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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



A whole new Life begins at forty if you are well prepared for it. In our times many people approach their fortieth birthday with some apprehension that youth, love and adventure will be left behind. Some, grasping on the old adage "Life begins at forty" in a futile attempt to compromise with the advancing years, temporise the acquisition of wisdom with an increased round of jovial trivialities. To this end, bathroom cabinets blossom out with lotions, potions, creams and pills; plus every cosmetic aid imaginable ...each bearing the subtle promise of rejuvenation.

Usually by this time the offspring are reaching an age of independence, mine were. There is more time to spare for personal pursuits, thus homo-sapiens arrives at that time of life frequently termed "the dangerous age" when he starts to smarten up. Budding wisdom can reveal to us that we have left the turbulent tides of adolescence and are all grown up.

Seeking new fields to conquer, the Ego often finds itself straining at the marital leash with some impatience. Time is passing. Observation shows that too often the cloak of charm which characterizes much of our social relationships, is slipped on like a garment when leaving the home, and shed just as quickly on re-entry.

The mate who at one time was predominantly occupied with pouring sweet salve on the Ego of the Beloved, has, over the years, taken on more of a sand papering effect as one party blames the other for diminisihing affection. A virus enters the egg. Tiny barbs of sarcasm flung back and forth, at first playfully, and later with increasing vigor, have created the necessity for the development of a hide like covering of self protection, a shell of indifference into which one can mentally crawl and safely shelter from the nakedness of close communication, even though surface chatter may continue without interruption. Trivial chit-chat occupies a major portion of family and social discussion, with rarely anything being said that wouldn't for the most part, be just as well left unsaid.

This results in general boredom which finds expression in many different ways to keep the chemistry going. To the victim of a roving mate (one of the most common manifestations of a futile weariness with life) columnists offer a wide variety of ineffectual remedies; but the cry "Vanity,vanity, all is vanity," rings on deaf ears. If life has been spent scrambling to serve this vanity "What else is there?" Ego asks.

Buddy, have we got news for you! The "Green Flimsy" allows you to Pause and Reflect out of the range of Superego domination. In hindsight, some might look back over years spent perhaps in accepting much that was labelled "Dislike" because of family responsibilities; or because of demanding moral or denominational taboos. Banish all faint stirrings of martyrdom deep down in the preconscious. According to the famous Neurologist, Dr. Wilder Penfield, Life has a whole and exciting schedule all lined up for all who chose to accept it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. A fortieth birthday might be hailed as the magical key which unlocks the door of convention and releases the mind of its heavy burden of restrictive conformity. The small slights and injustices, real or imagined, received from life now start to ferment as the preconscious insidiously bends and blends facts to suit negative fantasies. These shape change perception to fit a perfectly justifiable course of action to present to the conscious mind when conditions are ripe.

Pausing again in reflection, and with forty years of hindsight wisdom to command, exactly what do you want to lie ahead? Ultimate Self Fulfillment or abject disillusion? How would you term fulfillment? Achievement? Acquisition? Comfort? Freedom? Adventure? Inner satisfaction? Perfect happiness? Take you pick.

Hinduism traces three stages towards the achievement of life's fulfillment. The first stage is the quest for carnal pleasure; 'till one becomes steeped in pleasure and the appetite is sickened. The second state in life is defined as the acquisitive state; success, status, family, are all included in this category. Then having gained the first two of life's objectives, in maturity one looks back to see that these are nothing, and so emerges into the third state of being, which is typified by the birth of a burning desire for an answer to the Mystery of Life. A thirst for Truth, for a meaning to being.

'Tis said there are those who never proceed far beyond the first state of development; many who get bogged down in the stage of acquisition, for the Superego is a hard taskmaster, insatiable in its demands. Then there is the third group who, recognizing the futility of materialism, hunger for expression and seek a wider concept of reality in which to find identification. It is to these that the next two chapters of the Glorious Race are addressed. This middle aged group, relatively sophisticated, well protected under layers of scar tissue which have been developed to protect sensitivity from the trauma of daily living, can well accept the logic of a dual personality. They are aware of the higher self almost buried under the debris of accumulated deceits perpetrated over the years.

