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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



Primitive man had little fear of death. Life was unpredictable, with scant time to worry about either death, pain, or prolonged illness. It was only when accumulative instincts developed and man became status conscious concerning his possessions that the prospect of parting with material acquisition began to take on a new and painful aspect.

From this point on, the more prestige minded the man, the more complicated the devices he thought up in an effort to ease some of his worldly belongings over the dividing line. The pyramids of Egypt, and their contents stand today as an enduring symbol of man's longing for a materialistic immortality.

Is twentieth century man more advanced in his thinking? ... On Wednesday, May 8, 1963, The Montreal Gazette recorded the Vatican Radio as saying of Communism "It is a religion whose gospel begins with the words, "In the beginning was matter, and matter was God" - unquote.

While Theology has a gospel that starts with the words "In the beginning was God, and God created matter" ...

Is this not rather like arguing over which came first -- the chicken or the egg?

* * *

As in the story of the three talents, when Supreme Being gave Nature the energy to create her evolutionary process, the good servant used this spark wisely and produced mankind of her own industry.

Death is simply the separation of our divine energy from the substance evolved by Nature as a factory for producing the Natural energy which is required for furthering the species.

For the uninitiated, this partition normally takes place at the time of death -- or that time when the body can no longer produce natural energy in the required amount. It is a momentary procedure. By Natural Law, any creature considered to be a poor investment energy-production-wise is destroyed. Thus, by the rule of the survival of the fittest, mankind evolved.

During life, the energy released by our pulsating thoughts has been captured within our magnetic field in the form of colour; these colours have been reflected in the spiritual aura. At the time of death, the natural aura, (usually very faint by this time) goes out like a light, leaving the spiritual aura drenched with reflection.

The length of time necessary to free the spiritual aura from the dross of natural thought reflection may be likened to spending a period of time in quarantine, purgatory, the outer darkness. There are many terms to describe this state of being, however, it amounts to a period of isolation until such time as the purified spirit is free of discolouration, and can proceed through the six further stages of spiritual evolution, or astral ascension, on return to Source.

Technically speaking. the colouring which represents carnal thinking, being natural, must be returned to Nature to replace her energy investment. From birth, each human being has consumed Nature's products, in the form of food, clothing, housing etc., and practical Mother Nature has to have her bill stamped "Paid in full" before the spiritual entity can be released. While we have made daily "interest" payments in released energy, the principal hasn't been touched. Nature's fondness for mankind is simply in his practical worth of energy dividends. That is why I have said before, if Science should succeed in creating imbalance, that is, prolonging life beyond natural fitness requirements, either in the newly born or the aged, our species would be doomed; Nature just wouldn't put up with it.

Again considering the pyramids of Egypt; whom do you think was better prepared to sever energy-clogging earthy ties; the thousands of slaves who died on construction work, or the departing Pharaoh's to whom prestige meant so much? And again; who had the largest natural debt owing? The slaves who consumed little and produced much; or the King, who "borrowed" fabulous amounts of natural wealth, expending little effort.

The development of Ego was intended to incite mankind into higher natural energy production. As Nature cannot comprehend Deity, she being on a slower sonic range, she has no alternative but to obey Omnipotence without question. The more energy man has to eject from the aura after death the better it pleases Nature -- dividends! dividends! dividends!

The preconscious mind, now an inert mass, does not have to suffer -- it is dead. Therefore, in payment for its earthly education, the spiritual mind must meet the price that the animal actions have caused.

Westerner's have much to learn from Oriental facets of religion in this respect. Many Buddhists and Hindus spend the larger part of their lives in renunciation of all that is material (Low consumption) in order that spiritual progress will be unhampered.

The harmony we advocate teaches full enjoyment of all reasonable material things, decries wasteful consumption, evokes equality of distribution, demands full energy output for products consumed; but most of all, requires that the greater part of one's actions be directed by the spiritual vibrations, which, being of a separate source, do not represent debts to Nature. In this way, on transition, it is easy to discard material inclinations and surge forward to the next state of being.

