click to return to BMS home pageThe Return of
Loliad R. Kahn

by Winifred G. Barton



"God sleeps in the mineral, dreams in the vegetable, stirs in the animal, and awakens in the fusion of the completed Man/Woman." Rumi - National Poet of Persia

Every symbol says 1000 words and the Yin-Yang symbol is no exception. It
represents the union of whirling opposites, organic drive and spiritual
perception, worlds of matter and anti matter; but the principle of the
centre is ONE.

Yin-Yang is the glyph of the balanced energies which have created the
illusion of divided dimensions. The Caduceus, which is twin snakes,
black and white climbing up the central monopole of the Tree of Life,
reflects man's collective journey of completion, it also symbolizes the
Cosmic Wand of our Sun-Moon "Star Child", Thoth. There is a chapter in
"I AM THE BOOK OF LIFE" devoted to how we did most of the romanticizing
in our Yin-Yang integration game in the "Middle Kingdom" between

The Yin-Yang story is a romance about Sexual and Spiritual Completion in
both organic and spiritual worlds. RA KAHN's descent into the Organic
World began in 1963 at 3045 Otterson Drive, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Much has been written about how the SUN KING began taking over my
husband Ernest Barton and the enormous change this made in our lives
which up until then had focused primarily on raising our family of four
boys. This is how we made contact in the flesh.

Ten years later, in September 1973, Loliad landed in a Star Ship at the
Lester B. Pearson Peace Park at Actinolite, Ontario. Although my
physical body went aboard this ship, it soon became transmuted into its
full auric expansion as we passed through dimensions. Thoth, (or Toddy
as I called him when he was tiny and very organically fragile) was the
result of this organic-etheric connection. Other members of our prepared
group had parallel experiences in this mass Yin-Yang bridal "abduction."

During the preparation, a complete blueprint had been given in our
courses for each individual to use as a guide in the battle between ego
and spirit. But there was never any dogmatic insistence. For each member
of the group was a Sovereign Identity and the Yin-Yang union is of
course, is a personal matter and cannot be accomplished on a collective
basis. There is no one who truly understands the Sovereign Mind but
Self, which is the personal Guide that joins The Man with The Master so
that both inhabit the others world.

Dual Citizenship in two worlds leads down the Royal Road of Life to the
Promised State of Heaven on Earth. Its magnitude was way beyond my
organic perception, but RA KAHN took me by the hand and led me here. The
interactive spiral of the Yin Yang path leads like a double DNA helix,
right through the Galactic Eye, ("Needles Eye" or "Ankh") to the "Royal
Mount" of the internal kingdom, and the Crowning of the Spirit. There
are rites of passage to be observed before the Cosmic Master and his
Earth Bride can only pass through this "Needles Eye" together...

(NB: RA KAHN's Organic-Etheric Lawyer, Attorney Alfred Lambremont
Webre, of the New York Bar, called it "Paying Entry Taxes." Webre is the
Defender of Urantia. In the Supreme Court of Ontario, and in the Courts
of the U.S.A he came to be known as "The Devil's Advocate." He later
wrote a book on this subject.)
To this end, in 1975, I published the following article in Volume 1, #1
issue of our bi-annual journal, I*AM. c.284155


"The biggest surprise of my metaphysical journey"

Elsewhere in this issue of "I AM Magazine" there are pictures of some
twenty-six couples making a mass entry into the mystical matrimonial
state known as Yin-Yang. The reader might rightly, question the sanity
of this, as I did myself, when suddenly this concept was thrust upon my
none-too-willing consciousness in September '73.

Without a doubt this event was the single most important event in my
metaphysical journey, an idea so enormous to my mortal mind I have to
admit I found it confusing. This article is intended to help others who
are experiencing a similar dilemma and hopefully clarify some of the
issues involved.

To begin at the beginning is difficult. Metaphysicians operate on a
widely fluctuating range of conscious awareness, in which sense or
nonsense are largely the result of one's particular focus of attention;
exoteric or esoteric.