To many the weight of this emotional burden seems almost like a physical load to bear. Is it possible that a new life can really be begun when one is forty ... and more? Ask yourselves "Does my experience serve by making my life more richly rewarding or has my higher consciousness been permitted to stagnate over the years? Have I become drilled into narrow channels of habit and conformity?

"Could I accept a challenge that will shatter all my self delusions, alter the firing mechanism of my emotional reactions, re-channel my chemical factory output, possibly alienate me from society?" If the answer is "Yes" you have found perennial youth of heart. To the supercilious adult, the teen-ego is a pretty obvious fellow, easily identified and therefore comparatively simple to check. Not so the more subtle adult version, expert in every insidious guise and disguise, too smooth to ever commit the error of revealing to the conscious mind the exact nature of its driving power Too often the mature person who is loudest in his criticism of youth, neighbors, world conditions, etc., is in fact, the victim of a far more forceful accumulation of error than that which he derides.

It is quite possible that an adult who envisions himself as the fine upstanding type of leader is out of touch with the times, and needs to run a correction tape through his life story. Read the story of the testing of Job with this image in mind. Beware of speaking hollow words which echo false piety. Purity of thought, word and deed integrates the I AM IDENTITY. We can expect nothing from others which we have not first accomplished for self.

Internal shapechanging begins at home. Which forty-year-old would seriously consider this achievement worthy of close attention? Many will go part of the way, 'till they run up against the file of "Self criticism" or "Change" under the preconscious heading of "Dislike." Sins of omission and commission carry similar weight. When the little red light of warning flashes to Ego that it is in danger of losing its supremacy within the "Law of The One" the project is abandoned.

Daring to investigate the possibilities of such a state of mind we can learn to feed the natural mind and the spiritual mind with high quality nutrient. Each person has their own personal guidance system built in to their brainspheres. Try going on instinct, for this book is useless for anything other than a guide. When feeding the natural mind the recordings on the aura fluctuate continuously as the reader either agrees or disagrees with what the author is saying. Trying to push back the boundaries of finity to embrace new concepts of perfection can only be done when the aura is reflecting a strong steady blue light, maintaining it effortlessly. At this time, all mental energy is at its shortest and swiftest wavelengths with no distractions registering ... you are dead to the world so to speak. This is also why the physical brain can only imitate purity, because its range is incapable of comprehension beyond the natural. It is why so many people have told me that it was necessary to read THE INNER POWER many times before its message seeped beyond the physical mind, as if the meaning came not during the reading, but in later meditation, when they slipped from being a person middle aged and finite, to an innocent babe on the threshold of Infinity.

Deity is not given to idle promises. The bible tells us "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". I make this observation in all sincerity. History records many such cases, which lesser minds are quick to ridicule, The natural Egotistical reaction is to tear such people apart. The possibility of deep spiritual experience has already been scientifically proven by the noted American Psychologist, Dr. T. Leary, among others. Dr. Leary says he has personally conducted experiments with different subjects at least 150 times and "Each time I have been awed by religious revelations as shattering as the first experience". In these instances the drug mescaline was used to "Pull back the veil and permit the subjects to see for a second a fragment of the energy dance, of life. "To comprehend the smallest part of the fantastic design" Dr. Leary states, "to experience, if only for a moment the answers to the four basic spiritual questions, these are the peaks of the religious scientific quest".

