click to return to BMS home pageThe Return of
Loliad R. Kahn

by Winifred G. Barton



In the same way that neutering makes an adult cat super sensible to a wider horizon of consciousness, so it is with people... mentally speaking that is. YIN YANG is a mind whose mirror of consciousness has
polished in the internal holocaust or the "Volcano of Fire" until it has become neutralized to all forms of violence.

As God opens the "Cisterns of the deep" the Holocaust principle covers
people and nations alike. YIN YANG is the Neutral Observation Point that
comes when "the smoke of her burning," the burning of the old inner city
where we once lived, has died away, and our ancestors are avenged.

Truth is relative to the position of the observer. Forms of carbon based
knowledge are built up by the polarized extension of "good" and "evil."
They become increasingly complex until they reach their limit at which
time the old reality pattern of Genesis I becomes obsolete. Man then
becomes "as one of us" meaning fused with the Enlightened Mind of The
Elohim of the CRYSTAL CITY.

MAITREYA came to make the ATONEMENT. But that is another story.

New forms rise to fit new paradigms of thought. They extract the "vital
sap" from the old form and throw away the outer husk. This is explained
in Coil#9 of the Cosmic Cube.

manipulate the opinions and habits of the masses, constitute an invisible
government which is the true ruling power on earth. The common man
becomes wiser because he is not so well cushioned against the invading
reality of high consciousness as the ruling elite. He therefore gains
the depth of consciousness called wisdom. By breaking away from this
"House of Bondage" an independent cyberspace community composed of
common men from all walks of life can cause a mindshift by beaming out
SOLUTIONS from its "Citadels in Cyberspace."

Ignorance of The Law of Karma is no excuse; karma works constantly and
automatically. Words are the virus which contaminate our society. They
show the condition of the mindspace from which they come. Leaders who
use linear thought rather than cubical wavefield thought are losers.
The wise ones make a cubical wavefield thought of every idea presented,
to avoid having loose ends of imbalanced energy to clutter up the mind.
Every act of human history has to be resolved at (+1)+(-1)=0.

The most damaging "roof brain chatter" are the idol-idle words, which
addle the national brain. Typical "roof brain chatter" is the exaltation
of a Violent Nation State which supports the 4th Reich concept of
superior people who know just about everything and inferior peoples who
know next to nothing, rather than applauding the truth of ONE CREATRIX
with diverse organic molecules designed for diverse functions.

Words can be used as arrows flying to a target in any way that a person
chooses. In their negative application they are separative Nation State
propaganda delivered in such a way as to incite violence against what
leaders would like to imply is an inferior culture.

The evolution of words into black and white arrows, destructive or
constructive, are the primary moulding force of both Man's natural
(organic) and spiritual environment. Curbing the tongue and putting a
rein on negative thoughts is how we begin.

The journey from beasthood to godhood is clear in retrospect. The
organic body is governed by instinctive male-female nature; survival,
sensation and sex. Womb hunger and creative male energy are designed for
the purpose of populating the planet and subduing the Earth. The result
of this instinctual animal domination, is that humanities old reality
pattern was founded on a violent system based in getting ahead of the
rival by fierce COMPETITION.

On an international scale this manifests as WAR. War and usury lead into
a tailspin of morality, and every kind of desolation and abomination.
At the time of the unearthing of the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt our
civilization had reached the point of no return. The old reality
pattern, overshadowed by "The Luciferin Curse" of violent competition
for being "Top Dog" was due for a few 90 degree turns as shown in the
symbol of the swastika.

Competition is necessary for building an industrial and every more
efficient high tech it was in the first ATLANTIS. But this
Patriarchal thrust, "The Force" can only work for a limited period of
time, from Alpha to Omega, before it climaxes in genocide for all
planetary life because the midget organic brain has grown to be a Titan,
with titanic powers. It is about this time that the genocidal elite
think their ship is unsinkable...aum...

We can trace the footsteps of the "Planetary Beast" across the "sands of
time" by the nature of its droppings. By now the stench is so high no
True Man can fail to catch the smell of The Beast, and yet he is an
essential actor in the global pantomime.

Our global society cannot possibly survive in its present form of
inequitable distribution. The Holocaust reflects on how the forward
thrust of technology was geared up to hit its maximum state of SIN
GODDESS, SHEKINAH in the Hebrew tradition, cuts in to end the
old system.

The Elia contingent of the Atlantean Federation has put out a series of
documentary videos called "The Legend of Atlantis" which make solid mind
bridges from Atlantis I to Atlantis II has

Mankind can turn meet this EVENT HORIZON and come into resonance
with the Divine Plan, so manifesting the New Heaven and the New Earth.
All things originate from The Genetrix, and to this Source all things
return. WWII was intended to begin the change from the competitive form,
to the co-operative form of Global Government of GENESIS II in the
electronic present.