Technicalities aside, it works like this. The comfort or anguish during the period immediately following transition depends largely on one's attitude towards departure. It can represent the moment sublime if, having known the perfect love which casteth out fear, one is eager to partake of eternity; or it can be resisted, which requires an exhaustive energy output in a vain attempt to procrastinate.

It is not at all uncommon for a spiritual entity to manifest itself in earthly form for months, or even years after transition, depending on the degree of resistance that was being expended.

Perhaps England's Anne Boelyn is one of our most notorious examples. Infuriated at the injustice of her early demise, Anne didn't intend to take this state of affairs lying down, so, tucking her head underneath her arm, she walked the Bloody Tower in a regular protest march. Unfortunately this was quite wasted on Henry, who operated strictly on his five carnal senses, and only the common folk witnessed the lady erasing her anger.

Even as the Bluenose ghost types, of Canada's eastern coastline, came back to check and recheck on pirate hoards, reliving over and over again the last preconscious thoughts of greed; reluctant to leave such treasure behind, even seeking to guard it.

Remorse takes on odd facets. There was the lady who had a heart attack as she saw her young grand-daughter drowning, and relived this scene visually on numerous occasion before eradicating her guilt feeling at having left the child unattended.

Poltergeists are those rare specimens who eject remorseful energy with such fury that it is impossible to ignore them. These would be people anxious to draw attention to themselves, or ones who passed over in such a flaming fit of rage that they must continue to vent their feelings after transition.

Not too long ago there was the case of the parson's housekeeper who went into her deceased employer's bedroom and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed tying up his shoelaces in his former fastidious fashion, then, gathering up imaginary letters from his writing desk, he hurried off to mail them. Bound by formality, obsessed by mediocrity, the dear old soul could not consider departure improperly dressed, or without attending to his last earthly chores, and had died with this in mind. Routine bound him so solidly that it would take many years of repeating these trivial actions before he was free of the idea.

Not all remorse is reacted by manifestation; but where a still-living person is closely involved in another's remorse, this is often transmitted in spiritual dreams when the preconscious is asleep and ego off guard. This can only occur when two persons have been operating on a sympathetic wavelength. It is also possible to recognise the vibrations of a departed person in a room at a quiet time of day.

During World War II, a very dear personal friend of mine was burned to death in a plane crash near Alexandria, after which we kept regular contact for nearly ten years. He was appalled at the manner of his death and concerned about the disfigurement (he was twenty-one at the time and a particularly handsome lad); these had been his dying thoughts. After a great deal of suffering over this frustration, this period subsided, and he began to feel angry instead at the ridiculous wastage of his carnal self in the prime of its vitality. Self-pity wrung him mercilessly -- but the hell was of his own making. Gradually he came to realise this, paused, fretting long enough to peer beyond the outer darkness into the distant glow of a new and beautiful world in the distance. That was the end of our communication ... except once, when in Astral Travel, I was permitted to peek in and say "Hello" to my dear departed husband.

The dearer earthly ties have been, the harder it is to part with the remnants of natural energy. The spirit cannot see beyond Earth's atmosphere 'till natural thought reflection is exhausted. Every young man who died in battle had to undergo this awful rage at the wastage of youth in the utter stupidity of war. Transition comes more gently to the aged.

The person who has spent a lifetime in acquiring natural facts feels the same reluctance to depart, the ego-reflection hating to proceed to where natural factual accumulation is no longer a prestige factor. How fall the mighty when Spirit says "Never mind your intellectual accomplishments now, how do you rate in spiritual accomplishments?"

To be faced with an entirely new set of values on such short order might rightly be described as "hellish". All the energy spent in self-pity, fear, habit, hate, self-pride has to go. Inability to reject ingrained habit grips the soul -- rather like in the old school girl joke about the drinker who went beyond and was given a bottle with a hole in the bottom by a waitress without ...

