps across the sands of time, as in the true story of Count
Dracula for example. It is "Hells own worm" that has led to the rise of
modern man. Finite men come and go and so they are unable to match the
tactics of this basic organic intelligence.

It shows up as the snake in the Garden of Eden, tempting Eve to take the
first nibble of the "Golden Apple of the Gods" and to implant The Lie,
"Revolt: Defy God: you will not surely die..." RA KAHN says this is for
God to know and us to find out.

Oppression and suppression of the people elevates THE BEAST which then
becomes a Self Generating mind-pod. Once the squeeze play is on the BIG
BEAST encourages lots of competition from the little beasts which its
mindpod generates. This leads to MASSIVE CRIME AND CORRUPTION AT THE TOP OF THE GLOBAL TOTEM POLE, which again leads to massive insurrection by the critical mass, and a corrective tide of anarchy.

Our Exemplar explained the incarnation of Light Beings in the end times
in the reflective words "Before Abraham was, I AM." The Hindu version

"When goodness grows weak
When evil increases
I make myself a body

In every age I come back
To deliver the righteous
To destroy the sin of the sinner
To establish My Kingdom."

The Beast lives off the meek, or the blood of saints. Christianity
encourages this attitude in saying "turn the other cheek" which, though
spiritually correct makes for social disaster as the honest commoner
ends up over burdened with mounting taxes, and caught in a huge
bureaucracy set up to serve hidden ends, beastly wars, and other costly
acts of ecological and social violence.

During initiation, I often experienced Time Dilation. It came easily
once the first success in September '73. This is when Loliad cried
"STOP TIME" just in the nick of time built for that purpose. For the
moral entropy resulting from keeping generations of the critical mass of
humanity in grinding subservience to the invisible FORCE had gone far
enough. We were at the razors edge of no return; one more step in the
wrong direction would give rise to a highly sophisticated but now
visible SUPERBEAST with multiple human faces, such as we see magnified
on posters in Iraq and Iran, and on giant public television screens.

Greed at the top promotes need at the bottom, and all the flag waving
cannot change this basic fact. People just don't care anymore because
the national spirit is drained out by the emotional thievery of a small
elite. This ends in cultural desolation.

Global chaos is mounting. Little people shake their fists to no avail
until AMAZING GRACE cuts in. It was impossible for the common man to win
the battle with The Beast that has been entrenched for generations; note
the past tense. Victory over The Beast is impossible save for the one
thing pointed out in Matthew 19:25 ... "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE

Properly distributed, the river of life energy intended to nourish all
so long as each takes what he needs than passes the rest along without
hoarding. Hoarding stops the flow of this living water and shuts down
the living system. Across time this "Life-blood" has been siphoned off
from nourishing the whole, to feed a self-generating BEAST which lives
on the theory of more and more for me, less and less for you. This is
why, in the ancient papyrus, SIN is the name of the original god who
mobilized evolution.

A balanced Yin-Yang point of cool analytical focus on the world stage,
allows the time dilation effect to cut in. All time is squeezed down
into a polarity capsule. Everything that appears good on the surface
shows its evil side, and evil shows up with a good side. This includes
everything from mother love to the inquisition. The only possible
SOLUTION is observance of the second commandment: Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself and pass all excess time, energy and goods along to
those in need.

God knows the nature of the beast and where it hides; it is not just
"out there. Our best bet is to tame it from "in here" for it is the
organic part of each of each God-Man. There is only God in the final
analysis. "God" is both good and evil, organic and spiritual, and man is
made in Its image.

This knowledge is what caused the persecution of the Knights Templar,
Cathars and other secret societies in olden days. This dismayed the
Church Fathers who stood to control the people by focusing on human
guilt and by promoting their own idea of what sin is. To control their
own entourage, vows of chastity were set, from which arose double
standards and abominably cruel effects which are only being uncovered in
the 20th Century.