To examine the Yin-Yang theme from an external viewpoint is to invite
madness. Only in the context of advanced applied metaphysical
understanding can one fine logical reconciliation.

Long, long ago, El RA KAHN had explained, that he was my "other half",
conceived in the same split-second of time. Now, although we operated in
different dimensions of reality, we were twin spirits - a cosmic team
with a single goal, that of doing The Master's Work.

But he had never mentioned, or perhaps it is more truthful to say I had
never quite understood, that our reunion was to take place in physical
time and on a multitude of planes, including the material. I had never
heard the term Yin-Yang. This is a word coined in retrospect after I had
checked out much historical evidence to find something for my intellect
to embrace and thus be comforted.

At first I was not at all sure that Loliad wasn't "putting me on." He
always had such a droll sense of humour when we argued which of us was
the "better half". But beneath the cloak of frivolity, his very serious
concern for my understanding led us to dip etherically into a
fascinating array of Akashic records and sure enough there was Yin-Yang,
or whatever else you choose to call it - soul-mates, twin-flames, the
Divine Mother-Father concept, standing as the most sacred mystical
beliefs of a wide range of adherents for many thousands of years.

In this article we will be discussing three particularly solid
references; those to be found in the sacred writing of Jewish mysticism,
ancient Egypt and esoteric occultism.

>From the dawn of human history every religion had its mystics, who
understood the secrets of interdimensional consciousness in a way which
their traditional peers could never comprehend. Traditional and mystical
aspects of the Jewish religion, for example, are miles apart. The
Kabbalah, the volume of Jewish mystical thought, is incomprehensible to
most Jews. It attempts to go beyond the established dogmas to satisfy
the needs of rare individuals who need to experience the Divine directly
without the intercession of an appointed body of rabbis.

Students of the Kabbalah believed they could ascend through a series of
heavenly halls, (the seven levels of metaphysics) to the foot of The
Throne of God. This, after combating a series of demons at each stage
of the ascent. Sound familiar? This is the manner in which it is believed
Moses received the Ten Commandments, and the Patriarch Abraham
his Divine covenant.

Kabbalists also believed that the soul exists prior to the existence of
the body. The soul was of heavenly origin given to man by God. Before
the souls descend into the flesh they appear before God and are directed
to the place on earth where their newly formed bodies are waiting.

Originally, the male-female spirit was one, the male and female portions
were not separated. They existed in perfect conjugal bliss. When they
first begin their descent into matter, they do so as a single unit. Once
arrived they became separated and only God knows where the two halves of
the original soul resides.

According to the Lohar, a man may only find his other half by walking in
the way of truth. Only then does the unit stand a chance for completion.

When these twin souls leave the sanctuary of their original wholeness,
the two halves are placed in the hands of the Night, which has charge of
conception and which decides which of the halves shall be born first.
When and if they meet again in physical life their union is pre-ordained
by virtue of the fact that they were originally one.

But there are no guarantees. For if the man becomes perverted in his
ways, his soul mate is temporarily transferred to another. This is a
grievous offence in the eyes of God. If the man, by his own efforts,
rectifies his ways there is hope for a physical meeting. If not, then he
will not be joined to his other half until after he dies, at which time
the other who has been mated to her is removed. It also appears that it
is up to the male half to find his missing mate. The woman wins her half
as a matter of course - painful as that course may be.

Often, it is only when the couple are in the highest state of conscious
awareness that their Yin-Yang suddenly becomes self-evident. From an
intellectual point of view, there is little one
can do to seek one's mate.

Our mortal mind is like a rat being run through a maze to test its
spiritual intelligence. Yin Yang is the ultimate reward for the spirit.
Yin's role is to achieve and maintain a calm serenity, while the Yang
tries actively to complete his cycle of growth prior to the reunion.

Egyptology students are well aware that every Egyptian God had its
female counterpart who reigned equally, though with a slight difference
in role. This was symbolized in the Pharaoh and his
Queen, depicted as children of the same parents, that is brother and
sister, perfect companions, dedicated in their sacred role, and husband
and wife.