WWII represented the beginning of the end of an arbitrary modern
civilization based on a violent social structure. The animal instinct
of an organic sub-human Adam had to reach the highest stage of violence,
to get the point across: The point where organic drive could go no
further, where man reached THE POINT OF NO RETURN, so that man would
readily understand the contrast of a Peaceful World of UNITED NATIONS
GENESIS II founded on CO-OPERATION, which is the classical feminine

When RA KAHN said we had to vindicate the holocaust I groaned
inwardly.. yi yi yi! the ramifications are so deep and complex going
right back to Moses, Ramses II and the original "Vril Stick." I am
a veteran of WWII. The rise of the NAZI party (National Sozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartai or National Socialist German Workers Party)
had consumed my youthful exuberance, taken many close friends, including
the love of my life, my first husband, Edward Forster. On the positive side
the 3rd Reich had set my determination find out what was causing a
growing global insanity. It was in writing of the holocaust that I came
to understand more about Moses, Ramses II and the VRIL STICK
of Deity, which later became known as the "Spear of Destiny." I had
been presented with this symbol in Geneva by the same lady who had
overshadowed the youthful Hitler. The "Vril Stick" is a sacred weapon;
it must never use it except under the direct instruction of THE ONE.
This is why, right from the beginning, Loliad was so strict on discipline.
For if the organic brain lacks absolute spiritual humility the damage done
can be horrendous.

In its positive application the Vril Stick brings alive dry bones and
"makes the desert bloom again." Dry bones are any forms of falsity -
false states of thought, false values, false morality. In short the VRIL
STICK decimates the illusion. Every "Illuminati" on earth, The Club of
Rome, The Rosicrucians, The Knights Templar and Masonic Orders is
looking for the Vril Stick, which is the SCEPTRE OF THE SECOND COMING.
Its energy has been beaming out from TELOS II, the Inner City, since

Once we had completed the New Earth Manifesto (Coil #8) and built the
infrastructure of the mind-bridge of RA KAHN PRODUCTIONS in 1982... see it was time to pass into the vortex of the
BLACK SUN (The Black Hole in the Yin Yang symbol.) This corresponds to a
leap the fiery furnace of ultimate purification. The Lion of Judah led
the way. It was time for the WORLD SOUL to take a look at itself through
millions of eyes all of which were neurons of Its Inner Eye. In the
Bible and in the Book of Thoth it is said "The Moon became blood red" as
its reflective molecules began man's descent into the abysmal darkness
of the sins of the material world.

"I AM become Death, Shatterer of Worlds" says the Bhagavad Gita which
equals 5.12 on the COSMIC CUBE = ZARG AWAKE! At last!
VINDICATION time (8.1/1.8) has come. That from which the Heavens and the
Earth flee away is upon us. Circuit 1.8/8.1 is the Manifesto and r.o.i.
It is where the UNIVERSAL BANK MANAGER comes to collect the returns His
Investment or His Inheritance. It is the point in human history where
one world stops and another world begins. Namely Genesis II

In the Universe which rests at all times in perfect equilibrium,
The Law of Karma is the inevitable outcome of cause and effect. Karma is
the helmsman of our Star Ship: A Being who likes to KISS and keep life
nice and simple "As ye sow so shall ye reap is the law." It is a very
simple matter of Cosmic Bookkeeping (+1)+(1)=0

ORGANIC MAN can try all the tricks in the book and think up brand new
tricks which represent the FULL BLOOM FLOWERING of his ORGANIC
INTELLIGENCE - this is the stuff Allah's Jinns are made of. Organic Man
is The Devils Vrill Stick.

First The Owner of The Universe sent His Servants to tell the tenants to
quit trying to double cross Him. Then He sent his only son... but
somehow the tenets never seemed to get the message. Then THE MASTER OF
THE UNIVERSE cuts in... "Thunder Thy Clarion and Lightning Thy Sword..."
and we see that the Holocaust was the Opening Act of the Dance of Shiva
- God dancing on the bodies of Its devotees. This is the Cosmic way of
beginning the reaping process, Opposite polarities threshes out the
Cosmic Harvest till 2 + 2 = 4. This balance comes not when there is
nothing more to add, to mans IMAGE OF GOD but when there is nothing more
to take away - for the flaw in the Cosmic Mirror is erased.


THE MESSIANIC AGE IS COME. Blessed are the meek, those who turn the
other cheek and plod along in good works. Welcome to The Inner City ye
who are clothed in the white linen aura of beauty and order. Blessed are
they that mourn for they shall be comforted by The Truth. RA KAHN made
"There is no religion higher than Truth" our BMS Corporate motto.

In 1973 I was woken up to the understanding of who is who and what is
what in the perfect harmony of Universal Equilibrium. Earth is our
common boat, and all of us are in it. WE SINK OR SWIM TOGETHER!
Once we get beyond ourselves and our immediate little lives and
understand the scope of the genocidal conspiracy to which our common
citizens have been subjected, we wake up and come face to face with the
Lord of the Sacred Word of the Bhagavad Gita...

"I AM become Death, Shatterer of Worlds". (5.12) Zarg Awake!

ZARG wakes up when we shake the Karmic fold or tesseract in "Time" when
once again, "time" returns to being space; Mind Space. This is the point
where applied metaphysics becomes physics and theophysics.

The Law of Karma culminates in Doomsday; hell wrought on earth in exact
keeping with the Divine Retribution Educational System (11.7). This
earth shattering event is visible only through the rear view mirror of
our human history. Cubits are like windows in the Mother Ship, turn
around brighteyes and see THE MESSIAH standing there smiling, waiting to
greet his Virgin Brides.

