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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



While the ultimate objective on this planet is perfect individual harmony between the spiritual and natural components, thus global harmony with all lesser differences being automatically eradicated, this ideal state of affairs will take many generations for completion.

The speed and success with which many of the international gaps are breached will, as always, depend mainly on the efforts of a few dedicated persons who are prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty in service.

The capacity for spiritual service in any individual is equal to the sum of that person's natural capacity plus their willingness to work. As willingness to work depends on the degree of egotistical driving force, there is no one who cannot handle the particular physical forces that have to be dealt with.

Poetic justice lies in the fact that the more fiercely the battle has raged within; the more powerful the intellectual and egotistical conflicts combatted, the keener the final product, the greater its potential for service.

To feel hopelessly inadequate for this task is a very healthy starting point. 1. As a four year old W.G.B. had not yet developed the normal adult mental blocks towards learning something different. However, it would have been futile for Loliad to command the little girl to ride the dark horse; but once she, herself, had taken the first faltering step forward and whispered, "I'll try", the mortal and immortal components came to grips with reality and the final victory was assured.

Though Armageddon comes to everyone, on earth it is strictly a battle for volunteers who at first only dimly perceive the value of the prize. Later it becomes increasingly apparent that spiritual wealth can be accumulated in any degree desired, depending on effort expended. The overt results in terms of facts and figures are of little account spiritually speaking. The energy vibrations per second recorded on the aura, and intensity of ardor is what counts.

Because this awareness is unintelligible to the natural mind the early pupil has nothing but faith for initiative. Quite often a beginner hasn't the foggiest notion of what talk of spiritual riches is all about. There is no way of telling whether or not this person will remain a pupil for a month, a year, or even longer. It is not uncommon to labour over some tiny problem for weeks; like going up a steep cliff inch by inch, then one evening to suddenly surge forward and cover months of normal training, as if reaching a sunlit plateau of understanding and tripping around ecstatically as many little puzzles fit into place and the overall concept becomes clearer. In attaining these heights (shorter frequencies) the pupil gains incentive, ceases to be fully dependent on the teacher, and qualifies as a student.

1. See introduction to "The Inner Power"

Lack of initiative alone holds a pupil back. There is no book, no teacher, no human institution that can give understanding of spiritual values. Your horse can be led to water, but only of free will can be made to drink.

To think for one moment that spiritual ascendency can be gained without a struggle is to be deluded. Perfect man spent forty days in self conquest. Buddha concentrated for six years before he could announce "I am awake" ... and that is what his name declares. In the Sanskrit root budh means both to wake up and to know. St. Paul, when awakened "Died daily" in remorse at the errors his former ignorance had permitted.

Because of the energy created by a sinner's active repentance, there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, who reaches the turning point and starts to blast his way up the path of salvation, than in all the numbers living their listless lives in oblivion of the fact that improvement or effort is required.

This chapter particularly seeks the "sinner". The person aware of having made just about every error possible. One whose drive had led into the many highways and byways of human experience 'till now the animal curiosity is satiated. One who now chooses a major role in spiritual accomplishment and is willing to carry the fight beyond the stage of self-conquest to the battlefield of antimaterialism on a global scale ... a daring proposition.

It is written, "Though your sins are as scarlet they shall be white as snow". Many qualify under this category, and there are more than enough jobs to occupy all such crusaders. Organization to avoid duplication of effort is desirable in order to realise maximum results from energy expended.

Consider the pioneers who hewed our North American continent out of rock and wilderness, that we, the generations to follow might gain new heights of freedom. Today's material jungle requires no lesser dedication.

The pioneers were strong men, fearless. They looked about them and knew distaste for the social systems which restricted equality. They had faith in a better way of life and were prepared to become estranged from comfort to discard the familiar things and seek better. The founding fathers of THE GLORIOUS RACE will need these same qualities.

