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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



Incredible as it may seem, there are still people naive enough to believe in the "great giveaway". Like the dinosaur, they envision a dear old Mother Nature bountifully spilling her horn of plenty over the face of the earth, offering the fruit of her labour for mankind to consume at will.

Benevolence is not one of Nature's attributes. Were such the case, natural life on Earth would have fizzled out with the demise of the first microscopic speck, and mankind would never have come into being.

When the Master allotted a small portion of His Energy V.P.S. to Nature, the command went with it to be diligent and multiply ... "For if you fail to develop this spark I have given you, Earth will become barren, and as a force, you, My Daughter Nature, will cease to be ..."

Ever obedient to Supreme Mind, though uncomprehending, Nature did as directed. That which paid energy dividends she nourished; that which consumed more than it replaced became extinct with the same impartial exactitude.

Thought-energy; Nature's most prized achievement, is reproduced by the consumption of slower forms of energy -- starch for instance -- and transformed by chemical reaction. Calorie-counting is Nature's speciality. When plants and animals living in accord with natural law were consumed by the Dinosaur and became transformed into lumbering bulk rather than speed of thought the imbalance was adjusted.

As it was in the beginning, Nature's Law is, and ever shall be, exacting to the nth degree. Gradually the transgressors were banished forever from the face of the Earth, having been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

Nature then smiled upon mankind, the neatest little energy investment she had yet devised. Here was a species that promised to be suitable for Omnipotent Purpose, a creature developing facilities suitable for use as a thought transformer. Joyfully Nature reported this development to the Lord of Creation ... "They aren't much to look at but I think they have possibilities".

Accordingly Adam received the gift of Divine Energy -- a perceptive sense on a distinctly separate frequency to his five senses wavelength. It took the female of the species seventy thousand more years to evolve to "transformer" proportions, she lacking the incentive spark of Male Ego.

Delighted with the blaze of thought energy generated by the "Id" factor, the force it expended in cunning, its terrific driving power, Nature continued to add to ego that it might further her purpose. At the time of death, egotistical man would eject great showers of thought energy back in the atmosphere when the natural aura became separated from matter.

Revelling in this King Midus touch, Nature adored the forceful creatures who repaid her energy investment so generously. Thus, by survival of the fittest, the most powerful, the most devious, Mankind flourished.

But "Id" the servant, gradually became EGO THE MASTER of man, Nature deeming this asset to be the most providential to her energy coffers. Her logic was perfect; given a good supply of the ego factor, there were no lengths to which thought-energy-generation could not be increased to satiate Ego's demands. The little wheels were constantly churning, planning on how to override or kill meeker specimens ... and Nature had no complaints. Her only concern was to keep her kingdom supplied with the power needed for its expansion.

Deity, seven planes of wisdom beyond Nature, having made Nature's domain self-governing, could intercede for His spiritual children, only when they turned from carnal dominance -- or dependence -- and used their extrasensory powers of perception.

For there is no element of chance or coincidence in the Universal Law which regulates all life. As natural instinct is controlled step by step, so the spiritual self comes more and more into its own evolution. The more one evolves, the more one realises how much more there is to be evolved, appreciates the innate riches and beauty of Universal Law.

The strict discipline of discipleship involved in developing THE INNER POWER is small compared to what you will receive. Universal Law decrees that you must always receive more than what is given. Herein the glory of natural illogic, the ability to witness Divine Law in action -- the realization of which exceeds all anticipation.

Only Deity could ordain a logic opposing all natural logic. He alone could have taken this chest-thumping, apelike creature, and with years of patient demonstration brought humanity to the point where natural law paled before the quiet utterance -- "Blessed are the meek. For they shall inherit the earth".

To attempt to reduce this Perfect Mind into technical terms is heartily repugnant to me, a mixture of minute, unimportant trivialities. Were scientific Ego not so firmly entrenched man could theoretically bask in the sun in total comprehension of the overall concept, enjoying every moment, never thinking to reduce its wonder to mathematical equations... so it could be with Our Father in Heaven.

But being Justice, He knows that science seeks truth more diligently than most and would not withhold from its adherents the hope of salvation through calculation.

Bear with me, for words will be a problem, the right ones will never be invented in any Earthly language, yet in true vibratory communication words will always be superfluous. How slow, how inadequate, how difficult it is to wrestle with words.

The serious science student might rightly ask where does the author obtain this material. Meditation is the gateway. A way in which the knowing and the thing known merges to become one and the same thing. Follow this rule and the answer will become self-evident. I personally have a modest education and mediocre inherent ability. There are no short cuts to success, only by the development of the inner intuition will Universal Intelligence be revealed.