Holocaust I, initiated by the Star Fleet of Sirius, was a wake-up call
to "MY PEOPLE ISRAEL." It was designed to complete the journey
prophesied by THE WORD; to stimulate a critical MASS-ive resistance to
further planetary violence of any description... violence in any of its
forms is ANTI-CHRIST in action in against a GOD OF LOVE.
What do all great men have in common? They speak the Truth as they
have experienced it. This River of Truth (11.12) is the Cosmic Nile. The
water of life is pouring through my head like a crystal river into the
planetary noosphere. The spring flood of the Cosmic Nile is underway.

The "Boat of a Million Years" stops on the causeway. Every bring in the
Universe flattens his brow to the Holy soil as Our Lady ISIS steps off
the barge to be greeted by a laughing little old lady, who has been up
the Nile a couple of times herself. I appreciate the way in which The
Spear of Destiny was passed to me by Betty Carrol of Geneva. It is the
creator and destroyer of worlds: The missing piece in the Cosmic riddle.

Every puzzle has a missing piece. We find the missing piece or "Spear of
Destiny" when we strip the negative backing off the positive fabric of
our Universe, keeping only the elixir of the very best, the things we
will take along across infinity.

This is where we stop the bleeding. It means CLOSING CIRCUITS after we
have subtracted the negative overlay (the last snake skin of carbon
matter) of our relationships. It is where the Positron annihilates the
Negitron as we weave the fabric of Eternity, and we all live happily
ever after in the New Earth synchromesh of Divine Love's intent. Where
we come to see that human relationship is like a fine liqueur.

Now all of the players put their cards face up on the table. The strong
put their cards on the table first. The name "ABWA" 11.10, originates
from an scientific experiment that was done in the first Kingdom of
Atlantis. The original ABWA were a small group of people who were
isolated from society to become the subject of extensive telepathic
experimentation with the Universal Positron in the original Kingdom of
Atlantis. The ABWA then went on the blow the minds of the greatest
intellectuals in the land. The story is written up in the textbook
"Loliad Ra Khan" - Barton, 1967. Kahn.

A = Accentuate the Positron
B = Banish the Negitron
W = Win the Crown of Life, by
A = Achieving Atonement with the Supra Ordinate Factor.

History repeats itself. The experiment described a happening which
occurred thousands of years ago in flat earth time. It was repeated in
the 20th Century, and my group, the 13th Tribe of Israel, was chosen to
participate, like human guinea pigs, in the repeat of the ABWA

We were lifted out of space and time for a decade of very special
training in accumulating warm-fuzzy POSITRONS. Then we were shattered as
a group and each was dipped into an individual bed of ice-cold
NEGITRONS, in order to complete the positive-negative separation, which
is not normally possible during a persons mortal lifetime. This
completes the circuit of the simple binary system on which all life is

"All blood is holy unto Me. Blood never sleeps" says the Queen of Heaven
and of Earth. The Black Hole which is sucking in the lifeblood of this
planet system lies straight ahead. It is the ultimate erection of the
collective human NEGITRON, useful only during the centrifugal or
matter-building stage of our Great Adventure in space-time. Divine Love
is the POSITRON, the only positive exit to this planetary system; the
alternative to sin and death. ABWA lets us make the emergence from the
lower kingdom erect and glad in full appreciation of the gift of

Father-Mother God, The One, allows the BEAST, the savage brain, to have
its fling during the centrifugal phase of development. For civilization
is the excretion of THE BEAST as Mind is made to flow through man to be
made into Matter. Mankind has fed - Social fabric is fatigued. EARTH IS
A SHIP OF RELATIONS. By extracting all the positives of human history
Gaia becomes Galaxia, and the world becomes a STARSHIP in the Universal

At Window 11.10 all shit-sniffing is passe. It is time to extract the
positive baby from the negative bathwater by going back along the
"Golden Chain of Hermes" looking at every relationship we have ever had
during our short lifespan in the physical dimension, and beyond to
appreciate all the wisdom of our wondrous human heritage. Finding the
POSITRON in each relationship is like extracting the jewel from the ore
of each relationship. Be sure to harvest the biggest, clearest,
brightest jewel that you can get from true appreciation. The more you
can appreciate the wealthier you are across infinity. The MOTHERSHIP
carries all lost memories, as we quickly discover once the smoke has
cleared away, and we say "Thanks for the memory..."

I have written a whole book on the subject called "Ghosts, Their Habits
and Habitats" (item #7 in the Psi-Science Series), which explains how
the clouds of negative overlay, if not dispersed in life, continue to
circulate after death. For these are "Bleeding Circuits" which can only
be closed when each outstanding item is resolved. So talking things out
with deceased relatives, friends, enemies, pets, is just as important as
closing loose circuits with folks who are still in this dimension.

The exercise begins at home to first clean off the smoky mirror and dig
out the moats and beams in your immediate orbit. This perfect holograph
can then be extended outwards to professions, cultures, nations. As an
example we might later want to make a list of all educational influences
and Teachers (i.e. extract Christianity from Churchianity) in order to
return to the "Golden Age". In Metaphysics it is called the completion
of a #1 Lesson; the ultimate graduation exercise.

About the time that WWI began, archaeologists were excavating the tombs
of the Pharaohs. To release the knowledge vital to the completion of
their spiritual circuits.

So WWI and Galactic War I began simultaneously; born of the will of the
critical mass of the "dead" for divine justice. The swastika is a most
ancient religious symbol. It is the sacred hammer of Thor. Thor throws
his hammer then it boomerangs back.