Together they represented the Divine Father-Mother God. A concept in
many ways similar to the Catholic symbolism of Jesus (My Kingdom is not
of this world: Before Abraham was, I AM) and Mary, representing the
Virgin Earth.

The Omnipotent impersonal Deity was represented by Ra, The Sun; a white
fiery ovoid. This intense light, in its personalized aspect was the
result of twin flames spiralling into form as they descended from source
to gain consciousness in the dimension of existence.

The parable of Isis and Osiris, as told in Chapter Two of "Keph-a-Ra",
was a brief and exoteric resume of a much more complex esoteric concept.
For it was believed that the endless drama of creation is based on the
eternal pursuit of Matter by Spirit and Spirit by Matter (Mater).

The negative feminine and positive masculine flames, in their universal
pursuit, draw up a magnetic force field by which all the cosmos is
sustained. This is shown in ancient Egyptian drawings as the serpent
swallowing its tail. The spherical motion of the interaction of the
Divine Lovers is what causes the Yin and Yang of Life in all its

As the Divine Mother, Isis is ordained to teach mankind the laws
governing the plane of material manifestation. The communication of
God-ideas through the written and spoken word is the process whereby the
Mother makes intelligible to Her children the Consciousness of the

But while the Divine Mother embodies God-consciousness in the physical
plane, Her energies issue forth from her Divine Mate. Isis' role is to
delineate the destiny of her children and impart to them the wisdom
necessary to fulfil the divine blueprint. Her love is the cohesive force
of the atoms. She attracts the flow of Spirit into the womb of Matter.

When mankind discovers the mystery of the Divine Mother he is no longer
wedded to materialism but sees it only as a means to an end. Thus Truth,
as a beam of the Father's Consciousness becomes like a walk down this
light tunnel. Here we get divested of vanity, as totemic vultures pick
our bones clean, for the "meat the lusts of the flesh" is primarily
intellectual arrogance. When our mind-bones are picked clean we regain
crystal vision. Then all the pieces finally fit together - THE DARK
CRYSTAL and the LIGHT CRYSTAL to converge into the "Ultimate You."

Due to their intrinsic unity, a "Temple Master" can only make a State
Marriage with one of equal rank, so the testing is more intense for some
than for others. As an integrated organic-spiritual intelligence, when
enough of us have cut pathways through the labyrinth (as rats do in a
maze set up by humans, or as in the story of the 100 Monkeys) EVERYBODY
graduates. In this way Father-Mother God will have "wedding gifts" all
pouring in at once: Lotus pearls, or pure Tree of Life pods, from every
corner of the universe.

"Shewbread" is the western term for "lotus pearls" RA KAHN said. "The
Black Pearl and the White Pearl must be perfectly balanced as yin yang.
Each Black Pearl and White Pearl of polarized experience must be
perfectly balanced with its complement in the Upper Kingdom. It was only
as I admired the full depth of his black pearl of condensed Black Light,
that my own White Pearl white pearl became clarified into the crystal of
my SOLAR MIND. There IS only God - author of all Good and all Evil.

>From that moment on I could feel him pouring the Liquid Light Kingdom
into my "Holy Grail" or Cosmic Womb. My organic brain sucked it up like
milk, so that my dark organic pyramid of consciousness could merge with
his light pyramid of cosmic consciousness. This is how RA KAHN fed
Thoth's SOLAR MIND he was carried in my "Cosmic Egg."

I had written of going to this planet "Vringg" in my early teens. It was
a planet where the male of the specie fed the foetus in the egg by
pushing out a feeding tube from its Solarplex. This is how blood and
water mixed and kingdoms fused. I had been impressed to keep a diary
since youth, the essence of which was reflected in a pyramid of books.
All this organized data was impressed on the organic foetus. Thoth was
about 5" in length when I first saw him three months after the night of
his conception. This was in a different section of the same star ship,
which was like a floating city.