Picture a dog running down the street greeting familiar folks with a happy wagging of its tail. To the dog the street is nameless, the people are nameless, the objects are nameless. Yet the dog understands the locality, recognises the people on a far broader scale of observation that words could describe, assessing on a higher octave of vibration. The dog smells fear in some, friendliness in others, occupation, degrees of emotional security and insecurity in yet others whom he meets along his route. The dog does not merely classify these vibrations, it accepts the truth of the messages without question.

Heavy dependence on words and cross-referencing has led mankind astray too long. Man learns to be suspicious of people who do not speak the same language -- or who even use a slightly different form of pronunciation. We tend to group ourselves with those whose communication media matches our own and here is where much of our trouble starts. If a word is misplaced here and there, some will be quick to pounce and twist the meaning. Therefore it seems wise to remain with abstract terminology as much as possible -- yet with sufficient lucidity to refute misinterpretation.

As one tiny error in a mathematical calculation can create chaos, so tiny errors have arisen in mankinds' concept of Deity.

Judaic, Christian and Islamic facets of understanding tend to feel a sense of superiority in that their concept of Deity is as an entity; whereas the Eastern ideologies acknowledge an inner consciousness of power -- an invisible force wherein it is a man's duty to unite his mind with Omnipotence. These dual ideals, when united in perfect balance, can provide the world with a new philosophy. All lesser concepts must then fade into insignificance, for there is no religion higher than Truth.

Sun worship seemed a reasonable starting point for teaching man about Himself. The sun was clearly visible and beneficial, raising man's mind above the daily tasks of labour. The earliest form of worship began in this manner. In Loliad's earth-time both -- Mars and Jupiter were much closer to Earth than they are today. They appeared as huge moons circling the sun. From this humble beginning man learned to respect a higher power.

There is no slur or shame in the fact that much of Christ's life story as we are taught it today is a product of the same ancient mythology which originated from the sun worshippers. This only makes it all the more wondrous, to see how God could take three short years of a man's life and build these into the great concept of Christianity, when learned philosophers wrote reams of wisdom which are hardly known today. Clearly the difference lies in the fact that Christ was truly an extension of a Divine Intelligence eager to illustrate Its paternal aspect. For of course He is not really a He, nor a She, nor for that matter an It. Rather the positive Pole of the Universe to which each individual magnetic spark of spirit must eventually unite.

From simple sunworship, various divisions of opinion arose. Sects developed private terminologies to label the facts as they saw them. This had the effect of secluding their information from the uninitiated giving a certain status quo to the elite within that selected circle. The Priesthood encouraged this division, teaching their flocks to worship ritual rather than Spirit.

Facts, clothed in technical vernacular were piled like building bricks one upon the other and in time these rituals came to be accepted as Truth by the individual groups. Fearing that these flimsy structures could not withstand the pressure of greater truths or opposing ideas from other groups, depreciation of other peoples' beliefs was practised. Tear away this manmade facade from any great faith, mix the remaining ideas together with prayerful understanding and you cannot help but hit the spiritual jackpot. Scientists, the twentieth century elite, spend much time accumulating facts in their own fields. Opposing fact finding by other groups is rejected if conclusions differ. Jung and Freud typify this id conflict in high places.

Thus patterns of "truth" are arranged differently in individual minds according to individual experiences and training. The personal ego forms its own censorship to conform with preconceived images.

Science attempts to work backwards towards the beginning, with conflicting opinion hampering any unity of purpose. Salaried individuals, being bound in many small ways to cater to the sponsors' product, are rarely free to concentrate on the line of endeavour most absorbing. History shows that mankind's greatest discoveries have not been made in multimillion dollar laboratories -- but rather have been revealed to dedicated individuals working under conditions of privation in a humble search for knowledge -- witness again the Master Touch.

With the discovery of the theory of evolution, a flawless fact, rather than creating conflict between Science and Religion, this new understanding should have been applauded as the first stepping stone to harmony. The natural man of evolutionary process is apart from the spiritual being of Divine Creation -- indeed man is a duel entity in a single shroud. If mankind does not understand the source of his being how can he hope to control the effect?

The Universe is in perfect geometrical balance. As the planets circle our sun so the Universe revolves around the Life Source; alone capable of creating or destroying energy.

