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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



When Nature divided our bisexual ancestors into male and female, the technicality of passing along life was given to man. Naturally speaking, the male is also the protector of the species homo sapiens. A fully developed male specimen is a fascinating sight with all the pride and stubborn courage of his apish forbears ... what girl would want it otherwise?

The Master, fully recognising that these masculine qualities were the most forceful means of spreading whole spirit among Earth's population, blessed "Adam" first, which gave the male several epochs' advantage over the female.

Deep details are too ramified for full consideration at this time, however, rather than taking a rib from "Adam" wherewith to fashion "Eve", The Master divided the male's original whole spiritual 'chord' into two equal portions, from which time forward both male and female became possessed of what might be termed "Half-spirit", or interlocking sympathetic vibratory scales.

Because the essential male arrogance has made him the natural leader of our species, by the same token woman is the spiritual leader.

Woman's evolutional environment in past ages has been such that she has not been forced to develop a high degree of animal drive for survival, nor the egotistical competitive force necessary in a man's world. Rather woman has been subdued, has had more opportunity to spend time in meditation rather than in factual accumulation, and as a result has risen above the average male in terms of insight. What man dares to try to explain female logic or feminine intuition?

Woman's deeper spiritual awareness has served her well. Invariably she outlives her mate and is less prone to the diseases of tension that evidence themselves in males under identical situations. Generally speaking, girls learn faster than boys, mature more rapidly... partly because in former generations the female ego has been held to a minimum. Woman has fought for knowledge, thirsted for knowledge, while her brothers have had learning thrust upon them.

As man carries within himself the germ of physical life, woman gives the child its essence of spirit; for insofar as Earth is concerned, spirit is now handed down through the female of the species: A point we can prove technically at a later date.

Only woman fully understands the sublime logic of forgiveness; can ignore the masculine drive to promote personal justice. As an example let us say that little Billy goes off to school on his bike and has his valve caps taken whilst in class. Seeking to equalize, Billy looks around for a suitable replacement and decides he will take Sam's valve caps to replace his own. Sam reacts by taking David's valve caps to replace the ones taken from him, and so the chain reaction grows, none of the boys feeling guilt because they are using male animal logic ... an eye for an eye.

In adult life this pattern shows up in such things as Tong Wars, feuds, clan massacres, and all forms of reprisal which male reasoning justifies; for his is the responsibility of guarding the rights of his species.

Supposing the valve cap theft had happened to young Betty, who, having expressed dismay had spent a few cents to buy more. She could have halted the chain reaction right there in turning the other cheek. The act of turning the other cheek is totally opposed to physical logic, though it represents a first major step forward in the practice of spiritual logic. Concerning feuds, if one side could only forget wounded pride long enough to reason clearly, leaving Justice to Omnipotence, many, many innocent lives would have been spared in the past, and hatred finally overcome by forgiveness.

Mature woman then, with the sublime quality of mercy, has the ability to forgive those who trespass without demanding repayment or planning some form of reprisal. The eventual degree of reparation required of her spirit will be tempered with the same degree of mercy that has been shown ... but this is not all ...

Picture womankind as soft and resilient, like foam rubber. The knocks and blows of fortune cannot harm her in the same way that they could harm a man, who is as hard rubber. For the more force with which man strikes out against outrageous circumstances, the harder the reprisals will bounce back; but finding no resistance in the feminine constitution the blows would glance off harmlessly, particularly from a mental aspect.

This is one of the main differences in the male and female basic mentality. The taking and giving of offence is a punishing game.

Woman also has the intuition to know the joy of giving love, and understands how much more satisfying this can be than the desire to receive love from others. The female's spirit teaches these things, and generations of subservience to the male have proved the wisdom of this superior logic.

Twentieth Century Woman stands in danger of losing her most prized possession ... her feminine wisdom of the ages. Competition in the commercial world, if allowed to continue unchecked, will result in the start of a third sex; natural masculine tendencies, as woman learns to claw her way to equality with competitive demanding tactics foreign to the basic feminine nature. Though material rewards may be heaped on the commercially successful woman, they cannot replace the jewel of feminine softness which must be sacrificed.

The bloody stupidity of many wars which has robbed millions of fine women of worthwhile mates by depleting the pick of the male crop, has forced careers on many would-be mothers ... Yet mankind still calls itself sane? Still glorifies carnal reasoning? Thinks itself smarter than Deity who from the beginning has shown the way to brotherly love with plenty for all.

Mankind will continue to stagger around in the maze of its own error, heaping misery upon misery, until it learns obedience to the Law of the Universe.

There is no career comparable to marriage and motherhood; but like any other line of endeavour, the rewards are comparable to the effort expended. The challenge of salvaging humanity has been given to WOMAN, personally I have complete confidence in her ability to handle the situation, once the women have been separated from the girls ...