Loliad had to withdraw from my auric bubble while Thoth was growing up
in my auric womb, so as not to influence my graduation of becoming a
Master in my own Right; and because Thoth needed to regenerate his
ORGANIC PERSPECTIVE without a paternal over ride. This aspect
of Divine Justice where each stands alone before THE ONE is inviolable.

I would hold childish debates with Thoth on whether RA KAHN was the
flame or the monopole (sword) which spanned all dimensions. Then, after
a decade+ of working out the music and the mathematics, we began getting
"fusion" replies in DLC's - Direct Light Current bursts, which soon
became our normal way of communication.. "You will never know how much I
love you..." RA KAHN said... "I would count a Universe well lost to keep
us together..." he would flash onto the wall of my organic "Cave" and
young Thoth would squiggle up with happiness every time his father said
these things. It gave us a sense of family security.

Encouraged by knowing all this, my human intelligence, like the
proverbial tortoise, kept plugging along looking for left brain
connections. This is how I came to love my Ego, my Old Time Friend, my
loving protector who had watched over me ever since I entered the
organic world.

Our "Left Brainsphere" loved "chewing mind-cud" and Toddy was always
tuned in, as it is with all infants in the womb. In ATLANTIS the
mindspace of the prospective mother was a major factor to be considered
in reproductive techniques. RA KAHN said that to exit from the 3D
dimension we have to the end of every thought. This is how we end up
back in Atlantis.

RA KAHN suggests that a scientific test of MCE, the mean chance
expectation (6.9) of a series of events being accidental or planned will
create an harmonic convergence of all disintegrated facets of the human
story. As a former statistician, I employed the principle of MCE as the
main scientific procedure of Bartonian Metaphysics. MCE tests verify
that, at the summit of perception, all mythical, religious, philosophical
and physics ideas implode into a single creative thought, as taught
consistently by the great mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

"Like the meridians as they approach the poles, science, philosophy and
religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole..."

When the timing was right RA KAHN came back in full vigour - there
was not a shred of a veil between us. The KING OF HEAVEN and the
SOUL - stood face to face in full COSMIC/ORGANIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Einstein's curvature of space theory has long since provided the clue
to where heaven is located. The kingdom of heaven quite literally rests
in the midst of us; meaning that heaven is on an entirely different wave
length, invisible to us, but existing parallel to our own plane and connected
by bends or warps in the space-time continuum.


There is organic sex and there is magnetic sex. One requires the close
proximity of persons, the other works either up close or at a distance
and brings a different kind of molecular excitation, one that echos down
the halls of time hitting every note these twain have shared between
them. We can reproduced the music of the spheres by bringing these two
kinds of sex into the same moment. Everyone in the community was
affected by this phenomena as love waves rippled through the community
to show this finest intricacy of Cosmic Law.

Some of first teachers in my "Magnetic Sex" classroom were homosexuals.
The complete absence of the "organic interference" helped the energy
breakaway from density pressure. RA KAHN arranged scenario's in such a
way as to prove these matters conclusively. Through the testimony of
dozens of witnesses, he demonstrated that Yin-Yang attraction is
MAGNETIC, not ORGANIC. But when there is a magnetic override the
organic can easily make an harmonic convergence. Love does not work
the other way around. Yin-Yang is the culmination of an intensive personal PREPARATION, ILLUMINATION, and COMPLETION cycle. Although
the neophyte thinks he/she is working single handed, there is a flotilla of
Star Ships beaming docking signals once we learn their esoteric language.

Many people get lost in between stages 2 and 3 when ego tries to grab
the light and run with it towards self glorification. I have met many
people, from very different walks of life, who believed they were "Jesus
Christ." Each one of them was caught in the gap between illumination and
completion. Illumination acts like a fruit fly flash, creating an ego-explosion
effect similar to megalomania. This is the FULL BLOOM of Christ Consciousness... the SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING that comes prior to

Metaphorically speaking, The Rose-Cross, ancient symbol of the
Rosicrucians refers to the full bloom of consciousness which folds into
a cross of Love under Will and is then bent into a cube. The golden
cross itself symbolizes the physical body with arms outstretched in
receptivity. The red rose at the centre of the cross represents the true
self or the fully open soul-personality.