Motivated by love of creation, Energy withdrew within itself, then exploded, forming the Universe. Seven waves of energy flashed out in everwidening circles, each succeeding circle of a slower wavelength than the former as they receded from Source.

The most remote energy field, the widest, slowest waves, termed Nature, is the range in which all things natural can flourish and communicate. This natural vibratory wavelength is self-contained, with all atomic particles revolving at a profitable speed -- that is in such a manner as to produce ever increasing supplies of natural energy -- even as The Master required.

In physical specimens energy output is dependent upon nutrition and glandular conversion equipment. Balancing the vibrational band called "Nature" is the underside of Nature -- or antimatter as it is sometimes called.

One might say that during physical life we are living in the plush front parlour with a smiling Mother Nature offering a wide open expense account -- graciously extending limitless credit. When our natural economic value is exhausted, transition takes place. But before the spirit can proceed heavenwards, to higher realms of vibration, the inscrutable lady beckons each one into her back room for an accounting; demanding full repayment for every particle of natural thought energy expended whilst on earth.

Supremity, the stabilizing pole of this Universal Pool, by virtue of His Omnipotence, can descend the octaves of energy waves by reducing his V.P.S. to any speed desired. At such times He has been observed by a few Earthlings, certain rare individuals, who, having been accorded special guidance, have learned to negotiate this ascending vibrational thought scale, reaching beyond natural wavelengths while still anchored in flesh. In all such cases these individuals have shed the guy wires of preconceived ideas and learned complete surrender of the fleshy will.

Never mistake this mastery of Spiritual Principle with the techniques of mediumship or hypnosis. The spiritual people contacted in mediumship or hypnosis (as in supposed reincarnation) are those still within the natural wavelength scale -- lingering in Nature's debt collecting anteroom, paying in purgatory.

When mankind fully understands power-with-mind, as representing "Nature", then multiplies this understanding six times to conceive the idea of Supreme Being as Power-with-Mind -- the Eastern and Western philosophies will be united.

Thus, when I talk in terms of "Spiritual Guides" this could also be termed "spiritual-guidance" -- for such beings are both entity and power. The spiritual guidance which leads beyond nature's realm comes from those whose natural deficiencies have been rectified, making them qualified to ascend to one of the levels of higher, shorter vibrational power each more potent than Nature. Having earned ascension, these guides, when the performance of their duty so requires, can descend to lower scales to communicate in terms intelligible to their carnal bound assignee's. But they can never ever, descend to notes understandable to the assignee's carnal counterpart which interprets only natural wavelengths.

Guides come from one of seven higher levels. It is normal to begin with a first level guide, then work up to higher levels of guidance as understanding progresses. Few Earthlings get beyond a first level guide.

Nature concerns herself (If you choose to use the entity form of expression) only with matter. The spiritual entity anchored to her atomic structure is beyond natural recognition, being on an entirely separate wavelength. The spiritual entity is released into the spirit world beyond antinature only when its natural accumulation has been discarded. (The second death).

Remorse is the chief process which dislodges aurotic discoloration weighing down the spiritual entity.

Conscious application of any basic religious principles should be sufficient to bring about understanding, provided it was stripped of the manmade dogma, the useless name labels used to identify personalities, the confusion with learning of Spirit and Church History. God can no longer be portrayed in the false image of a Superior Natural Being to gratify man's self-image.

The mathematically perfect balance which can exist between the physical and spiritual minds is upset by preconscious opposition to Divine Principle. Erroneous environment, blind adherence to antiquated ideas is no excuse, ignorance of His Law is no excuse -- for only carnality can be ignorant.

By reversing present custom which fears social opinion first, Nature second, and Deity third, thus bringing our governing factors into true perspective, we can evolve to a glorious race.

We can have freedom from error, disease, want and war. We can seek higher planes of understanding, reject any lesser aspirations than total surrender of Self Will to Divine Will. We can learn to love Him as He should be loved. This will require complete mastery of the fleshy mind. The Devil and all his works is not too harsh a description once one delves into the present preconscious maze of homo sapiens' motivation.

Mind Control if practised from infancy is a painless matter. For an adult it is all out war; a painstaking, oft agonizing struggle. But for the sake of future generations we have no other alternative. Children today are born in the shadow of sins of the fathers -- not spiritually speaking -- but naturally.

In Nature's world, everything that has life is battling its way up the scale of evolution. This includes the virus strains that live upon mankind. Science wages chemical warfare with these intruders only to force the survivors to greater heights of development, 'till each new generation of mankind is faced with newer and deadlier strains. Nature won't succumb to man's methods. Man will sooner or later have to draw a line and seek other methods of defence.