Feminine maturity in itself, is the most blessed state on Earth. Let's take a look at some of the pitfalls to this acquisition.

Today's children, too often raised in spiritual isolation and governed largely by the natural logic of "Like and Dislike", when cut loose from the maternal apron string stand little chance of successful marriage and motherhood.

From infancy onwards, the "civilized" are subjected to psychological sales talk designed to stimulate the material mind and discourage selfless motivation.

Glamour and sophistication is the ideal. Liquor and cigarette advertising stands as a prime example in this respect; every subtle insinuation suggests a gay, highly exciting background for the products on display, preconsciously inviting youth to participate. The possible outcome of starting these habits, like the filthy mucus spit up from tortured lungs as a result of smoking, or the vile vomiting from overindulgence in alcohol, is cloaked by appeals to ego.

Cosmetics, clothing and automobile advertising, accent the same unrealistic dream-world. The tycoons of big business, fully aware of the profit potential of luxury items, rarely bother to sell what the public needs, rather endeavour to make their items highly desirable by selling a dream along with the product. This also encourages petty theft and a sense of lack among the "have nots". To tamper with a nation's clear thinking, with consideration only of the profits involved, is a perilous road, and one shudders to think of the possible effects on future generations.

Many parents make financial sacrifices in order to send their children to "Finishing Schools" (what an apt title). Here, too often, the laws of society are distilled to a fine essence, taught as the first rule of conduct. The refined product usually emerges in full awareness of its superior qualities ... not that the preconscious would ever display the bad taste to project this image onto the conscious mind; rather it nourishes the image in its bosom, guarding it jealously. Such a preconscious mind is primed and prepared to lap up any psychological suggestion which hints of "good taste" of a product; would raise an invisible eyebrow at anything which might appeal to ordinary common sense, like a quality product with no fancy wrapping.

Among these carefully groomed youngsters vulgarity is the cardinal sin. The dictionary defines vulgarity as "Not refined, coarse, of the common people" ... a term fully descriptive of the twelve apostles. Individuality is regarded with suspicion. Social rebels throwing light on the dire need for social reforms are outcasts, if their talk happens to revolve around the need for personal improvement or sacrifice. While it's permissible to lend a sympathetic ear to generalities, the blase are not going to fall for any line of gaff which might curtail self-indulgence.

The trend is to follow the sheep, outpace the others in extremes if you can and society will be suitable appreciative. But never, never, stop to question the direction in which the goats of social leadership are heading; never pause to hear spirit whisper "Quo Vardis?", or your popularity is doomed.

Thus from infancy onwards the mad race begins; dress better; look more chic; dance more gracefully; collect a larger entourage of admirers than classmates; drive a more elegant car; pretend to have more fun, and ego will be suitably appreciative as its slightest whim is appeased, will expand to mammoth proportions. To pause for self-evaluation, or to toy with the term moral courage, is to be considered outmoded. If conscience gets bothersome, toss it a couple of tickets to a charity ball, or go around flashing a diamond crucifix to illustrate what a fine christian person you really are.

No more screaming example of an under-loved-over-indulged child exists in our woman's world today than that of the tragic princess from South Viet Nam.

A newspaper account describes her mother as "An imperious lady, cousin of an Emperor". Undoubtedly this mother (like her mother before her) was the ultimate in social cultivation. Most probably the infant girl was lifted from the maternal thigh with the fullest of ceremony. Fourteen servants attended this child so we are told, anticipating her slightest whim.

When the outraged mother resigned from her post as Vietnam's observer to the United Nations last week she sadly recalled ...

"There is a proverb in my country which means one shall not make oneself naked before the world (to keep face), but when I read my daughter's statements I was sick. I do not understand ..."

Just what kind of miracle was expected I wonder? The mother's shame was not so much in her daughter's actions, but that "the world" knew of them; in public disclosure social law had been violated, which to this lady's mind was more sickening than violation of Spiritual Law. This attitude is prevalent today in North American society, never mind what God thinks of our actions ... just be sure the Jones' don't find out!

Consider the possible degree of simple love and trust between the young princess and her mother, the amount of unaffected communion in the home as opposed to the attention paid to protocol and state affairs. Undoubtedly the child was fed and clothed properly, with every physical requirement suitably met; yet the poorest child in Saigon could grasp its mother's coarse hair to quell any feeling of insecurity, nestle up to her breast when it needed love. A princess would have good cause for preconscious jealousy and take revenge on her love-poverty in cruelties. Everyone does this to some degree.

Woman, to be successful, must cease to be a puppet in the hands of society and learn how to be happy ... deep down happy. This is not something that can be imitated by superfluous gaiety, though many try. Unless the mother of tomorrow is completely and utterly joyous to the very depths of her being, both nature and spirit will exact a price ... a price her children will also have to pay.

To be happy a woman must love, must give love to the fullest extent of her capacity ... without seeking returned love in equal measure.

