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by Winifred G. Barton


The Formative Years
6000 B.C. to 3900 B.C.

Today the blue Nile empties gently into the Mediterranean Sea. It was not always so. Twenty-one hundred years before the great Atlantean catastrophe it meandered through pleasant grasslands to a large lake in central Khe, thence down the board Khe River, coursing on between Gibraltar and Spain to what is now the North Atlantic Ocean.

The vast prairie country of Khe had no borders other than a mountain
shield which formed an effective barrier against its unruly neighbours
to the north and east. High hills sketched a tentative southern

The outlying regions were populated by small, scattered tribes whose
social and spiritual progress depended on traveling missionaries and
students from Swn, the capital city, which stood upon the south bank of
the Khe River, adjacent to the lake.

Khe'ans lived co-operatively in self-contained units modeled on the
system established in Swn.

** Note: We claim approximate figures to within one hundred and fifty
years in all timetables. KEPH-A-RA.

All members donated to the common stores those items which they were
best suited to produce. No monetary exchange system existed; there was
no concept of accumulated wealth in terms of over-abundance of goods or
property and, consequently, no poverty or discrimination.

An ideal common wealth? The practical man of today might balk at the
idea of contributing hard-earned goods to a pool of goods, freely
accessible to the less industrious. But this question did not arise in
Khe, owing to a basic recognition that superior intelligence or a more
able body was just a lucky stroke of genetics, requiring greater
responsibility from its fortunate possessor, while superior educational
methods rendered laziness as inconceivable to Khe'ans as it would be to
a worker bee in a beehive.

Six major rivers flowed down from the mountains and across the rich
grasslands to meet in the great central lake near Swn. Three of these
flowed from the north, two from the northwest (one on either side of
what is now the Pyrenees), and one from the east in the vicinity of the
Black Sea area. The population settled mainly on the fertile river
banks, with a few individuals braving the southern hills to make their
homes on the banks of the Nile in what finally became Lower Egypt.

These emigrants gradually intermarried and mixed with other tribes
already living on the plains that extended far to the east and west of
the Upper Nile. In time the Khe ex-patriots became cut off from their
former culture, though they influenced the natives of their new domicile
to the extent that Khe-oriented religious practices evolved. In later
times this form of worship was grossly distorted when roving Atlantean
"missionaries", preaching a vastly different gospel from that taught in
Loliad's day, paused to fatten their purses in the area by encouraging
the growth of ritual and spectacle.

Far to the north of Khe the Euphrates River sprang from the Caucasus
mountains. A second river, also having its source in the mountains,
followed a course through the valley of the Lebanon mountains southwest,
to empty into the Indian Ocean, then the South Sea. This waterway, which
we will call the "Red River" was eventually divided, with the south half
becoming swollen into what is now known as the Red Sea, while the
northern portion became the Jordan complex.

To the west and slightly south of Gibraltar lay Atlantis. In
prehistoric times Atlantis, too, had been part of the solid land mass
which formed earth's girdle. But when our story opens this peninsular
continent had already been broken from the basic crust by a catastrophe
which involved displacement of the moon. It now formed an effective
buffer to the pressures of the "Great South Sea." Atlantis' western
border was formed by what is today South America and the southern United
States -- all the way up to the Hudson River. We believe that they had
originally been connected and that this land mass, along with Australia,
Borneo, etc., had been joined to China, India and Eastern Africa.
However, that era extends back before the advent of the human race on
earth, and only serves now to indicate that great turbulences had set
back the evolution of earthly life, when our planet fought to find a
place in the scheme of nature's law.

It is necessary to lay this basic groundwork of earthly geography, a
history of broken continents, incredible noise effects, polarity
changes, inundated lands, floating and drifting continents, in some
detail to try to show how difficult it is to endeavour to utilize
existing names and points of the compass. The main intention here is to
establish the place occupied by the Atlantean Continent during the
lifetime of the mentor of this series, Loliad-R-Kahn. At this time, the
Americas lay approximately twenty-five hundred miles to the west of
Atlantis, and earth was girdled by a solid land mass which divided the
north and south seas. The polarity was unrecognizable compared to that
of today.

Ancient extra-terrestrial advisors tell us that at one time earth
basked in sunlight. Then it received a gigantic push from the moon which
forced it out of orbit into a position behind Mars. This left much of
the planet in constant shadow. At this time, earth's polarity was
radically changed and it began to spin on a new axis.
The moon because a satellite of both earth and Mars, causing much longer
periods of moonless nights which added to the almost total darkness of
large areas of earth's surface.