The energy expended in remorse must be mathematically equal to the emotional energy released in aurotic discolouration. From the time of birth every thought has been recorded; not the slow waves of conscious thought, rather the faster l.B.M. type sparks from the preconscious, of which an individual could be totally unaware. This is why the preconscious must be thoroughly sorted out at the first possible opportunity and the emotional firing mechanism reset. Until the completion of remorse techniques, the spiritual mind's vibrational capacity is slowed down to the degree of discolouration. The red colours of anger, hate, tension etc., hamper it most, being the slowest of all the vibrational wavelengths. This purification process goes through the whole spectrum of the aura colour, band by band, 'till the aura is perfect. Throughout this whole period there is no ability to communicate with fellow spiritual beings, thus the term spiritual isolation.

As in life, it is not easy to discard old ideas and embrace broader concepts of reality; so it is in death. The familiar surroundings and Earthy ideas are not easily discarded. Deep longings and unfulfilled desires figure prominently in this post transition period. Children have no such problems if they die young, for the preconscious is uncluttered... again we are reminded ... except ye become as little children ye shall not see the kingdom of heaven. All that burns in hell then, is self-will. When a short enough frequency has been achieved, the newly ascended spiritual entity can communicate with its Guide, (who actually takes one step down the vibrational scale and assists the assignee to ascend). To those who have spent much time in meditation it will be like the reunion of old friends, one having perfect confidence in the other. In fact, the people who understand deep meditation will find this chapter largely unnecessary, will have already undergone the first stages of reckoning, and taken some strides towards reparation in the development of selfless motivation.

Imagine sitting through a movie of your life run backwards; that is starting at the last thoughts before death, only with the former Ego that excused every action backing down on its decisions when faced with cold facts. As background music, imagine a soft intonation of the General Confession -- we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done... and now we have no time left to make recompense.

With one heartwarming exception, every pupil who has come to me has been armed with a perfect tale of self-justification for every action committed. These stories run the gamut from circumstances, provocation, being misunderstood, personal injustices, lack of perception, parental malingering, inability to control the mind, irrepressible drives, etc., to hunger, lack of material wherewithal, ignorance, etc., etc., etc.

Initial comments from readers of THE INNER POWER were invariably... "Yes, the world needs this book, many people are making these mistakes". But rarely "I am making these mistakes". Married women frequently blame their husbands for their inadequacies. But at the time of reckoning they will stand alone. The husband likewise will have to face his errors by himself. However it does serve to emphasise the importance of happy marital relationships and the responsibility of parenthood.

Jesus taught "Turn the other cheek". Simple obedience to this rule without questioning the natural logic, as so many do, will keep your aura bright. The offender alone will be responsible for his recorded offence. I know too that Jesus' dying words from the cross have been misinterpreted. He actually said "Father, I forgive them, they know not what they do" -- for Jesus was well aware that His Father could not forgive. To do so would have meant overriding the Law of Eternal Justice, thrown Spirit and Nature out of kilter. Had Jesus died with resentment on his mind it would have reflected on no one but himself.

About this point revolves the whole crux of forgiveness. The scenes we watch portraying our former lives on Earth will repeat themselves endlessly until we have learned to forgive, and in eradicating this aurotic blot, our own forgiveness is automatic, the spiritual load is lightened, its frequency quickened as this bond slips away.

Ejecting error from the red band of the aura might be termed the negative aspect of spiritual ascension. What of the pleasure we will find in reliving the blue bands, the loving, worthwhile items of our lives.

This is where the importance of acquiring an equal measure of spiritual worth for natural capacity becomes obvious. The person who thinks faster releases more energy in thought, builds up aurotic coloration at a faster rate of speed, and therefore has more on the debit side of Mother Nature's ledger to repay. Here again an example of the awful wastage of practices which advocate quantity before quality in humanity; for where there is little energy expenditure there is not much to take home to Source when the reckoning is over. This adds up to much the same thing as apathy, a hazy, ill-defined heaven.

The intellectual who has been content to serve only nature, will find that "hell" can be a torturous experience, but at least realization will come with sharp, cutting clarity (sparks flying off in all directions); and having been completed, the reparation too will be swift and forceful. For the school to which the spirit has been sent will have given it some of the personality colouring of its natural counterpart and a better understanding of The Master's lowest order of vibration.