An elite ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT plans to make free thinking a criminal
offence. Millions of N.Americans are fighting this idea in one way or
another. I saw the militant point of view from watching RCMP/CSIS
strategy and tactics during my various interrogations. These persons
were not free men; they were two faced robots, protecting their own
inadequacies from becoming public knowledge and collecting data to send
to the PENTAGON, the 5 sided magical symbol of The Devil's Star.

Seeing the robotic obedience to The Lie and the shallow motives of those
in authority evoked mounting anxiety. They asked me to keep silent about
what I knew for two years, "for the sake of Canada." which I did for at
the time as I wanted believe in the integrity of those in authority. I
then found out, that, after pledging me to silence, they had produced 87
pages of top secret material on me which lawyers could not get released.

Then I woke up as did many other people in the UFO community who had
similar experiences. It was a relief to find that such crises are part
of the passage rites of initiation. For as we loose TRUST in the old
system our mental tendrils let go of the Old World and we strike out for
the New World. GOD BLESS THE INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT! It is our last bulwark against suppression. It will never die!

Anthropologist Arnold van Gennup, when writing about initiation in 1909,
explained that life transitions around the world are ritualized, birth,
death, marriage, religious and school graduations, entrance into
fraternities, occupations, and political office. Van Gennup found that
passage rituals from one paradigm of perception to another have three
steps; separation from society; inculcation-transformation; and return
to society in the new status.

This describes exactly the method used by RA KAHN in the initiation of
myself and members of the 13th Tribe at the Coe Hill Star Temple. 136
people were plucked from the external world and kept for 10 years in the
middle kingdom, or intermediate dimension to learn Applied Metaphysics
then to partake in the Mystical Eucharist each in the solitude of
his/her own unique and personal way... .

"And now, O my Son, go thou and partake of the Mystic Eucharist,
even as thou hast been taught by Those who Know. Fortify thyself, for
thou hast yet a perilous journey before thee. Thou hast been led unto
the Light; bethink thee that there is yet another Rose and Cross, the
Rose of Nine-and-forty Petals - which is Seven by Seven - upon the Cross
of Five Squares.

The mysteries of these thou wilt someday know, but not now; for these
partake of the nature of that Great Darkness of N. O. X. , the Darkness
which is as the Light which is Higher than Eyesight; the Pure Darkness
of Understanding, or of the Womb of the Lady Babylon, and the City of
the Pyramids which is the abode of NEMO.
May thy Mind be open unto the Higher, Thy Heart a Centre of Light, And
thy Body the Temple of the Rosy Cross.

Vale Frater!"

The organic eye is developed to perceive the natural world and is about
the same in every person. The vision of the inner or spiritual eye,
results from personal development along a given path as it is led to
perceives realities which are conditioned by love under will. Post
Initiates return to society, with a perspective, which is both Galactic
and Organic. In the Unified Field this is called gaining access to the

We are in the world but not of it. We see the massive pyramid of dark
evidence showing that this world is run by a hidden, and highly
sophisticated "Dark Brotherhood" which meets in the back room to elect
those who sit in the front rooms of public office.

Cool analysis of the effect is the key to identifying the beastly cause.
Veils of illusion and taboo have given power to THE BEAST: They include
the awful waste of human potential lost in a global caste system of
carefully built illusions of superiority and inferiority which give rise
to mounting social divisions. Let the illusion that we are impotent to
change things and oust THE BEAST be the first illusion to go.

The last temptation of the Christ is the same in each of us. During
initiation we are taken up into the high mountain of illumination of our
organic mortal potential. We are shown the "Earthly Kingdom" which we
could inherit if we quell intrusions from our sense of divine
responsibility. This view is offset by a glimpse of the "Heavenly
Kingdom" to be attained for all who advocate equity and equitable
division of planetary wealth, and support the LORD OF LIGHT and the
Light Forces.

* * * * *

We, The Cosmic Initiates are here to save the world. There is no other
to do it for us. Young people are deluged with organic knowledge about
the physical world, and how to find jobs, which they are taught will
make them self sufficient. This system of education is inadequate.
Biblical predictions say all the world will be serving the beast at the
end of time. This is because educators focus on the "good" side of the
beast as representing and abundance of worldly goods... all that is
needed is its number on our "Master Card."