Please, never think I use the term Armageddon lightly. The moral courage required to fight external ills is insignificant compared with the degree needed to wage successful war with the lower self. The agony of self-knowledge grows more exquisite as fresh insight lights up the deepest recesses of the mind and the spirit develops a closer companionship with Divinity. Be warned: mental flagellation, floundering in useless regrets, presents no solution to this problem. Positive determination to live each future day on an ascending level of conscious awareness is the answer. Action is the logical outcome of desire to assist in the course of human evolution.

Apartheid will not be eradicated without a struggle. Communism will not surrender meekly to spirit. The "Have's" will fight to retain their abundance. The "Have-nots" will grow impatient. To enter any such contest without the impregnable armour of love and compassion is to court defeat.

To ride the dark horse in the manner we are now discussing requires the giving of ALL. Nothing can be held back, not the tiniest like or dislike, not the smallest hint of favouritism to one or another, nor the faintest spark of antagonism.

Abraham had a bitter struggle with this problem; throughout his life he had tried to serve The Master well and faithfully, offering the pick of his flock, making all the formal ovations. But Jehovah was an exacting God, satisfied with nothing less than all. The chosen leader needed one more lesson in total surrender of all values opposing Divine Will.

Dearer to the great patriarch than his wealth, his life, and his honour (remembering Ishmael) was the person of his son Isaac. The question to be decided then, was did Isaac supersede Jehovah in Abraham's heart ... this was the mental fight that ravaged Abraham before he laid his heart's desire on the alter before his God. But more than this; it had to be a glad offering, a willing gift, or it was nothing.

Rarely are such degrees of physical sacrifice demanded. Surrender is a state of mind; total rejection of all values other than spiritual; the ability to rejoice as you say "Here I am Master, make me the instrument of Thy Will".

Attachment to home, family, position, humanitarian ideals, patriotism, denomination must be relegated to secondary places in scales of value.

Recent film footage of Buddhist Monks making living torches of themselves, illustrates the problem these people will have in bringing the Lord Buddha into proper perspective before joining hands with Islam, Judaism and all the other "isms" as brethren of the glorious race. Christendom would be hard pressed to find volunteers for such demonstrations of faith and total disregard for carnal values. Christians would do well to meditate on the monks' sacrifice, benefit by comparison; and if some new understanding can come from it, these noble lives will not have been spent in vain. Discarding "Isms" which reflect opinionated mental heritage is essential.

To give mental allegiance to any created being is an offence to The Creator. Gratitude, admiration, respect ... by all means; worship -- never. Jesus the Christ was a vessel, a sanctified vessel, in that, there in the wilderness he had met and conquered the carnal challenge, and in surrendering himself to Spirit had become one in thought with Spirit ... a living word. Many facets of Omnipotence require many words, in many tongues ... none conflict, if using these teachings, one reaches out with intuition to reconstruct the original concept.

The attempt of men with pedantic minds to define religious truths in dogmas has killed the Life in every religion since the world began. One must get beyond the Form in order to see the Life. His Messengers can only convey general ideas or impressions, the rest is up to you.

The mathematical accuracy of a draughtsman's plan is not suggested in the following recommendations: Having examined the contents of one's "Likes" and "Dislikes", discarding error after logical scrutiny, thus being reasonably sure of an unbiased viewpoint, proceed into the "miasmic swamp" to plumb the utter depths of self-recognition.

Sincere exploratory voyages into this aspect of man makes the Psychiatrist humble; has led to many nervous breakdowns; for it sometimes seems that the deeper one goes, the more involved the tangled network becomes. It requires skill and courage to continue probing. Replacement comparable to discarding is an important feature, with periods of strenuous manual labour to relieve pressures. For maximum results very delicate technique is essential. An indication of advancement, is when a pupil approaches the teacher, near horror in the eyes, at having experienced the first real insight into the forces within. This is the dawn of awakening. Up until the completion of THE INNER POWER, under Loliad's guidance, I had done no reading (other than casual) on any particular subject. It was absolutely forbidden that I absorb preconceived ideas from possibly contaminated sources. I had the bible and "Science and Health" at hand but read little of either ... just portions indicated by Loliad as being useful.

Having completed THE INNER POWER on blind faith, Lee suggested the reading of many books, all of which confirmed the various facets of our discussions. Among these books I found "The Religions of Man" by Huston Smith, most helpful, also certain studies on population explosion, some papers on vibration and ultra light, and various works by Sigmund Freud and C. J. Jung.