Loliad, while on Earth, had the greatest thirst for knowledge that has ever been known. He simply aspired to know all there was to know about everything. His biography will later illustrate the lengths to which this search took him. After reparation and repayment of Nature's dues, he was left with little else to sustain him than this desire to keep learning; it has since taken him through the seven levels of enlightenment in record time, 'till he finally reached one of the highest states possible in any world and graduated as a member of The Inner Council, to be chosen as director of spiritual matters on Earth. How fortunate Lee doesn't have a head these days, can you imagine what a giant sized headache his would be!!!

Thus heaven is what you want of it in terms of progress. To some the first level of understanding might be all they require, a pleasant lazy resting place for perhaps thousands of years. Whereas others will quickly investigate every detail of the first level, and be eager to proceed. Here another Master Touch evidences itself: The insatiable curiosity reflection that was formerly Nature's tool, will urge the earth-type spirit to new heights of endeavour. It is within the fourth vibrational field of activity that one first meets people who have inhabited weird animals on unknown planets ... my Vringgian friends among them; peoples whose quota of curiosity is not as keen as that of Earthlings and who are content to ascend at a more leisurely pace. Not so the X'ians, whose spiritual counterparts profit greatly from the former diligence of their physical selves.

But we were discussing the period of isolation during which, as if in a dream, its former life revolves around the newly separated spirit. This period continues until all the natural energy has been released and the ascended spirit is left with the total sum of its worthwhile characteristics as the product of its Earthly visit.

For this entity, Earthly schooling is now over. All the aching longings and regrets over time wasted is of no avail. Now the awful price of error is fully realised. One spirit might find itself the possessor of a teaspoonful of worth, knowing that on Earth a gallon measure of resources had been at its command ... but every last tear of anguish will only bring the final realisation that there is no one to blame but Self.

A second essence of cupful capacity, might have retained this whole cupful of potential if life has been spent wisely. The third, perhaps with a teaspoonful of Earthly potential, would suffer but little, unaware of the stakes, like a child, blissfully ignorant of what might have been.

Most terrible of all is the plight of the apathetic who expended and received little. Regardless of potential, Earthly education will have left these people with little to show on either side of the ledger, and years of heavenly experience will be pale in comparison to what might have been, as if they peer through a glass darkly.

Suppressed natural desires figures prominently in the isolation period. To the underprivileged it can represent the fulfilment of all desires. The lame become "mental" athletes if they have so wished, the blind see, the hungry feast; all this for as long a time necessary to satiate the longing.

Lee once took me to visit my grandmother many years after her death. This was strictly for training purposes, it is not normally acceptable to favour blood ties or human relationships, but I was young at the time and had not yet progressed to this point of acceptance.

Grandmother had lived a very gruelling existence. We found her in the setting of a perfectly appointed country cottage, quite the reverse to her physical London-slum environment. She sat relaxed on a couch in her best navy blue dress with a white Peter Pan collar, her hair beautifully groomed. Naturally, Gran had been quite an untidy person (both Mother and myself likewise), but had spent her lowly life in faith and integrity, never missing her prayers, never doubting. After transition she lingered to enjoy the suppressed wish for a country cottage with everything immaculate. Our greeting needed no words. Mutual recognition flowed between us bringing indescribable pleasure, for she knew that I was not one of the mental images of her own creation. But had reached out across the vibratory barrier, and, for a brief moment, had parted death's veil. In any communication of this particular astral aspect,it is the person still living on Earth who speeds up their thought vibrations, never the departed one slowing down to a lesser vibratory scale. There is a very simple scientific explanation for this.

I remember Mr. Jones. He was dying of cancer and science protracted his suffering by intravenous feedings in the guise of humane-ity; an exquisite torture. A few weeks before his departure "Jonsie" told me how, sleeping or waking, clear headed or delirious with pain, he could not get the thought of ham and eggs out of his mind; within twenty four hours after his transition I watched him eating the endless platefuls of bacon and eggs which had saturated his emotional aura.