This, as we have said before, took place in prehistoric times. The
present-day significance of these long-past cosmic events lies in the
fact that earth's new orbital path and newly formed equator affected the
life style and pigmentation of the evolving Homo sapiens. Sub-humanity
gradually emerged after the decline of the huge, dominant life forms
which were less able to adapt to changing conditions on the planet which
had formerly been so favourable to them. The Inner Power gives a good
background of the general trends under discussion.

Meanwhile, the emerging antecedents of the human race struggled either
under the extreme of constant semi and total darkness or in direct
burning heat and sunlight which continued for generation after

Those who lived in darkness developed very fair skins so as to utilize
the maximum amount of light-vitamins, together with a powerful survival
urge and keenness of intellect, for their continued existence depended
on their ability to outwit other species, to become the predator rather
than the prey.

The sub-humans who lived in equatorial conditions developed dark
protective pigmentation for survival in the extreme heat, and the
tendency to conserve body energy with a more lethargic attitude. Between
these two extremes there was a temperate zone which afforded
comparatively ideal conditions for human evolution -- a veritable
Garden of Eden which served as a cradle of civilization, and indeed
became the birthplace of all the world's great philosophical concepts.

During this period in history five great nations emerged, each one to
influence much larger groups of people. One of these cultures, my own
homeland, established between the "Red River" and the Nile, had built a
fabulous city known as "The City of Pillars". Its influence spread
westwards where eventually other pillared cities rose. The most
important of these, a city situated on the west bank of the Nile, was
called Hurakanopolis. Many years later a second large city was
established and named after what was then the lost capital of Khe. They
called this city Syene (Swn, Suerne). This point is introduced to avoid
possible scholastic confusion over the true location of Swn.

A philosopher, looking ahead to the imminent disaster of Atlantis,
might view it as one of the many battles in the struggle between the
forces of Spirit and the forces of Intellect, an aspect of the Psi-Ego
battle raging daily in each human breast.

In this particular story Ego won -- even at the cost of self
destruction, which is always the eventual price it has to pay.

The Holocaust
3900 B.C. to 3500 B.C.

In the four hundred years from 3900 B.C. to 3500 B.C. the most
spiritually evolved band of life on earth was undoubtedly the country of
Khe, and the culture which originated in its capital city of Swn
(Suerne). The great city of technical knowledge was indisputably
Atlantis, and the continent which its doctrines influenced. Each of
these cultures was, in its own respect, quite superior to anything known
on earth today.

It would be an understatement to describe the disaster which caused
their destruction as an explosion. One cannot call a fusion of magnetic
forces an explosion in the true sense. The Atlantean holocaust was a
disintegration of molecules which were forced apart to become part of
the atmosphere, rather than remain as solids in any form; whereas, when
there is any change in the chemical structure of a solid, the "solid"
remains but in a different form. This destruction included all known
forms of devastation: fire, explosion, electrical disturbance, flood,
earthquake, landslide and gaseous discharge. All solids within a
five-hundred-mile radius of the cause simply disintegrated under the
sudden pressure. They were replaced by a total vacuum when the energy
force changed, as the polarity of the earth changed under tremendous
internal and external pressures; one force was pulling against the other
while endeavouring to continue its previous pattern in opposition to the
new path now being forced upon it.

The fall of Atlantis was the ultimate result of a scientific egoism,
fostered by generations of effective research and experimentation in the
field of Black Light and other aspects of anti-matter. Powerful
theurgist sects, convinced that their puny human intelligence could
devise ways to harness nature, in trying to unravel natural mysteries,
delved deeper and deeper into the field of nature's opposites. They
continued to probe this forbidden area, hoping to find therein the
secret of all power -- even the key to life itself. A series of minor
successes led the Atlantean scientists to their downfall in spite of
repeated warnings from the Swnian metaphysicians, who had long since
realized the probable outcome.

Intuitively the metaphysicians recognized that the force known as nature
is subservient to a far higher authority. Nature's dimension is governed
by positive and negative charges which are held apart by a third,
unknown buffer element acting in nature just as the neutron does in the
atomic structure. It is common knowledge that in magnetic field forces,
such as two common magnets, the like forces repel and the unlike forces
attract. In Earth's polarity of positive and negative, the magnetic
waves emanating from one pole are attracted to the other. This causes
our sphere to be surrounded by a magnetic force field which extends from
pole to pole. But as our globe is also spinning on an axis, to new force
field of energy is set in motion, for the simple law of dynamics states
that any movement of an object releases an energy force, no matter how
slight the motion -- thus the magnetic forces of the poles are released.

In addition, earth's motion also involves an orbital path. This
produces another energy force which has no relation to the former, for
that energy has become self-contained through its poles. This
self-contained polarity is the first principle of nature. The second
principle concerns the force set up by earth's orbital motion.