I am indebted to Miss Avis M. Dry for permission to use some of the paragraphs from her book "The Psychology of Jung" which comprises much of the material in the next few pages.

Because self-recognition is the key to ALL understanding, the vital differences in the thinking of two acknowledged experts, Professors Freud and Jung, makes a striking illustration of differing points of view, each partially correct, yet with the one man refusing to admit any force beyond natural man.

The later Jungian psychology has been described by one of his contemporaries as "a mish-mash of oriental philosophy with a bow-derised psycho-biology" and the critic charges that Jung's theories are incoherent, that instead of going beyond Freud as his followers have claimed, he is pre-Freudian and a psychologist of the conscious; that he is a pedagogue more than a psychologist; one who teaches children rather than an expert. (What more splendid epitaph could man bestow). Nor do writers have to be so strictly Freudian to be adverse in their judgement; "So mysterious as to be almost undiscussable was one academic verdict" ... so much for academic verdicts.

Freud was concerned with natural man's life only (p.216) ... "And as for the great necessities of fate, against which there is no remedy, these he will simply learn to endure with resignation. Of what use to him is the illusion of a kingdom on the moon, whose revenues have never yet been seen by anyone: As an honest crofter on this earth he will know how to cultivate his plot in a way which will support him". He goes on to say that Science has taught man much and will increase his power still further. The search for a meaning to life does not concern Freud... "It looks on the contrary, as though one had the right to dismiss this question ... Nobody asks what is the purpose of the lives of animals 2. The argument that we should live 'as if' immortality or any other immemorial doctrine were true meets with the reply that it would be strange, certainly, if our poor ignorant, enslaved ancestors, had succeeded in solving all these riddles of the Universe" 3. and "The man whose thinking is not influenced by the wiles of philosophy will never be able to accept it" 4. Similarly there is no sense of man's continuity with Nature. Not only do human figures fill Freud's canvas; the non-human world is seen quite definitely as the enemy of man, with earthquakes, floods, disease, and death ... "Nature rises up before us, sublime pitiless, inexorable".

Freud had perfect understanding of natural man and his master. Whereas Jung, particularly in his later years, recognised in mankind something beyond the carnal. However, it appears on the surface that Freudian treatments brought faster and happier results to his patients.

As a fairly direct contrast of opinion here are two stories. The first concerns a patient of Freud's who had developed obsessional symptoms relating to his mistress ... "After more than two decades, when they had both lost something of their youth, the woman naturally more than he, he felt the need of detaching himself from her; he wanted to be free, to lead his own life and have a house and family of his own ... I may add that my patient was able with the help of analysis to make a love choice outside the magic circle within which he had been spell-bound".

Whereas Jung's prospective patient, had brought a detailed manuscript analyzing the symptoms of his illness with remarkable acumen and wished to know why, in spite of his insight, the illness was not cured. During the preliminary inquiry it transpired that the young man had a mistress, a poor school teacher who stinted herself in order to provide him with expensive holidays ... "Obviously I had to tell this young man what I thought of him. If we could have reached agreement on this point treatment would have been possible. But if we had begun our work by ignoring the impossible basis of his life it would have been useless ... (p.155). I firmly believe in the power and dignity of the intellect, but only if it does not violate feeling values" 1. His want of conscience was the cause of his neurosis, Jung says in discussing this case elsewhere "and it is not hard to see why scientific understanding failed to help him".

On this last point I disagree. It was not the young man's "want" of conscience that caused his neurosis ... quite the reverse. The fact that Jung's patient was obviously younger than Freud's gave his less sophisticated preconscious more susceptibility to spiritual barrages.

Later (Page 158) in Dr. Dry's book, Freud cites the report of a former Jungian patient that "Instead of freedom through analysis, every day brought fresh terrific demands on me, which had to be fulfilled if the neurosis were to be cured ... for instance, inward concentration by means of introversion, religious meditation, resuming life with my wife in loving devotion ..."