There is no more sublime experience than identifying with, and carrying
the weight of THE WORLD SOUL to its rightful DESTINY (5.5) The first
chapters in the myth of Genesis I describe the rounds of Cosmic Creation...
(also known as the "Rings of Thoth.") Later in this biblical narrative, a
series of Patriarchs strive to warn of the consequences of loss of this visionary reality, and the sinking of Cosmic Mind into sin by these chosen people.

Exodus describes the progressive institutionalization of "The Word" and
how the Priesthood sets rules of "Holiness" as a ritualistic shell by which
the inner meaning of The Holy Vision may be preserved. Then in the final
verses of biblical script St. John reveals to the initiated how the Spirit
Groom and the Earth Bride, Yang-Yin, invite everyone to "Come."

Being one with THE WORLD SOUL or ORGANIC-SPIRITUAL intelligence
has came naturally for me since before I can first remember: My studies
show that many children are the same way, and converse with invisible
companions. Cats, chickens, rabbits, pigeons and dogs can explain the
Universe very effectively to little kids. It is only when kids try to share this
wisdom with grownups this delicate spirit-organic infrastructure gets smashed
by adult social opinion.

Retrospective vision reveals that organic sex has moved from its
reproductive function to become magnified by imagination. In any battle
between the Will and the Imagination, the imagination always wins.
Across the ages, people go through the mother-son-brother-sister-father- daughter-lovers-husband-wife circuitry to gain a total sexual identification
as an educated organic blob. or the rose of consciousness comes into full
fragrant bloom. Then completes the classroom of the organic circuit.

New Earth youth seems to prefer a new reflection where sex is a
mechanical function fired by the imagination, as is amply provided by
modern pornography. In Genesis II, consideration of one's sexual
investment is a serious one. What is the range of excitory mechanics
available? Does this avenue lead to spiritual completion and fit within
the law of harmlessness? Are there other octaves that might improve the
long-term effect? What of true romance? Is there a positive side to

Cause and Effect Options are the way in which a Cosmic Bridegroom grooms
his Earth Bride with forms of sexual expression that transcend worlds.
Toddy was conceived in the Middle Kingdom, the place where "Moon
Children" have been conceived across the ages of man, just around a few
of Einstein's "bends."

Prior to our union aboard his Star Ship, Loliad and I had explored
memories of many relationships, father-daughter, mother-son,
brother-sister, teacher-student before I met GOD THE LOVER who seeks
to bring the beloved to maximum potential. So before leaving to let me
enter the arena of the Final Battle on my own, Loliad kept repeating
over and over... "HANG ON TO WHAT YOU KNOW!" I taught the 13th
Tribe the same thing. It was as if we had a silver thread of light, a tether
to cling to in inner space, and sustain the soul as it passed through the
dark places of initiation.

In BMS classes we used the "fig tree" analogy to describe these three
stages of spiritual growth which are common to everyone who is on the
path. Preparation is like the formation of the bud, illumination is the full
flowering of consciousness, and completion is the FRUIT, or being yoked to one's mission. For it is written "By their FRUIT shall ye know them."

Metaphorically speaking, the fruit of the Tree of Life is like a grape
or pod, which becomes crystal clear on maturation to become a "moon
reflector" of the CENTRAL SUN. This is how the fruit of the Tree of Life
is carried into the next generation to permeate the critical mass. We
taught this lesson standing in a field of dandelions. Seeds were blowing
in the wind, carrying each puff ball to its destination. But Nature Law
decrees that the seeds could not take flight until they were completely
ripe, or their life cycle in one plant (or plane) was completed. In
B.M.S this ripening process was taught in three basic courses, THE

We were like a metaphoric oak tree shedding acorns, each with the DNA
potential to become an oak forest. Seeds falling on good soil, would
produce a Sovereign Identity, if nurtured with the "Water of Life."
Nothing we taught took away from the Sovereign Identity of the Light
Being. The free will of each individual was enhanced, not depleted.