The natural "Psychic" finds this method of using drugs unnecessary. The stalwart benefit from the rugged "Mountain Climb" and the growing strength which grows from the positive power of steady progression in spiritual experience, "Star Loggin" all the way. (5.10/10.5.) In this way we can see the whole design and look back on the turning points on our life journey. The path is steep and narrow. Love, Truth and perseverence give us metaphoric muscle, and tone of valour. Having had experience with students in this age bracket, many of whom have made a successful transition into a new life, let me hasten to add that each has had initial difficulty in tearing down the facade that has taken a lifetime of building; this effort however, is amply rewarded by the revelations along the way. This facade is called "MAYA" the world of the illusion. ie: The "Holly Berry Circuit." Typical magnification of the Self Image is done by "Star dusting" or tossing big names into general conversation indicating acquaintance with personalities whose status quo is considered to be above that of the present company in order that the social star-dust of these acquaintances may rub off on his/her own person. Even as the enthusiastic do-gooder regales an audience with tales of his charitable works, holding no-one spell bound but himself.

Truth is the most accurate level of understanding at any point in life, and all "truths" meet at a center point in the iris of the All Seeing Eye. Surface types of misconception is easily overcome and neutralized. But as the self- analyst proceeds deeper into the mental labyrinth, the revelations are quite often completely different to the basic problems and the answers so simple that one might wonder how the grip had become so tenacious.

Having overcome these first two points with one early pupil, Mrs. Y., we got to grips with her real problem. She admitted that her sexual coldness was driving her husband into a shell of indifference and herself to feverish social and charitable activity as a method of escape.

As happens to all pupils after initial recognition of the problem, and focused meditation, Mrs. Y. began to experience a series of spiritual dreams, easily identifiable, and quite distinct from normal dreams, indicating that we were making in roads into the depth of the preconscious.

In Counselling, these dreams are later discussed. First the pupil interprets her own dream, then the analyst comments; when each feels that the other has arrived at a true conclusion the pupil has developed a reasonable degree of insight and is upgraded to a student. A student is self motivating unless encountering something that cannot be understood.

In Mrs. Y's. dream she found herself sitting up in bed, the sole occupant of a strange room. Her small cot was in the corner of the room opposite the door. Suddenly there were voices in the hallway outside and a matronly looking woman opened the door, ushering in large numbers of men and women, who crowded about the room, undressed, then settled down for the night. Mrs. Y. wanted to protest this invasion of her privacy, especially when two women go into her small bed, crowding her over to one side. But the woman in charge at the door pointed a stern finger, commanding her to settle down to sleep, even though she felt repulsed at the general atmosphere of the room.

At this point, Mrs. Y., as she had so often done before, experienced an irritating manipulation of her nipples; this sensation always infuriated her though she could never quite understand why. (Abnormal adverse reaction by chemical and emotional trigger). Realizing that this was a spiritual dream, instead of trying to wake herself up, Mrs. Y. did as she had been taught, called upon spirit to help her understand the lesson that was being given. Then she recognized the pattern. In his sleep Mr. Y. was gently rubbing his thumb across her nipples indicating preconscious desire. Instead of rudely turning her back as was her usual reaction, Mrs.Y. lay half asleep in meditation, trying to understand the motive for her negative reaction.

Finally a name, long since forgotten bubbled up to the surface of her conscious mind. Clarence Smythe-Whyte ... that was what he used to do. It had been during the second world war; Mrs. Y. had been working in an ammunition factory. She had saved her money and gone to a very elite boarding house for a vacation, planning to flaunt her young Yorkshire charms before the smart set as depicted on the films. This was where Clarence, a young naval officer, had been billeted.

Clarence, had made no attempt to date Mrs. Y., but each night when he returned from the Mess full of lusty good cheer, he would lean over the back of the chair where she sat alone, reading in the common-room, and rub her breast suggestively. Each night the girl became infuriated and tried to fend him off.

The first obvious question that came with this memory was,"Well, why did you continue to sit there each night, fully aware of what would happen?" It was sheer delight to hear the answer and note the degree of perception development since our first session, when Mrs. Y. would undoubtedly have said something about the room being warmer or the easy chairs being more comfortable for her reading.