Thus it will be fellow equestrians. Depending on past performances and perceptibility there will be days, weeks, months, perhaps years, when every probe brings fresh terrific demands on Self and pleas to the Powerhouse for added strength seem almost an hourly necessity. Ego seduces, tempts, tantalizes, ridicules; anything to maintain its supremacy.

Introspection without logical replacement can possibly prove more harmful than helpful if the proper balance of study and activity is not maintained. During this period there is the occasional necessity to "Let Rover off the leash" once in a while. Even while bearing in mind that the animal component must be "Called to heel" once it has been exercised. When complete harmony is achieved, even when offered his freedom "Rover" won't want to go too far afield from spiritual self. This activity progresses to the point where Ego is just as enthusiastic about The Master Plan, as is the spiritual mind, for their emotional firing mechanism is synchronised.

Those presently struggling in the "swamp" can rest assured that this day will come, and can be hastened by the earnest will to win. Luckily, the more demanding ego has been in the past, the more eager it will be to regain some of its former drive after months of seemingly chasing its own tail around in the lesson of patient stoicism. Wild mares and stallions react pretty much the same way to the taming process.

In the circus story 1. brevity necessitated an apparently quick ending to the contest. But the race was not won as smoothly as portrayed. The mare bared its teeth, bit, screamed, and threw every kind of tantrum possible in an effort to unseat the rider. Only after her subdual and willing co-operation was an attempt made to overtake the other contestants in the race for Truth; who, able only to operate on the slow, natural wavelengths of intelligence, became side-tracked with details, petty considerations, fears and fancies, deviated from the course with each tug of like and dislike.

As basking in the sun, a child without even thinking understands all the warmth and pleasure of sunshine. While the scientific mind demands all the facts and figures relating to the sun before forming a complicated opinion, and in so doing misses the simple joy of unquestioning acceptance.

This "feeling" for things is the first rapturous discovery sensed by the spiritual student. As if the unimprisoned mind recaptures all the awareness of childhood. From this time forward social laws become obsolete. The art of being an individual capable of withstanding social pressures, yet able to mix freely (for to become a hermit would serve no useful purpose but one's own) is the next hurdle.

1. (See introduction to THE INNER POWER)

* * *

North American society is a quaint institution and great fun to observe (through Loliad's eyes anyway). No doubt many cultures are similarly interesting.

Like our pagan forefathers, mankind enjoys feasting and merrymaking: Delights in dressing up and receiving gifts. To excuse these celebrations and make our feasts perfectly respectable we call them holidays.

A study of comparative religion shows common origin based on sun worship, which naturally includes astrological symbology. Hence we find in all ages that on the dates when the sun enters a cardinal sign pagan festivities ensue.

The date of December 25th for divine birth is common to nearly all races and ages, chosen because it was a few days after the winter solstice, when the sun has conquered darkness and the days begin to lengthen. This date is celebrated as the birthday of Horus, Krishna, Mithra, Dionysus, and Tammuz-Adonis. It was proclaimed as the birthday of Christ in 337 A.D. and St. Chrysostom states that this date was chosen to coincide with the Bacchic festival so that Christians might celebrate undisturbed while pagans were otherwise occupied.

This portion of the gospel story is duplicated from many sources. For example, Krishna was of royal decent, born in a dungeon during his foster father's pilgrimage to pay his annual tribute. The prophet Narada visits the child, examines his stars, and declares him to be of divine origin. King Kansa then orders the massacre of all newly born male children, whereupon the babe is whisked away to safety. The massacre of the innocents is derived both in this story, and in the gospel, from Solar Myth sources; for at sunrise the stars vanish, thus originating the symbology of a massacre from which the sun-god escapes.

Mithra was born in a cave and adored by shepherds, and the tradition of being wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger is identical with the legends of Hermes and Dionysus.

The ox and ass were the chief animals in the sacred processions of Isis; Taurus the bull being one of the sun-god symbols, while the ass symbolised the winter-god or principle of darkness.

A Chinese legend tells how Buddha's mother Maya, was a virgin. She was visited by Shing-Shin the Holy Spirit and a star rose in the sky to announce the baby's birth.