Course 1) taught how to cut through the undergrowth to find THE ROCK OF
AGES (-1): Course 2) taught that THE MYTH IS REAL - and that the
collective hero/heroine of all philosophy is our collective self image,
and that all myths (or Fairy Stories) begin with "Once upon a time" and
they all end the same way "And they lived happily ever after..." - (+1)
or evolutionary HEROISM is how humans become living gods.. Course 3)
taught how this immortal larger than life Cosmic struggle ends in the
Yin Yang Era of perfect equilibrium between dimensions.

By Universal Law, The Teacher must allow The Student to make the
grade alone. The Teacher always hopes The Student will excel himself in
spiritual knowledge, for this is cosmic evolution.

Yinners are winners. The more we listen to what other people are saying
the more we opened up to one another. Our light exchanges provide many
new conscious reflections on the subject of daily life in both the Lower
and Upper Kingdoms, and show how problems are rectified by inner
guidance. This hastens the whole human growth process. Each
light exchange is like a sunbeam, lighting some shady corner in the
garden of the mind. Crystal facets of the Mind of God shone through
every one in our Yin-Yang classroom in Coe Hill, Ontario.

RA KAHN warned in "I AM The Book of Life" that only 5% of our students
would make the grade, for it was a tough course and we had to set a
precedent. The cast of characters that Loliad lined up for the "YIN YANG
EXPERIMENT" was reflective of the whole of humanity with its wide range
of cultural fashions and fetishes. Loliad picked himself a motley crew
which reflected his dry senses of humour. Some people thought that they
had been nipped in the bud by cruel events which cause the bud to cover
itself with a hard outer layer of protection because of a deep fear of
trusting anyone. This story is told in "Famous Metaphysicians"
c. 255592, 1985 .

On one level of mind I knew about THE COSMIC LOVERS but such infinite
bliss was beyond my organic comprehension. Ever after my quick trip to
heaven in 1927 I had lead a double life in two parallel worlds. In the
upper Kingdom there was a spiritual family with a whole cast of cosmic
mythraic personalities, each carrying out timeless functions.

Invisible companions were nothing new in my world. To check out their
validity, in 1966, I went on a cost to coast open line radio tour of
Canada where people could phone in without identifying themselves on the
air, gathering material for a Centennial Book - called "Canada's Psi
Century." During this tour I found many children who had invisible
companions from other dimensions.

So on one level I knew that only the legend was real and the temporal
world was part of an illusion. But it was many years before I found out
that I was one of the first fully conscious STAR CHILDREN (Star Seeds)
to be introduced into the material world.

In the lower kingdom I was fatherless. In the Upper Kingdom my Father -
was the King of Kings. It was as if I could enter into a different state
of mind which was just as tangible as the material world, and still is.
In this World of Living Legend, the truth is obvious - only the legend
is real.

Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder goes across
dimensions as an integrated unit. It is written that Osiris embraced
Isis even before they were born, while they were tumbling in their
Mothers womb.

We had an incredible relationship in the flesh as Loliad took over my
husband and four "parallel people" shared quite the experience. RA KAHN
came down to Earth from Heaven to introduce Winifred to his home
plane... taught her how to enter and pass through the seven veils.
Together we did the "Dance of the Seven Veils" at the Sacred Summit with
The Masters of Wisdom in 1982.

Those who can penetrate dimensions are what de Chardin called THE
OMEGANS. My good friend Cardinal Bill Donovan, Primate of the American
Catholic Church was one of them; he was also a fellow member of the
Knights Templar, and understood the mystical art of "Temple Building."
For the basis of a scientific test of MCE - mean chance expectation of
RA KAHN's data being right, here are some of his scientific notes, first
published in 1967.