"I was his accent. Clarence spoke with a great deal of refinement, just like the B.B.C. announcers; I suppose it was gratifying to have someone socially superior notice me, even though I used to pretend to be so angry. Now I know that all my noisy protests didn't really deceive anyone but myself." Probing deeper we eventually unthreaded the rest of her dream.

The scene was her first experience in kindergarten. Mrs. Y's. folks had lived in a pretty drab neighborhood. Her mother nattered more or less constantly without really conveying much advice. They had camp beds in Kindergarten and ar lunch time the class would fill up with children come to tape a nap. Mrs. Y. explained that the first spring flowers she ever saw sat in a blue china vase on the teacher's desk. Miss White, her teacher, was the epitome of all that was refinement: Her body language, her clothes, her manner of command in her voice brought instant obedience from a child unused to firm direction ... but the secret of her involvement in the dream was her accent identical to Clarence Smythe-Whytes'.

Mrs. Y's preconscious had never forgotten this incident, and had ordered her conscious thinking to respect and obey anyone with this hallmark of social excellence. For this reason Mrs. Y. had been powerless to resist Clarence, even though her conscience told otherwise and had registered repugnance at every repetition of similar incidents to Clarences' conduct. The unconscious mind plays correlative word games (11.8/8.11) which can often be traced down in dream sequences. "Clarence" is also the name of a royal residence.

Once we started to hook up unconscious and conscious correlations it was easy to unravel all the tiny threads. "Every man and woman is a star." Each Life provides Light Points and Ley Lines which reveal the purpose of our journey. As our own life map unfolds in retrospect we no longer see "through a glass darkly" but face to face. Mrs. Y's. guilt complex, covered by aspirations towards social prominence and teach her how to correct the errors in her chemical and emotional firing mechanism. The social set's loss was the 'Y' families' gain. Their whole domestic atmosphere changed and reflected almost immediately in improvement in the children's school reports.

Once the preconscious navigator stops sifting all sensory in put in to like-dislike categories, the unconscious mind can start shining Light into the Cave. These are THE GOLDEN YEARS in which we harvest the fullness of our being. Little things that slip the conscious mind are so important. Musical intonations, accents, odors, names, places, colors, textures, brief encounters. Each one is tabulated in the auric storehouse of life memory.

"I feel as if I have spent a whole lifetime going around in circles and have finally found the path I was always seeking; a purpose to being, a sense of direction, a new identity" said Mrs. Y. By the age of 40 we can clearly see the pattern we have ourselves constructed. A need unsatisfied is a negative motivator. Getting the most out of life often mean breaking a habit or breaking free of a security rut. Taking time to figure out a "Time Pie" which includes something new is a good beginning. Try to trigger emotional and pleasurable response in social service. Try exploring and resolving conflicts between the higher and lower selves. Reflect on old photo albums. Try making a surveillance map of the direction you are taking. Decide on the ultimate degree of satisfaction which it provides; examine the breadth of purpose for living, which of its stimulating challenges will you choose?

When discussing this subject I frequently run into the remark, "It's all very well for you to talk about changing, but you don't have my limitations, my individual problems, etc.," ... and when all the excuses are exhausted we start right over at the beginning again. Without the will to improve any obstacle is insurmountable. To expect that the reading of a couple of arcane books will have the effect of a magic wand is wishful thinking. However, it is true,that all limitations are self-imposed. Find Spirit, connect with your higher self and let its magic do the trick.

By middle age the chemical manufacturing plant is familiarized with the procedures directed by the "Head Office". My ex-Civil Service associates will be fully aware of the uproar created when someone tries to inaugurate a new idea, and the unpopularity of the"Methods and Inspection" demons who preach revision of routines. So it is within. Ego, the former Managing Director is to be retired and the MATURE IDENTITY has come to "Get the Kid out of the drivers seat." All corporeal members will be auto-matically suspicious of the new Director's capacity, balk at un-familiar orders, and seek to return to more familiar patterns of procedure. The staff in the chemical plant will be confused at first bythe steady flow of unfamiliar suggestions, like "Peace be still" rather than tort-retort. Filling the new formulae may not meet with spontaneous enthusiasm among the chemistry workers who will occasionally slip back into the old 'tension' blueprint with which they are so familiar. There may ensue a short period of emotional confusion in the move from egocentricity through eccentricity until the necessary adjustments have been made.