At the dawn of the Christian Era, Mithraism was not only the chief religion in Persia, but was strongly established in Rome. For many years Christianity made little or no headway. Then the Emperor Julian was killed in battle against the Persians and his successor turned against Mithraism because of its Persian origin. Thus Christianity became adopted as the state religion.

The Chief Priest of Mithra was called Pater Patrum, and his seat was at the Vatican. In 376 A.D., Pater Patrum was also priest of Hecate and Bacchus. Thus the first pope was merely the successor to the last priest of Mithra. There was no conversion, rather royal decree, which left the priests and citizens no choice but to mingle Mithra myth with the few original shreds of Christ's teachings, and from these mixed origins came the dogmas which dominate the churches today. Purgatory was of Mithrain origin, the crowing cock in the St. Peter story, and the symbolic crown of thorns. Indeed, Christ was never represented as crucified until after 680 A.D. Previous to this his symbol was a lamb... the sacrificial lamb.

From such humble beginnings the great Christian faith arose, as God wills, so it shall be. But to worship a created being must cease to be.

In our twentieth century, a visiting Vringgian would probably conclude that what the sacred cow is to the people of India, the red-nosed reindeer is to the North American -- if a study of Christmas Cards is any indication.

Sophisticated civilization would protest furiously if we were to rename Christmas Day a "Bacchus Binge" -- yet why not? Deity is not impressed by names, only acts, and what do our acts convey? The Master hasn't the least objection if we want to whoop it up once in a while -- but NOT in the name of worship. To any who suggest Christmas Day be spent in prayer and fasting with special donations to the underprivileged, society raises an eye brow in despair for that person's sanity.

All Saints Eve on the Christian Calender has become Halloween -- just how mixed up and pagan can we get? How is it possible for our children not to confuse the issue when the fun includes ghouls, devils, skeletons, witches, goblins ... Hallowed Eve? Why not "Carnal Capers" and be honest about it.

From the beginning when Deity first started teaching mankind of His ways, He has sent us the same message. Don't insult Me with lies. Isaiah 1:14,20. states "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth; they are a trouble to Me: I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make prayers I will not hear: Your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; CEASE TO DO EVIL. Learn to do well, seek judgement, relieve the oppressed; help the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, let us reason together saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat of the good of the land. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it ..."

Another of our societies' favourite fallacies is the idea that "Clothes make the man," when it is "Clothes boost the ego". Any who depend for dignity and self confidence on the garments they wear are sadly lacking in true confidence. When mink becomes symbolical of egomania it will rapidly go out of fashion. Under-privileged children sleeping on newspaper in unheated huts will likewise be outmoded. Even more ghastly to mankind will be the sight of a jewelled cross on an ornate alter, to me the most painful idiosyncrasy of our times.

When days of special spiritual thanksgiving are set by world wide programmes, we will honour the birthdays of all the heavenly messengers, deeply grateful for the part each has played in mankinds' enlightenment. We will try to emulate their particular strengths: Abraham giving his ALL, Moses forsaking the fleshpots of Egypt for the under-privileged; Confucius who taught "Great man reaches complete understanding of the main issues; Petty man reaches complete understanding of the minute details". Jesus Christ who showed us that Father-God is Love, eternal life Reality: Muhammad who cried "There is but one God, the Living, the Eternal!" ... yes and even Karl Marx who paid no lip service but taught ... the meek shall inherit the Earth, and put practical application to theory in a way that no Christian Church ever did.

Regardless of the mysterious way in which Deity has given enlightenment, we must respect Truth and untangle the manmade error. Intuition supersedes intelligence, and when developed will illuminate all error. Then, to be aware of error, and not fight it by practical application, is impossible.

Yes, Loliad is right, we do have a quaint civilization. * * *

Attainment of humility and social immunity leads to examination of Natural Law. To become conversant with the methods employed by Earth's Production Manager; her efficiency, her economy; her perseverance; is to become enchanted with the force which created this energy offspring.

Let's take a moment out to examine the astronomical Ego that suggests that our milky way holds centre place in the Universal Stage-setting.