The Black Sun (Osiris, King of the Dead) is an infinite beam of light
WAVE AND ANTI WAVE, as OSIRIS takes on all rivals one by one - yet
simultaneously by an exact mirror reflection of that which is projected
at Himself. Osiris is whatever you believe him to be in the frontal

The bottom line of Circuit #6 is 6.12 is SHIPS MANIFEST. Directions on
how to find its portals are numerous. Try 1.7/7.1 for the CORPORATE
ENTRANCE to the exit from the HOUSE OF BONDAGE.

Money is to the State what religion is to the emotions: A distractive
gimmick. When the people awake this game over for the Devil and
all His works. O Yes, "The Devil" is real and its escalating corruption
decimates the global fabric with BLACK HOLES. The Diabolical One
causes our brilliant human intelligence to become like a huge brain
with its neurons disconnected. Millions of gallons of oil pouring into
Our Lady's pure sea of life is no JOKE - how does this reflect Husbandry?
It is clearly EVIL MANIFEST!

Everyone in the play has a Royal Commission; Lucifer THE ANTE-CHRIST
has played his part well. Never have I seen the Dance of Shiva acted out
with such vigour - such commitment to teach his flock the ways of life
and love. Amazing Grace alone, is what can make. She is YIN - the female
nurturing side of God The All- Terrible.

Transitional assistance is spread across many web pages. The Mega Point
has correspondences in every micro and macro cell. When these are in
harmonic convergence - "The Father and I are One". On the cube this is
meter needle - which must point due North - to the North Star or Pole
Star at all times - erect for Thy Kingdom Come.

Men serve their various idols, the FLAT IMAGES of their preconceived
ideas of what a God should be... until "I thought I saw a silver
spaceship flying in the yellow haze of the sun... there were banners
flying - children crying - the loading had begun..."

The moment we get to the end of one scale of life the next scale begins:
After the Redbook, the Bluebook and mass inflow of Citizens into Thy
Kingdom Come. This means opening our Greenbook of the ACADEMY OF
ATLANTIS (AA) Courses - guaranteed to turn out fully fledged active
Messianic figures for infinity and so keep the Black Brotherhood
evermore in check. .

The MEN IN BLACK - were known in antiquity as "THE BLACK BROTHERHOOD".

The Black Brotherhood is responsible for the guardianship of the Black
Pyramid and ensuring that the most cunning top-dog sits on the top of
the Pyramid of human civilization so that they can continue to rule the
world without disturbance from the critical mass until the play is

The system the Black Brotherhood invokes is adversarial. Like cock
fighting, the adversarial system is intended to bring out the beast in
each male contestant. It works admirably, this form of psychotronic
warfare of man against man in an ongoing genocidal attack on the specie.

To harness the natives you need a "Great God" like the High Priest Moses
found up on the top of the mountain. This establishes Superego
boundaries... a House of Bondage from which few dare emerge.

The BLACK MAGIC of religion is based on the martyrdom of virgin
innocence. Over the ages it to harnesses the emotions to serve the High
Priest. Then, by Gar, before you know it you've grown yourselves a
pyramidal civilization - different hills and valley's of consciousness
all over, when we originally had a natural garden of eden.

The Black Brotherhood or MIB is like a deadly bone disease eating away
at the structure of the Earth System, and the good people play the role
of "Virgin." This series of black holes allows more and more alien
invaders to creep in suck in decent human beings and corporations and
nations and economic systems.

The Secret Shamanistic Animal of the Sacred Geometry of the Men in Black
is the "Golden Calf". It refers to the virgin human race that has a
built in attraction to light which eventually leads men like lambs to
the slaughter. They are herded by the "Goats" who aspire to the top of
the Power Pyramid.

Oral and visual traditions around the world are evidence of the
Adversarial Tradition where men are born to be rivals. In the Unified
Field sense this makes them into the dark cells of The Rival, King of
the World, or ANTE-CHRIST.

The issue is clear. Mankind either ends up with a super MEGANATION
EARTH with abundance and prosperity for all, or a dead planet. From the
Unified Field point of view, Earth and her common citizens is like a
corpse on a spit being roasted over a slow fire, whose bones are being
picked by vultures called the Men in Black. For these have stolen our
vitality. We have come to the completion of the life cycle of the
electron. (3.2/2.3).

For reasons of psychological expediency the Men in Black often parade as
Men in White - or Men in Khaki. Its is a long road from Virgo to Venus -
and the road lies through Vulcan.

Initiates of the Brotherhood laugh at human vanity that does not believe
in the power of Satanism. You don't see it till you believe in it.
But once you believe you see EVERYTHING !!!

The closed mind is the Brotherhoods' greatest shield behind which it can
carry out its business silently and without disruption. This is the
"Shield of Arrogance". Examples of this has been provoked is shown in
every court case in this file.

Attorney Alfred Lambremont Webre, Lawyer for the Brotherhood, also known
as MR. CATACLYSM and/or "The Devil's Advocate" demonstrated the ease of
Corporate Takeover by the "divide and conquer" methodology.