Nature will be on our side if we co-operate. Nature wants us to be structurally sound, bursting with vitality, unhampered from energy production. Deity concurs -- no conflict here. What has happened is that, in confusing Nature with Deity, we have sought to serve both, and in so doing have interfered with matters which are not man's concern.

Why would a spiritually dominated person want to fight death? The natural mind hates to accept the fact that it must perish. Ego loathes to admit that its power is just a passing affair and will seek to prolong its reign at all costs. We hold fleshy life too dearly, fail to see it as temporary accommodation.

Deity wants the homes for his children to be as pleasant as possible, well run and orderly. Both Deity and Nature can contribute to bring this about. The spirit can surge through the fleshly structure with emotions of love -- the cure for all our ills of chemical imbalance -- Just as unkind thought produces glandular reactions like acid injections to the mind and body.

Centuries of unkindness have warped our chemical constitutions 'till genetically speaking many children are born today with a greater potential for anger than for love. Here spiritual healing alone can take over -- after the child has learned mind control. We recognise the value of cobalt-bomb treatments, of shock therapy, of deep heat applications -- in other words more rapid vibrations passing through the flesh. The spiritual mind can supply all this increased vibration and much more.

But the spirit needs strength. The food of the spirit is the word of God. To expect a starved spirit to suddenly rise up to cure an overfed panther is over optimistic -- yet this is what a great many people seem to demand.

Some people, notably Jesus, learned to radiate love to such an extent that their spiritual vibrations could reach out across space to give instant healing. Others, by permitting the natural mind to relax have played host to a "Guide" who has performed similar cures with its vibrations. None of this is mysterious to those in tune with Universal concepts, for it is according to the Law. All who choose can become personally involved with this Law. Evolution will follow involvement, but this requires detachment from all other personal attachments.

Become involved now. Become involved with Perfection. Evolve now. Become involved with evolution at all costs.

Faith is the first stepping stone. Later it becomes superfluous. We don't need faith to believe what the eyes report, what the ears hear, what we can touch, taste and smell -- for we trust these signals and understand them.

With spiritual evolution you don't need faith to believe what the extra sensory faculty reports of Deity, for it can embrace all spiritual knowledge with certainty one self-will is conquered.

Even as a young man once told a woman in Samaria as he prophesied the evolution of the Glorious Race.

He wanted a drink of water. Racial problems normally prevented his people from accepting food or drink from such as she, so the lady was a little surprised when he ignored social custom by asking her to draw him some water from the well.

As this man breathed so he taught. How he loved to get into any argument which would bring enlightenment. The woman's outspoken manner was delightful to him.

"Why ask me for a drink? You know Jews and Samaritans don't fraternize."

"Madam if you only knew the kind of water I could draw for you in return!"

"With what? Do you think you are better than our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well?"

"If you drink the water from this well you will get thirsty again. But if you once partake of the water I can give you, you will never thirst again".

"I'd like that. Then I'd never have to bother to come to the well to draw water again".

A quick glance at her aura showed Jesus the particular form of spiritual nourishment which the lady required most. He indicated that he knew her weakness, for he needed her respect in order to help her partake of his offering. They talked on, getting more friendly and confidential in their conversation.

"Sir, for centuries our people have worshipped right here in this mountain; yet the Jews say Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. I can see that you are no ordinary man but a prophet. What do you think about this worship conflict?"

"Madam, believe me, the time will come when people will neither worship here in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem. Most people don't even know what they are worshipping. The Jews understand God, for He chose them to enlighten mankind. But the time will come, and now is for true worshippers, when men will understand the Father in spirit and in truth. That's the way God wants it. For God is a Spirit, and can only be reached through the spiritual self which truly understands Him."

John and the other disciples came back about this time. John, who loved Jesus so much was particularly alert today. He tingled as he realised his beloved's vibrations were beaming out with rare intensity. Knowing Jesus had something on his mind John sought to relax him.

"Why don't you come and have something to eat Jesus -- come and rest".

But the young man was in no mood to cater to the flesh. He turned to John, and speaking gently said.

My sustenance is to do the will of Him that sent me and to finish His work. Time is running out. Look beyond the moment John, look upon the fields for they are already white with harvest. One soweth and another reapeth, gathering fruit unto life eternal, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together".

* * *

We, who have already reaped the benefits of the wisdom he sowed, must again look ahead, and sow. Sow that we may rejoice with the GLORIOUS RACE of reapers yet unborn.


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