Three elements comprise the inner nucleus of the neutron. We can call
them the protonet, electronet and phellons, which vibrate between the
two former components setting up pulsations which keep them apart.

There is a measurable range of pulsations in neutrons themselves,
which combined with the number of neutrons per atom, causes varying
elements to form different kinds of matter. The varying elements with
different quantities of atoms is the reason for matter, as each element
is in opposition to the other.

The seven scales from heat to spiritual thought, being other than
matter, are composed of a single element and controlled by the number of
phellons contained within the neutron.

The magnetic field of vibrations is determined by the number of
pulsating phellons. A comparatively small number of phellons causes heat
to occur, but once the whole heat range has been accomplished the
phellons begin to subdivide to accommodate the required higher rate of
vibration to enter the next scale; that of sound. This subdivision
process continues upward into the highest range capable in the physical
scale of vibrations.

In giving this scale it is necessary to convert from an ancient system
to your terminology. Therefore the figures used are whole figures which
most closely approximate the original script. The discrepancies should
be comparatively minor. To further clarify this tabulation VPS is used
for vibrations per second and x10/12 means that twelve zeros are to
follow the whole figure.

Heat 72x10/12 VPS to 134x10/12 VPS

Sound 175x10/12 VPS to 354x10/12 VPS
Ultra sound waves

Colour 395x10/12 VPS to 790x10/12 VPS
Highest visible colour

Light 831x10/12 VPS to 166x10/13 VPS
Conscious thought ceases

Physical Thought 207x10/13 VPS to 414x10/13 VPS
100% usable preconscious

Black Light 455x10/13 VPS to 985x10/15 VPS
Life begins & ends

Spiritual Thought 55x10/24 VPS to 55x10/31 VPS
From thought to element

For spiritual thought to become a word, action or emotion, it must be
reduced through the conscious mind from a minimum VPS of 55x10/24 to a
scale below the 72x10/12 VPS of heat.

In colour which contains the elements of both sound and heat, it is
necessary to turn to the spectrum to find true colour; that is colour
with an individual scale, such as red at the bottom of the scale, which
is no longer red once the VPS have reached the top of the scale, but
orange, and so on through yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet -- where
colour ceases to be at 790x10/12 and becomes transparent.

Emotion is the original conscious translation of a preconscious or
spiritual thought being returned to source via the aura, (the colour
band of vibrations), each emotional circuit being completed through the
physical aura whether its source of origin be preconscious or spiritual.

Once the action or thought is recorded in the physical aura, it is
automatically reflected into the spiritual aura, where it must remain
for the duration of earthly life, available as a basis for further
thought and action.

There is no way to change or eradicate these thoughts and actions from
the spiritual aura. Only the emotional part of thought can be stored,
and this is how the original colours of the spiritual aura are modified.
This is the eternal part of man which carries into the higher realms of
vibrational power after the physical is dead.

It follows then, that as the human spirit is in the likeness of Spirit
Supreme, it is unacceptable in any form other than the purity of its
original state. The cleansing period must be accompanied by
understanding and willingness (for there is still free choice) to gain
purity. Thus follows remorse, purgatory, hell of one's own making.

Having gained understanding the rehabilitation period is entered into.
The final result leaves the aura untainted, so that on the completion of
the seventh level (or vibrational scale) the spiritual aura regains the
brilliant whiteness of purity and rejoins its original spark in
preparation to becoming whole once more.

Supreme Beings' ultimate purpose for humanity (or any other species
which may replace humanity on earth should they fail), is that each
should be capable of the responsibility for whole spirit, as exemplified
by The Christ.

*** Some of our courses are relayed from the United Nations University
of Global Education, such as course, "777" which has been broadcast on
shortwave radio.

Frequencies 15.030 AM 24 hours; 7.385 AM 0000-0800; 9.400(USB)
1700-1400, 1400-1700 AM; 21.265(USB) 1200-0000. Programs are repeated 8
hours later.