PSI SCIENCE charts indicate that a temporary withdrawal from normal society does wonders to establish new life patterns. The "THREE MONTH SABBATICAL" clears out the mind. It prevents automatic reactions from slipping mind back into the old familiar groove. Spiritual retreat at this time is ideal. Any employer who supports this idea it would get a good return on the investment. A retreat means twelve weeks with no TV or outer world news. Prayer, Music and Meditation open windows on the inner world and we attain the "Still Pool" of reflective mindspace in a setting of peace. At first it may only be possible to maintain this state momentarily, as if a cosmic window opens and closes. Within a few weeks of engrammatic starvation the window opens for an hour or more at a time. These periodic intervals gradually increasing to two, three, four hours at a time. These tried and true methods are expedite chemical changeover: turbulent waters become a still pool. It becomes impossible to get really angry and maintain this state for more than a moment's duration in remembering "there, but for the grace of God go I." Before any of these changes are attempted the subject must be conversant with his emotional firing mechanism and the implanted sub-conscious pressures which direct its operations. To fight a hidden enemy well protected behind a brick wall of Ego is futile. Conscious thought cannot supply logical reasons for instantaneous the emotional reactions which puzzle the subject, simply because preconscious maneuvering is never relayed to the conscious mind.

Considering that habitual preconscious thought has been building up in almost every waking moment since birth with every subtle message relayed from the five senses and tabulating this information with little regard for accuracy. Mum and Dad are God to the wide open infant mind. The task of sorting out this jumble is beyond the power of the individual. Thank God that with Divine Help all things are possible.

In the advanced stages the student knows that any reaction of dislike (even a mild orange aura) towards any human being requires thorough investigation and logical explanation. Compassion (deep blue aura) aids in understanding. There can be no exceptions to this rule. It is almost impossible for the untreated mind to break early programming. The man who mistreats others, He has eyes yet cannot see, ears that cannot hear... and a heart of stone. Let higher justice handle. Trust the meticulous balance of KARMIC LAW. Until this state of faith is reached it is impossible to wear a blue aura constantly or without effort; because our inner power is incomplete, thus fluctuates with circumstantial events, until the I AM is centered. It is then wrapped in a shimmering armour of righteousness, or high wattage auric brilliance. This impregnable shelter of happiness, vibrates in tune with Divinity and Universal Law.

Mary, mother of Jesus the Christ, gave me quite a bit of coaching on this point, under the old apple tree in our garden on Otterson Drive in Ottawa. (The apparition phenomina is valid. After our discussions she would come into the kitchen, borrow my five senses, get into my spice rack and vibrate a tonal and tempo of ecstasy.) Mary told how it had at first perplexed her to observe the lack of special attention that her son paid to his immediate family circle. Mary's visit occurred at a time when Loliad and I were having perhaps the greatest tussle of our long association. Pink and white darlings seemed to be arriving with startling regularity at the Barton's, and, obsessed by their infant charms I had somehow lost the ability to identify Self with All-humanity. At this time my youngest son Jim had just turned twelve. Pitting my 5 1/2% worth against Loliad's 100%, I insisted that as an ex-male he couldn't possibly understand how a mothers felts. Muttering something that sounded like "Women!!!", Loliad faded gracefully into the cosmos and shortly afterwards I became more and more aware of Mary's presence as typified by her special odor and energy wavelength.