Euthanasia is a matter to be decided between the patient, the doctor, and Spirit. Tomorrow, self-euthanasia, controllable by will, will be common practice; the natural acceding to the spiritual when the minds are in harmony ... to sleep, perchance to dream will be the attitude.

It would be possible to regale you with endless tales of this type. The joy, the fears, the remorse. Each serves to illustrate the importance of attitude as one approaches transition. Rise to meet it gracefully. Sudden death can be a shattering experience if accompanied by fear. Perfect love casteth out fear.

Recalling Buddhist monks freely rejecting natural life, it is easy to understand the tranquillity of their passing in spite of circumstances.

All preparatory efforts will be amply rewarded. Ascend the master of your emotions, with crippling carnal instincts under control. Discard the anger that tormented Anne Boelyn, the greed that gripped the pirates, the grandmother's guilt, the parson's petty-detail prison, the self-pity that hampered the young airman. The mind will want to cling to Earthly matters only if its wealth is stored in the physical realm. It is therefore a wise procedure to make arrangements for the disposal of physical possessions in such a manner that the distribution can bring nothing but emotional satisfaction, goodness and enlightenment on a global scale.

A Worldwide depository, authorised to make distribution of assets according to the greatest need, regardless of the source of contribution, is the solution. This affords economy of operation, foolproof legislation, and a quorum of the Earth's top capabilities on its staff. Concerted effort could then be directed at each problem according to its degree of gravity. Under its jurisdiction would come such items as population planning, increased food production, motherhood clinics, reform for reformatories, programmes for world unity.

Under this programme a man and wife are counted as one, to enjoy in either's lifetime the greater part of the rewards of their efforts to Caesar. Being truly rich, their children would have had a loving homelife, and know self reliance and diligence. A noble inheritance; a sufficient inheritance. On departure the parents can add further to the security and education of their children, by contributing their total material wealth to the cause of equal distribution of worldly goods -- a gift for all children. This is the only sane way to ensure the peace and continuity of our species.

There might be some who, nodding in agreement with these fine ideals, seek to hold something back. Calling a son aside, the parent might suggest a large gift before transition, with the remainder of the estate being willed to the Worldwide fund. In such cases it would be better for the father to leave everything to his son honestly, which holds hope, rather than teaching the lad subtlety and deviation of purpose, which burdens the son with the same problem on his own demise and once again curses the future generations with the sins of the fathers. Preconscious awareness of a possible inheritance competes with true father-child relationships. The father must be revered for himself, never respected for his potential generosity. Removing this possibility frees children of questioning.

All children must eventually be born with equal opportunity. This is the basic truth which gives Communism its power over democracy, for there is no institution capable of survival which is not founded on the solid rock of Justice; social, natural, or spiritual. Civilization struggles to achieve this end result and nought can prevail against it.

Half measures are but delaying tactics. One should either say "I do not have the strength to go all out and part with my fortune gladly in the cause of humanity", and accept the responsibility; or give ALL. Giving has to be a state of mind, how much you have to give is insignificant, the widow's mite sufficed. Deceiving yourself as to motivation is spiritual retardation. Omnipotence is not deceived.

All that remains for discussion then, is the disposal of one's carcass. Tibetans use vultures for this purpose. Westerners prefer maggots. It is a matter of little consequence except to the bereaved. Do it yourself programs will find ready acceptance once the discarded body is brought into its proper perspective of waste matter.

It is quite legal in Ontario to bypass the undertaker and build your own box. The cost for a coroner's inspection of the body is about $10.00, wood and nails would be about another $7.00. Fifty dollars covers the cost of cremation. A professional undertaker would charge about $800.00 for a similar service, which would of course include suitable ceremony.

There might possibly be some fleshy items suitable for donation to hospitals ... let nothing useful go to waste. It is equally erroneous to discard clothing or household equipment suitable for the needy.

But throughout these preparations, don't hide your transition trousseau in a trunk. Start trying it on now for size, 'till it is worn effortlessly, primed to blue perfection, for after all, tomorrow is but a brief moment after yesterday.


Go to chapter 10 ...