Nature operates within the slowest vibratory wave length in the Universal Kingdom. Six other wavelengths separate Nature from Source. All planetary organisms flourish within the natural energy band circling each globe.

Our sun and its planets are only a microscopic part of the Milky Way, our Earth just one of the approximately one hundred billion stars contained in this galaxy. Then again. the Milky Way is but one of the innumerable galaxies stretching out into space. Whichever direction our radio telescopes probe, more and more galaxies continue to appear; yet though the stars are scattered in their countless trillions the space between them is such that the heavens can be considered sparsely populated. Such are Nature's outposts and the possibilities of diverse natural development, without even considering the six other energy forces, all of shorter wavelength, and therefore more diverse and more powerful than Nature.

About fifty years ago it was discovered that a red tinge to the light of a star indicated that this star was moving away from Earth at a terrific rate of speed, and whatever direction was studied, whole galaxies of these red glowing stars could be seen, which led observers to conclude that the universe was expanding. This theory infers that the Earth, or the Milky Way, is the focal point of the Universe if an expanding Universe was going out in every direction like spokes of a wheel ... truly astronomical ego. The focal point of the Universe is the Source of Universal energy: such is the face of my beloved.

In reality, our Earth is as a pebble, circling around with all the other pebbles and dust spots in His Universe. The fact that we travel at a lower rate of speed than some of the others makes them appear to be racing away from us rather than spinning ahead of us. Understanding of Universal Law begins when Natural Law has been brought into perspective, and we start to comprehend the insignificance of race and creed in relationship to humanity as a whole, the insignificance of humanity in relationship to all the other spiritual beings in the Universe, many operating on far higher frequencies than our own; and the insignificance of all lesser energies to the Creator.

If the world of Spirit were not all-engrossing, there would be no more fascinating field of study than the diversity of natural evolution. 1 Ufology is a favourite pastime of our group. Some religious groups accept the fact that everything, mineral, vegetable and animal has a spirit, and by a very long stretch of facts this is right. Loliad is going to have me write a technical book on this subject someday with mathematical proof of this. Energy output per second is more or less the answer.

Nature operates on an energy scale far slower than the spiritual frequency, with antimatter, nature's opposite coming in between -- actually antimatter is the next band up from the natural. Our carnal senses are equipped to interpret messages sent on the natural wavelength, all higher frequencies are unintelligible.

The spiritual self receives intelligence sent on the "spiritual wavelength" -- common to all human beings, but efficiency depends on the preconscious transformer, or our degree of reliance on the material senses. Flexibility in this respect normally lessens with the acquisition of material facts, but any weakening of the natural mind (as in senility) which decreases emotional and chemical reaction, heightens our capacity for spiritual reception. Thus we can load the natural mind with facts concerning religion and Deity, but all this means nothing unless our actions are directed by the spiritual mind, the imperishable portion. The carnal can only "imitate" divine thinking as the result of training; our inner self alone understands these concepts and the rudiments of supernatural law.

When we speak of boosting the 4-1/2% mentality to 100% capacity this is factual. Insight compliments the natural frequency thought waves to speeds of thought formerly incomprehensible. It becomes possible to see, smell, feel and hear things of which one was formerly unaware.

Odour recognition of one's spiritual guide and other familiar spiritual people, is one of the earliest indications of improved receptivity; part of the spiritual riches we have been discussing.

Recognition of individual spiritual frequencies often follows. But development is unique to any given individual so no hard and fast rules for progress can be laid down.

These are the by-products. Keener senses, a more alert mentality, boundless vitality and disease fighting energy. One accepts these gifts gladly, pleased at having more to offer in HiS Service.

Which among you will hear Spirit enquiring "Quo Vardis: Whither goest thou?" Who will pause to consider what lies ahead, who will shake off the lethargy of self interest and ascend to astral awareness?

Who will ride the dark horse?

N.B. Earthly authorities helpful in this chapter were J. M. Robertson's "Pagan Christs" and "Christianity and Mythology"; and Williamson's "The Great Law". WGB


Go to chapter 9 ...