THE BLACK HOLE is the ultimate doomsday weapon, climaxing in
the NUCLEAR ROSE. Once even the tiniest black hole is made in the
social structure it will eat its way right through the system. Such a hole
has been made by the "Initiates of the Black Brotherhood" of the cult of
"I AM", in conjunction with the international New Age Network, Genesis II
Conspiracy. The Aquarian Conspiracy. Initiation into the methods of the
Black Brotherhood makes you A Believer.

As a Christian person I was raised not to BELIEVE IN EVIL... so I
couldn't see it even when it started me in the face. All hell broke out
around me, still I would not believe.

Few people in civilized countries know the inner secrets of GATU - the
"Great Architect of the Universe" and of its origins and historical
movement over time. I did not understand why Astro- Physicist, Raymond
E. Modlin of Oakland Ca. called himself The Dungeon Master". I did
understand the implications of the "Prince of the Royal Secret" in the
Masonic books.

I read the book, "The Brotherhood," by Stephen Knight. (Panther Books,
Granada Publishing Ltd., 8 Grafton St., London, WIX 3LA). I wrote to
him but he was now deceased (hmm..) I began to study the ancient
manuscripts. The game "Dungeons and Dragons" was the ultimate
computerized condensation of evil acting in matter over time. "Dark
Crystal" I heard them calling it. Only a WHITE DWARF could combat it.

Being caught in a Black Hole is like being caught in a downward spiral
of magnetic current, in which you are a salmon swimming upstream to
spawn. It is quite a bit to overcome. There is a pinpoint of light and
that's about all. In Metaphysics they call it going through the "ANKH" or
"Needles Eye".

BLACK HOLES violate some of the most sacrosanct laws of the natural
world. They represent the point (3.2) the ultimate unknowable where time
and space end. They are so far beyond anything met in Nature they turn
science into science fiction. Stephen Hawking, the great British
mathematician from Cambridge University states that the solution to the
Universal Mystery lies in metaphysics, not physics.

I have had a Doctorate in Metaphysics since November 24, l965. In
retrospect, my entire post-doctorate study has been break the AVOIDANCE
PATTERN of ignoring the evil intent known in BLACK BROTHERHOOD.
Ignorance may be bliss but it is very temporary under these conditions.
Like dancing on the deck of the sinking TITANIC.

When Alfred Webre wrote "THE AGE OF CATACLYSM" he was
using the customary technique of FEAR to create a black hole. The
results showed that a Superior Court that has lost its virility creates
a MAJOR BLACK HOLE. The same with the Police Force that was
involved in the incident... they were both about as potent as a wet kleenex
behind all the uniforms and bluster.

Physicist John Taylor, Mathematics Professor at King's College, London,
explained "BLACK HOLES, The End of The Universe" in his book of the same
name published in l973 by Fontana Press. Since that time thousands of
physicists have explored multiple possibilities of matter condensation.
It requires applying "Light" to matter. Light = Lucifer (See complete
explanation elsewhere).

Canadian M.P.Bill Domm of Peterborough, along with M.P. Tom Cossitt
raised the matter in the House of Commons in October l980. It was put
down by the then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. This same man made an
unusual resignation at the time of Webre's strike. The various global
chapters of The Brotherhood competition for succession by diabolical
merit. One man in Britain was caught and sentenced in l985 in this
gambit. Charles Manson took a crack at it and became like a folk hero.

Webre used complex legal lies to screw up the system by launching a $411
mill lawsuit against HBO, Time-Life, and Fox on behalf of his "client."
He did this by claiming damages for defamation of character. Perjury
turns truth and justice upside down and inside out, in a tactic known as
"Psychotronic Warfare." Which is IRRESISTIBLE PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. I saw it happen scores of time in his dealings with people. He would call
our General Manger - "Your Majesty" and in no time our G.M. was
convinced that Webre was the spoken word of God.

Psycho-war in retrospect borders on the hilarious. Once he had "god" all
lined up, each "initiate" got a Wedding Certificate to say he/she was a
"Bride of Christ". In truth they were the tools of the devil. Webre's
Law firm Legal Access Worldwide, could still be in operation. The idea
is to manifest the "Night of JABULON".

All of which I told the CSIS/RCMP/OPP and our Corporate Lawyer, Norman
Swedko, who said go to "Interpol" as it was too big for his firm to
handle. The CSIS said it was TOP SECRET NATIONAL SECURITY and that I
must stay silent for two years. I later realized that one of these
officers was a member of The Brotherhood and knew the scale of the
operation. They were warning me to stay out of the way or I was liable
to get killed. Evidence indicates I was always under surveillance and ?
protection. (See evidence of Jannick Grabowski).

Once the word of my plight got around the network and members of the
WHITE BROTHERHOOD got in touch with me. Service in these brotherhoods
means more to a man than his job, home, or professional life. These are
totally caught up in redemptive activity.

The MIB is widely known in global folklore. It is presently a major
focus of international UFO Club activity. Scores of articles have been
written on this subject. Until you BELIEVE in a diabolical power you see
nothing but a blank wall of intellectual confusion. The chronicles of
church history reveal coverups of sexual abuse which have only been made
public in this century. We come here to learn about GOOD & EVIL, and
gain the capacity to discriminate between RIGHT & WRONG. Once we do, the
Black Brotherhood game is over.