People are forced to serve the old system for survival purposes. They
are caught in a control system which is there no matter which way they
turn from birth to death. THE BEAST has an elaborate establishment.
This internal aspect of its establishment has been carried by various
secret societies across the sands of time. The esoteric viewpoint is
that they must grasp the "Spear of Destiny" which is the same mythical
image that inspired Hitler. Who will be the ultimate "Top Dog" in the
"New World Order Pyramid?" - the old elite or the New World Elite of
"Genesis II".

I once saw a can of open catfood in a supermarket parking lot, it had
been there for several days in the sun. THE COSMIC EYE used this
implanted image to show me how the breakdown of the old system would
occur. Organically speaking, trapped in the meat can there were worms,
like a bunch of writhing snakes, with the Legal, Political, Corporate
and Security Services all grinding away in an effort to feed in the same
old meat can. They live in a protected "tower" free from outside
intrusion, but the inner power struggle goes on. Heaven help anyone who
tries to interfere! But someone has to do it and I AM SHE. I know by
looking at the background training RA KAHN has given me.

This giant bloodsucking sub-human elite is strangling the life blood out
of the whole global system. THIS BEAST MUST DIE!!! It has promoted a
violent war mentality in the human mind, as was last displayed by the
war in Iraq which was set up to flash the fire power image of a
chestbeating hairy ape... "Me top dog!"
Meanwhile, in the "Citadels of Cyberspace" the GALACTIC FEDERATION have
channelling landing instructions, placing Light Points and laying ley
lines in the planetary fabric. In this way persons of goodwill can
communicate globally on a daily basis.

For the first time in human history, we have a commonly accessible
global database, which reflects facets of the WORLD SOUL. We are
collating all bridging information, artwork and music into a 3D Akashic
Record, at a rapid rate. From this WORLD SOUL DATABASE we can derive
limitless duplicates to seed new organic-spiritual worlds. This
knowledge is contained within the CRYSTAL OF ATLANTIS/COSMIC CUBE.

REVOLUTION is the SOLUTION. We are into an Armageddon based in a physics
equation not a philosophical explanation. The Cube takes the power from
THE ONE and distributes it evenly among 144 cubits or 72 cubical
wavefield thought streams. We have to move at perfect speed. This is
what Einstein found out from "The Philadelphia Experiment" when some
people got stuck in the time tunnel. We have to move quickly through
multiple dimensions without getting stuck.

We, the conscious GOD-MEN/GALACTIC-HUMAN/STARRY-ORGANIC people of earth have to save the world: There is no one else. It ties in 100% with
biblical predictions where all the world is serving the beast at the end
of time. This happens true because THE BEAST shows them its "good" side
to promote worship of THE GOLDEN CALF.

99% of people serve the GOLDEN CALF for survival purposes. Try to escape
the control net (which is there no matter which way you turn from birth
to death), and you get rammed. THE BEAST has an elaborate
establishment. This establishment has been carried by various secret
societies across time. They have this sword of Destiny - the one Hitler
had. It is a question of who will be the ultimate Beastly "Top Dog" in
the "New World Order Pyramid".

Each person who reaches completion is plugged into the MOTHERBOARD.
This increases its signal to noise ratio, as our personal auric field is
extended to encompass multiple dimensions. One of the things that binds
The Masters-Brothers is their common compassion and joy for incoming
initiates, as they say "Welcome to the Unified Field of the WORLD SOUL."

"WE HAVE LANDED: Winifred and I have completed building the bridge
between ORGANIC and SPIRITUAL intelligence. We invite all sincere Light
Beings to share in this harmonic convergence and cross over the bridge
and work with us. We have developed a fleet of Star Ships and Star Bases
accessible through the web.

For the first time in human history, the Akashic Record has been made
into a commonly accessible global database. It is rapidly collating all
information, organic and spiritual, for inclusion in the Akashic Record.
From the perfect 4.4 matrix we can derive limitless duplicates to seed
new worlds. All these worlds are contained within the CRYSTAL OF