To be happy a woman must be useful as a woman; not frittering her time away on female frivolity; though relaxation has its place. Basically a woman must feel secure in the knowledge that she is needed by one or many. This joy is available to everyone.

All else is nonessential. Given these basic requirements all the rest of the feminine trimmings will fall into their rightful place as secondaries, without effort.

The unhappy woman is one who seeks to receive more from life than she is prepared to give; either in adulation, from men, relatives, or society; or in rewards from effort expended. The sickness of unhappiness takes an exhaustive toll of woman's vivacity, manifesting itself in all forms of frustrations, backbiting, the desire to hurt others, numerous matings, hardening of the heart with all its subtle cruelties and arrogance. Each of these symptoms turns back on Woman to hurt her again and again, 'till she become steely, positively deadly, as she tries to hurt others more than she has been hurt; wounded pride demands it ... 'till such a woman becomes engulfed in the vicious circle of hate and emerges more deadly than the male.

The ability to give is naturally inherent in all fully developed females, with the joy of spirit adding its own weight to natural talents. Self-realization will make this point clear to any woman. All the nonsense about various female complexes is the result of violation of the laws of her being. Even more absurd is the status quo given to mysterious female illnesses ... the preconscious method of gaining sympathy so popular in the Victorian Era, and still a favourite attention-getter even if the conscious mind is totally unaware of what the preconscious is up to, so well is it guarded by Ego.

It is chilling to realise the large number of mothers who encourage their daughters along the path of emotional insecurity by prodding them to constantly bow to social pressures. These mothers feel pride in the daughters' resultant popularity ... a totally egotistical maternal reaction, indicating absence of foresight towards the child's ultimate welfare.

As the physical mother of four boys, I can state with authority that there is nothing to be gained in the common practice among girls of phoning lads in an effort to attract their attention. It is an almost certain way to ensure waning interest and respect on the boy's part with resultant marriage discord. Again, the glamorizing of delicate features is unlikely to appeal to the type of youth most suited as a satisfactory husband; on the contrary, it will stimulate predatory tendencies (which is of course the preconceived intention).

Attempting to exaggerate the animal appeal for the benefit of all and sundry, and dispensing "favours" with the same impartial abandon will certainly help to accumulate a male retinue, for the male of our species is naturally polygamous ... but the price is high, always too high.

Throughout the ages man has been motivated by the desire to receive love: regardless of the source, just so long as the packaging was sufficiently stimulating to the carnal senses. Yet men are contradictory, in that their esteem and admiration goes to the virtuous. Unlike the sex drive, respect is not fickle, but lasting and sincere. These points are well worth consideration when a girl sets out to find a mate for keeps.

Woman's influence on mankind, and so the world, will be felt when she beams her egotistical drive on the prize of virtue. Helping to attain The Master's objectives will command the exercise of all her intelligence, all of her woman's wiles, every ounce of her feminine intuition, the full radiance of her charm, the giving of all she has to give in His Service.

Man's task is harder because for many years yet he must temper spiritual wisdom with animal practicality to achieve harmony among all the peoples of Earth. Alone man doesn't stand a chance of victory ... he will need every bit of love and understanding that woman's strength can give, to assure swift ascendency to glorious living.

The more prosaic feminine tasks cannot be neglected. Proper nutrition holds the solution to far more human maladies than is presently recognized, insofar as it relates to glandular balance. During the past several decades the importance of the endocrine glands is being gradually rediscovered (ancient priests had set methods of stimulating glandular function to clarify meditation and spiritual procedures). Modern Science knows that normal human growth patterns depends on healthy glandular functions, and that the individual emotional patterns is intimately involved with glandular secretion. In reverse, any long sustained emotion has definite glandular and chemical effects on the body, adverse effects if the emotion is one of tension, frustration or depression; favourable effects if the emotion is generous, freeflowing radiance.

Chemical defects have been pinpointed as the cause of certain infant diseases, where raw nerves short circuit like an exposed electric wire, causing convulsions and usually death by the age of three or four. Administration of drugs to tip the chemical balance in one direction or another is of temporary palliative value, too often serving to mask natural symptoms and creating grave chemical insult. Again it is entirely feasible to overload a family with expensive calories, yet neglect the essential purifying ingredients which prevent accumulation of undesirable acids etc., within the body.

It is part of the wife's job to maintain the delicate emotional and physical balance within her family circle. Heart attacks, ulcers, nervous breakdowns and the like can all be directly traced to mental attitudes, and thus chemical imbalance within the body.

Wife, mother, nutritionist, homemaker, spiritual advisor, the list of experiences a woman needs to acquire to be a faithful servant to The Master is unending ... certainly no part time job.

Once woman learns to take her responsibilities seriously, humanity will shortly thereafter learn to take very good care of itself.


Go to chapter 6 ...