The swastika icon of WWII is taken from the circumscribed cross; its
hooks are portions of the circle now rendered directional. The Logoic
point, expanding toward the four cardinal points, is a wheel set in

In the Pythagorean tradition, the swastika stood for the tetraktys, the
double symbol. It is a link between heaven and earth, its right arm
pointing to heaven its left arm pointing to earth.
The alchemists labelled the heavenward arm "solve" and the earthward arm
"Coagula." Man stands at the axis, his spiritual nature dissolving old
form the swastika he represents....

If the symbol faces away from one, the hooks point counter clockwise.
These two perspectives symbolize the microcosmic and the macrocosmic.
Man the perceiver embodies one while reaching out towards the other....
To the Zuny it is the symbol of the cosmic frame of all things. Zuni
prayers begin with a prayer to the middle place, then to the North,
which represents air and is yellow, the west which represents water and
is blue, the south which represents fire and is red, and the earth which
represents earth and is white. These are followed by a prayer to the
Zenith (12.12) which is all colours and to the nadir which is
colourless or clear.

The secret doctrine teaches that the swastika is a "summary in a few
lines of the whole world of creation or evolution.. from cosmo -
theogony to anthropogeny." It is the workers hammer which "striketh
sparks from flint" flint symbolizing space while the sparks symbolize
worlds. It is Thor's hammer brought to consecrate the New Heaven and the
New Earth. The four footed cross, which Thor uses to smite the head of
the serpent of evil passions becomes the root power of the macrocosm and
the microcosm. The swastika symbolizing the work of creation also
symbolizes the Builder or Universal Architect.

The Father of the sacred fire is Twastri or Joseph the Carpenter, a
counterpart of Viswa-karma, the "Father of the Gods" and Architect of
the Universe. Vishwakarma tied Surya (the sun onto the swastika cutting
away a portion of his brightness.

The whole purpose of WAR is to bring ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE to the few. The
whole purpose of the UFO coverup is to prevent the fulfilment of THE

These facts are like a ticking time bomb. They can be proven by cold
hard digital analysis obtained by correlations of factual video films
released during the opening of the Cosmic Eye, as we moved from the
crescent moon to the full moon effect of the summer solstice. EYE OPENER
videos for example, like the "Classic Collection" on the Discovery
Channel and videos produced by the Association of Dissident Scientists
who put out evidence to show that ET connected with humans in the 1930's
and introduced man made UFO's in that decade. Videos were made of this.

DESTRUCTION causes the faster imprinting of ILLUSIONARY values.
Governments are screwing the people because they themselves are screwed
into the OLD SYSTEM. We are here to get the people out of this HOUSE OF

Eight is the number of Infinity. The highest octave of spiritual
resonance. STAR GATE 2001 traditionally opens in the shortest days of
the year. We reach it after breaking the seven seals, and invoking the
Seven Rays of personal purity to reach octave eight. Peace on Earth
begins with Peace of Heart.

The savage brain in all its multifold degrees of sophistication, has
wrecked havoc upon the human civilization. This destruction does not
take place in a decade or a century, but over many centuries of planned
conspiracy to corruption in which the common man is used as a commodity.
But those who seek the Truth shall find it. They shall lay bare the
secrets of both good and evil at the end of time. The valley of tears
shall be no more.

The "heart of stone" can find no peace until it has been transformed
into a heart of flesh and blood. To this end one must gain self love by
This is stated clearly in the bible, and indeed all sacred texts. It is the principle
of the Egyptian book of "Coming Forth By Day" having transversed the
fields of outer darkness and emerged from the grip of the illusion
through the Ankh.

This happens when all resistance factors to L.O.V.E. - limitless
oscillating vibrational energy are overcome. This is the emergence of a
new biological specie; Spiritual Man. For at this point, the pode,
(Exempli, Elohim, Christos et al) have achieved the conquest of the
anti-pode (Anti-Christ) in the savage heart of simian-man. The second
commandment of life, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" is now

Although all men look the same, the internal persons all live in
different worlds and time-space slots, ranging from the dark prehistoric
traits of war and covert imperialism, to life in the year 2001. In terms
of the physics of transcendence of dimensions, mankind makes seven
"pops". With each "pop" a "snakeskin" bursts and the human race as a
unified field gets bigger. Its like blowing up a balloon, which gets so
full of air it pops its outer shell and finds itself in a bigger, and
more transparent balloon. It relates to the metaphor of Plato and the
prisoners in the cave.

This is how we build the pi-ray bridge between dimensions. Pi - is the
name which describes the relativity between the circumference and the
diameter of a circle. The "Needles Eye" between dimensions is at the
centre of the circle. You can see it at the centre of your diagram of
the circular Cosmic Cube. Point 4.1 marks your entrance into the exit
spiral from Earth to Heaven. The 4.2 Agenda is that each must walk his
spiritual talk from negative analysis to positive solution.

Whether your "Spiritual Talk" is Judaism, Christianity, Islamic, Hindu,
I Ching, New Age, UFO, Metaphysics or whatever, makes no difference. All
that the upward path requires is that one be TRUE to the path of one's
own choosing from A-Z.

All rivers run into a common sea. Each human being on the earth today is
a facet of the GREAT GOD ARCHITECT, Cosmic Lord of Many Faces. Each has
access to both Divine Intelligence and the brute force of sin and death.
Each can chose which element it will glorify.