As had happened in the past, I reached out once again to Mary (I was not raised as a Catholic - but as my own mother had been an excellent stand in for The Mother Goddess, it came naturally.) One lesson she had learned from her first-born was that the steel spine of KINGSHIP before KINSHIP was built into his human nature. I smiled. This is what made Her a Queen. Her Queenship and Kinship were united. The ability to feel the sorrows of injustice to others as if they were directed towards your own child; the thrill of feeling towards all children as to your own; the ability to extend compassion to friend and foe with equal understanding, the pleasure of sharing another's success as your own success; knowing that this represents complete accord with the Will of The Master. THE KING OF KINGS!

At-one-ment in thought with The Master sends an emotional wave of love sweeping over the body like a flood tide as wave after wave of understanding is achieved. About now a deluge of Divine Passion sweeps through the Sabbatical Dome - and students usually start going berserk. Primal screams ring across the campus as the resuscitation process takes effect. This is a REAL ADULT GAME PLAY for the "Post Forty : Light Brigade." Prove to the world you haven't lost it. We have discovered the EXIT. (Just like Helen Reid told Patrick Watson, Head of the CBC - right after our multiple abduction. ) Helen told the Head of the Canadian Broadcasting Company that WE HAD FOUND THE EXIT - which is TRUE. The CBC replied IMPOSSSIBLE without glancing at the smallest shred of evidence.

We now leave the Vault of the Living Dead still carrousing in their hypno holographic stupor. Hell/Ghenna is dead center in our rear view mirror - the whole STILL PICTURE of the Black Cube. (12.11) The Ceremonial Magic connected with this edifice works. Dare to be daring "Post Forty Light Brigade" some of our best Officers are well into their 90's. Its a game of use it or loose it. The lingham in your head. Raising the Eld of the All Father! Zarg Awake! At last we meet again! (5.12/12.5)

The Divine Plus 40 Platoon is intuitively aware that, though all else may fail, business, prophecies, kingdoms, personal relationships, that we may surmount the modern information deluge - build a new "Noah's Ark" - talk some metaphoric sense in to the living dead and haul aboard all the survivors whose magnetic being is still working. This is not "Kid stuff." The Matrix is and instrument of Universal Digital Precision. Swiss Watch Movement. Instant resurrection.

At-one-ment in thought with The Master makes each one a of us an independent GENIUS. Like snowflakes we are each unique but part of a greater unity as the Internal Governing factor of our Man-God Being knows. By now, the 40+ Brigadre has freed itself of the restrictive male hormones that manufacture elements of jealousy and a Perfect Platonic Love Relationship swells among its MEMBERS. It is like an over riding Hive Consciousness but it in no way interferes with our Sovereign Independence. Human history supplies a wealth of role models: Archetypes of the highest order. We each have the capacity to give and forgive unreservedly, and to receive joy in overflowing measure, 'till, as the Psalmist David noted, "My cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever."

As each person attains this state of grace, Earth is populated with THE GLORIOUS RACE. The vibrational avalanche of fraternal love will signal the return of the mediator, Theochristic Spirit. His triumphant re-entry into our noosphere - atmosphere - biosphere is dependent on the spiritual-energy output of mankind; its zeal and longing to have The Word of God fulfilled.

Many rightly deplore the term fanaticism. While any child on Planet Earth goes hungry religious piety is a farce. Never mistake blind fanaticism for glorious dedication ot improving Life for all the people of Earth. The state of affairs today is such that emergency action is demanded, a return of the Crusaders serving Life, and Liberty. Breaking away from ones former Group identification was advocated by the Mentor who said, "I come to divide families, not to unite them."

The child seeks identification within its family group and later with schoolmates and youth clubs. Denominational groupings,social groupings, labor classification unions, fraternity groupings, racial groupings give strength as we would find by tying a bunch of sticks together. Group identification, fails in that it tends to reduce personal incentive to blend within the boundaries of group thinking due to mans' dogged LOYALTY factor to Familial, Ethnic and National boundaries. No two people are exactly alike in chemical structure or emotional output; thus no two paths to perfection can follow exactly the same course. That which is sought might first be found in sincere group activity, but "Hermetic Introspection" and independent investigation is what sets man free.