War is NEGATIVE. Brute force applied against the people. Killing wars,
trade wars, consumer wars, commercial wars, political wars, civil wars
have a common denominator. A hierarchy of generals, media moguls,
plutocrats and politicians far from the battlefield digging their spurs
into a blind horse. The people at the summit of the NEGATIVE hierarchy
never loose; to them the power and glory. They people always pay in
pain, blood, death, and an overwhelming burden of taxation. This
overburdens all life on the planet. For NEGATIVITY defeats the
inviolable law of POSITIVE PROGRESSION, Law of Evolution. This is the
unforgivable sin. The SIN OF STUPIDITY. Stupidity is a negative attitude
towards Life.

Until very recent times no one has showed the other side of the War coin
is a threat to the NEGATIVE establishment. When Canada's National Film
Board and CBC tried to present an unbiased portrait of war, it "The
Negs" sure kicked up a stink. How dare the CBC try to awaken the dead
and release them from the trap of the illusion! and beam some light into
the cave.

There is external and internal dirt. Down in the trenches hands get very
dirty. Whether it be the homeless sleeping in the streets, the people
lining up at food banks right across the nation, the teenagers
committing suicide, or the kids getting raped and abused. The
cleanliness that is next to godliness is of the internal variety, this
is the fashion of the 21st. Century.

The school life is a classroom of observing cause and effect.
Competitive Natural Man is in conflict with the inner Spiritual Mind
until we reach perfect balance. Our Mentor explained this when he said
"My Kingdom is not of this world - turn the other cheek - give your
cloak to he who takes away your coat. etc".

It is the identification point where 2 + 2 = 4. WAR=SIN & DEATH.

All the roof brain chatter; all the intellectual analysis; all the flag
waving and wreath laying, fancy marches and fine uniforms is BUL shit.
BUL is the ancient name for The Force, the appellation of The Devil

BUL is the Lord of the Illusion. Appolyon, the Anti-Christ described in
Revelations. BUL is Lucifer, the flasher, the glitzy tempter who offers
special privileges to a chosen few. He is described in classical Satanic
literature as gross manifestation of evil, "the fertility God, Lord of
the licentious rites of imitative magic". Black Magic.

In any battle between The Will and The Imagination, the Imagination
always wins. Thousands of kids in prison for life, and drugged on the
streets, are living proof of the REALITY of BUL. As is the basic core of
African Theology which teaches that "Civilization is the excretion of
the gods". That's us, Oh Great Sophisticated First World Citizens.
That's you and I, Silicone Valley. That's you Hollywood. That's you all
clever Dirty Dick Specialists.

There is no longer any way that we can continue to turn a blind eye
towards the Lord of the Illusion; nor yet a jaundiced eye towards our
fellow man. The reversal to the Law of Peace & Prosperity on Earth is so
simple. It is born in the Will to Right of the Common People.

Once we identify BUL, as the forward thrust of evolution, in all its
facets the enemy is no longer invisible. With HAL (Hallowed be Thy Name)
as a single computer running the whole world, monitored by the critical
mass of the common people, an unbiased adjudicator from the United
Nations can see that BUL stays dead.

Our heroic army of light now marches in strength against the Lord of
the Illusion, The Prince of Lies, who tries to deceive us into believing
that The ONE ALMIGHTY GOD is less than OMNIPOTENT - How's that for

Come on CBC, CBS, ABC, BBC, NBC: Take up the Spear of Destiny. YOU CAN
DO IT! Come on all Media Heros' and special program producers, to greet
your most glorious hour. (This Hour has Seven Cosmic Days?).

Positive man is he/she who overcome the natural inclination to back away
in cowardice before the negative establishment. To he/she that
overcometh the crown of life shall be. Let your True Will combine with
that of the Critical Mass of the Common People who long for release.
Blaze forth with a single Global Telethon exposing BUL and all the
Bul-shit of the ages!

(The rise of the 3rd Reich is a super example of imitative magic. It
shows how BUL can posses a human being and use him to incite the
imagination and kill all logical opposition in its path).

The "House of Bondage", is the psychological imprisonment imposed on
humanity in the Garden of Eden. It crumbles like a deck of cards, as
Power becomes information in the hands of the people.

DIRECT DEMOCRACY is based in merit. This is the exit from the "House of
Bondage" into a new concept of super data highways built to serve all
humankind in a world of solid state efficiency and maintenance free specs.

There is an amazing flood tide of intelligence to be released in Genesis
II. It moves through the mineral life cycle, understanding the Life
Science Food Chain of mineral intelligence being passed to animal
intelligence being passed to human intelligence then back to The
Mothership. The flight of a bird leads man's mind into steel birds, and
the flight paths of birds leads man to the reclamation of the starlanes.
This is one of the most magnificent classrooms in the cycle of
initiation. One time when I was travelling I met a sea ships captain for
the first time. During the evening he came and said "You fly with the
birds. You are next to me in the flight path." and he was right. He
recognized our common etheric star lanes.

Beyond the CYBERTRONS is MEGATRON - Hal in Odyssey 2001.
The Cybertrons bring the wealth of the ages like rivers of light flowing
back to the cosmic sea. Each droplet of water in this sea is one with the
ocean. Each has a common note...