A powerful group force in the world today is that of denomination which is divided into leadership and laity. In far too many cases the leadership is devoted to its own cause and not to the cause of unity for spiritual advancement. Disunity gives lie to professions of Christianity, for the carpenter's son spoke quite simply of brotherly love and eternal life. He said nothing about the ritual and display by which the commonality has been yoked to the causal cart, by added hypnotic 'trimmings' and displays of grandeur. These non-essentials are now deep rooted in forms of worship that the effect obscures the simple truth. Individual integrity, personal experience, divine compassion arise from a breadth of vision extending beyond family, beyond environment, beyond generation, beyond species, beyond mortal boundaries.

While methods of relaxation differ, it is evidence of a pretty sick society when millions are spent on pornography, torrid tape recordings and celluloid sex. With this type of mix-up in the emotional firing mechanism it is no wonder that even more millions are spent each year on drugs, social services and mental hospitals. Heaven forbid that our eternal life should be somewhat sombre as a result of lack of fulfillment of natural appetite; but where does normal virility end and morbid preoccupation begin?

Natural survival laws dictates that the mind be dominated by those likes/dislikes which mainly occupy its filing cabinets. Excess of any entertainment or mental exercise associated as "Like" develops greater appetite for more of the same. Given an inch of "Like" the physical mind demands the proverbial mile, becomes rigidly robotic in outlook, oblivious to the spice of variety.

Just the other day I came across a man seriously contemplating suicide because of early impotence. Having fed the brain along selected lines from early youth, its insatiable demands outstripped physical capacity and tormented him mercilessly when the preconscious bombarded the conscious with every memory weapon in its filing cabinets, having no alternative pleasurable suggestions to put forth because they had been taught little else in the way of "Likes". All other seemingly pleasant activities had merely been the means to an end; his whole social life had been aimed at sexual conquest. No wonder he sagged in his chair a defeated man.

As the smoker craves nicotine, the alcoholic thirsts for a drink, so the narrow mind hungers for its own particular form of recreation. The successful man seeks greater success, the wealthy man more wealth, and the wastrel slips even deeper into lethargy.While these are extreme examples it follows that the greater delight one takes in any particular phase of living the more tenacious its grip becomes, affording less opportunity to train the mind in diversity of expression and thus diversity of joyous remembrance.

In this respect, perhaps it is fair to say that some of this present generation are beyond complete cure. But we are privileged in being the instigators of sanity for those to come, which justifies our efforts. Without the Sabbatical, drastic measures may be required to revise concepts of like and dislike. Lessons 1, 2, and 3 in our BMS Courses are the shortcut to inner transformation. An appetite for serious study, is a prime asset in that it goes beyond a pleasant "milk and crackers" mental diet. For these folks, at the beginning the natural and spiritual minds need to be figuratively fed with an eye dropper and gradually advanced through spoon feeding, like spiritual infants, until the ability to digest "the strong meat of God" is attained.

It takes courage to introduce the idea of mental reformation rather than swapping gossip over coffee at breaktime. Total absorption with one's work or family is again constricting if it precludes expansion of vision in Universal understanding to KINGLY-QUEENLY propensity.

At forty it is time to look up and beyond our present life horizons, climb to the highest mountain top, expand to greet new concepts of reality, recognise that their is A MASTER PLAN which includes YOU. Whether we choose a major or minor role in its completion is a matter of individual choice, capacity will grow at a speed comparable to effort expended and the possibilities are limitless. The spark of initiative glows deep down inside everyone.

I speak from personal experience. I began a new life at forty when RA KAHN taught me a powerful prayer. "Thou Master of the Universe, let the reign of Divine Love, Truth and Wisdom be established in me as in all the World. Help me to understand and carry out THY WILL this day, that those about may be helped by THY POWER in me."

Go to chapter 8 ...