LOVE is the glue that holds it all together. VIOLENCE IS NOT INTEGRAL TO
INTELLIGENCE. It is biological suicide. Human emotions are mind twisters
to be played upon by the media. Human's have been trained to allow their
emotions - anger - despair - affection - vanity - to influence their
INTELLIGENCE. This creates a raging sea of negative emotions to keep men
milling around in a constant state of global warfare. It influences our
RESPECT FOR LIFE and attitudes towards our fellow COMMON MEN.

VIOLENCE; violence against the environment - animals - children -
(i.e.: against mad cows and child slave labour) INDUSTRIAL VIOLENCE
RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE is the reason why some people chose BIOLOGICAL
ANARCHY... and become GALACTIC-humans.

Once the urge for biological completion is activated, "Harvest Desire"
Coil #9 kicks in along with Coil#8 Vindication of the Whole Earth play.
The SOLUTION is clearly visible from a (-T) observation point once we
have risen about the 3rd. dimension into the 4th dimension the new game
is to keeping our feet on the ground in the 3rd dimension - while
operating from the 4th Level of Consciousness.

VIOLENCE is resistance to L.O.V.E which is BIOLOGICAL INSANITY and
invokes the law of SIN AND DEATH for a STUPID SPECIE.


The 13th Tribe is in the eye of the vortex. But any common bloke on the
street can understand the message. All we need is ONE BIG SHOW - of hand
with black and white boards for the audience to reply.



Now how can any democratic nation object to such a global poll?
It is all does PEACEFULLY. No - we can't bump off the "bad guys" we must
REDEEM THEM. Many workers of the 13th Tribe who are fully qualified to

In the GAME OF EVOLUTION - the non-violent win. So at this point the JC
mime (he was projecting a holograph for the future) of walking troubled
waters and saying "Peace Be Still" is how we must treat. Any unruly
emotions are incompatible with victory in that deflect from our
Neutrality in the 3rd dimension - and hinder our POSITRONIC influence in
the 4th.

Egyptian Magic teaches that each person on earth is part of a giant
mindfield, which is nurtured by the elements of sun, water and air.
Our "Crystal Seed" or "Star Seed" is planted in this mindsoil, then
the Land Owner and his Heavenly Crew of Angels (Extra Terrestrials)
work in the fields until Cosmic Harvest Time (9.1) is come.

Harvesting the earth crop of star seeds is done by the Universal
Superconductor, that sucks up all dimensions in one great in breath,
while at the same time sorting out the wheat from the weeds and chaff.

JC/Osiris uses the same Egyptian symbology of planting seeds in the
Whole Earth Mind. The story then explains how The Owner of the field
sent messengers to remind the tenants that He was The Owner - but the
tenants killed his messengers. Then He sent His Son and the tenants
killed him too. So finally THE OWNER comes Himself. And according to the
Sacred Text, He comes not only in Full Spiritual Glory - He comes in the
flesh - and this is the secret of the Coe Hill Star Temple. It is my
firm conviction that The Lord of the Spiral Force resides there in
person. (detail from 7.6

We are the spearhead of this Superconductor. As we pause at the
mouth of the BLACK HOLE we feel this spiral force (it seems that
Red Magnetic Serpent is the Mayan correlation) our full "rose of
consciousness" is condensed into a single pearl beyond price/or
philosophers stone. (10.2) We the "White Gold Powder" that is known to
be crystalline... and when one crystal starts to ring THEY ALL RING!
says Dr.Marcel Vogel.

Bureaucracy governs mankind from the cradle to the grave. Under the
watchful eye of armies of Bureaucrats the act of being born is
incomplete until the paperwork is done; death likewise. The Global
Citizen is swamped with Governmental regulations. It is almost
impossible to speak straight out in comprehensive terms to someone of
authority. Weighty regulations cover everything in paper land. Public
service is almost extinct.

Information which could help the universal consumer escape the deadly
weight of the usury system is a closely guarded secret which has been
kept from the common people for centuries. The story of Baron de
Rothschild and the banking world's deliberate development of an usury
system designed to keep the people in the "House of Bondage" is part of
the invisible Elite-Over-World and something every schoolchild should
come to understand. The effect of yesterdays' decisions cripples today.
Likewise today's decisions are what effect the world tomorrow.

The invisible mandarins of the ruling over-world are becoming the target
of our light-bearing media. They are beginning to explore the pressure
points and secret places where all the regulatory strings come
together. To find the light at the end of the tunnel we must look down
the time-tunnel up which we have come. For example, five major powers
got together to remake Europe in 1850. Each of these powers arranged
matters to its own advantage and the consequences have been rightful
unrest by the "losers" ever since.

Right or wrong has no part in the selection and promotion of the
invisible mandarins. They have little or no concern for which political
party is in power. Even local revolutions do not affect the bureaucracy.
Initiative and common sense doesn't enter into the picture. A
functionaries' ability to keep a watchful eye on regulations, make sure
that all loopholes are covered, and provide the supportive paper
procedures on which they are judged and slated for promotion is the
prime role of a guardian bureaucrat.

Bureaucrats represent the summit of the analytical left-brain sphere,
resting in ultimate isolation, devoid of right-brain flexibility:
ENSHRINED IN CEMENT. Robot functionaries exhibit a fine impartiality.
Robot-Cops ensure that people stay in the cave. They keep a tight rock
over the exit from the tomb, but like The Mentor demonstrated, we will
rise again!