The original plan conceived by Atlantean scientists was to transfer one
of the two opposite poles, such as the negative, into the buffer
position and use the third, or buffer force, to replace the negative.
This idea worked on a limited scale to produce the heatless flame
commonly used in Loliad's day for lighting purposes.
The same principle also made it possible to move massive stones, such as
those used for building pyramids. These were manoeuvred and stacked into
the desired structures as they became weightless. Many other useful
applications, which added much to the creature comforts and
accomplishments of the Atlantean people were evident in this early
culture. But these initial triumphs only convinced the scientists of
their own infallibility to manipulate nature's power. A parallel to this
myopic viewpoint can again be seen rising among twentieth century
scientists. Again the metaphysicians would remind them that in the case
of Atlantis, the whole continent became a floating island which moved
rapidly to circle half the globe, before halting in its southward plunge
over what is now the South Pole.

This event (coupled with its repercussions which brought further
changes in earth's polarity as will be described in later chapters)
caused the Atlantean continent to be buried for thousands of years under
ice and snow. It now sits beneath the frozen wastes of Antarctica. Small
remnants may yet be found, though having undergone the devastating
effects of what amounts to a heavily concentrated nuclear reaction, it
is doubtful that any artefacts of historical significance could be
pieced together by anthropologists.

In seeking to prevent a modern recurrence of the Atlantean disaster,
perhaps it is advisable to deviate at this point to discuss the
principles of anti-nature in greater detail. The forces which are bound
up in the Opposites of Nature are equal to all the positive and negative
poles contained therein, and therefore must contain all the forces of
nature. To release anti-nature power indiscriminately, without a sure
means of control, means that nature as as positive force would be
temporarily negated -- its rules and laws suspended for that period of
time when the opposite force was in control. We use the word "force"
very loosely here when dealing with nature.

Anti-nature is that field of force which is diametrically opposite to
the positive side; this is despite the fact that there are many minor
positive-negative poles included within the general framework. If nature
has an X-positive force with an equal Y-negative force, there must be a
third force equal in power to both X and Y to hold the positive and
negative at bay.

or X + Y = Z

To utilize the Y-negative force of nature it is first necessary to find
its equal power in X-positive, then to exchange these poles into
opposite positions. This cannot be done without first removing the
buffer force Z, which allows the X-positive and Y-negative to unite and
become equal to the third force Z. By this means, only two forces, each
equal and in opposite polarity, therefore repelling, would remain and
become a self-contained part of the whole sphere. However, X + Y would
then be combined in opposition to Z, but if any of these forces should
become altered in any way there would be a fusion of the whole,
resulting in holocaust. Meanwhile, the forces remained in perfectly
balanced opposition, there would be a state best described as the "energy
dance of nature."

On the surface of the earth one might say that nature rules supreme in
that all things which exist do so by compliance with natural law. Each
has some sort of vibratory life, a combination of chemicals and water.
On any planet of the universe where these basic requirements are met,
together with the essential axial and orbital motion, there will be at
least some basic form of life present.

Were a further catastrophe to occur which was drastic enough to change
Earth's present spinning motion, human life would change rapidly -- even
cease to exist as the change of motion favoured the evolutionary rise of
some other species now dormant under present conditions.

The Atlantean folly had repercussions in every direction. Huge tidal
waves inundated Khe, and one vast section was sucked down into the
vortex left by the fleeing Atlantean Continent. The land loss in the
northern hemisphere was even greater. In all parts of the world sudden
shifting of mountain ranges caused tremendous havoc. Massive walls of
water, ten to twenty thousand feet high, flooded some parts of the
globe. Men, beasts and rocks, temporarily free of gravitational pull,
floated high into the air as though in a chimney, then were smashed down
again as the sudden return of gravitational pull drew them back to
earth. Other vast areas became arid desert as surface moisture was
sucked downwards and towards the vortex.

Older mountain ranges were carried across the land surfaces, while
others were formed -- the Himalayas are a prime example. Younger
mountains moved forward to rest on the tops of older ranges and cause
great confusion among latter-day historians. Land masses were divided
into islands, especially in the north. Two deep underwater rifts,
giving credence to the tearing away of Atlantis, appeared down the far
eastern shoreline as an aftermath of the separation of the Americas from
their original position. But repercussions of the Atlantean folly were
not yet passed. Earth still knew no peace. The main force of the
released energy went upwards into the universe and other planets were
affected. It hit some more violently than others, depending on their
size and position. Even today we can still see planets racing away on
the tide of nature's negative forces.

Khe, then occupying the area now known as the Mediterranean Sea, was
only partly demolished. As the floods subsided the eastern portion
slowly emerged, but the city of Swn was lost forever, and with it almost
all of the great culture so painstakingly developed by many generations.
That small portion which remained for a time became the basis of the
ancient South American and Egyptian cultures. Man surely suffered in the
name of the great greed-god, Ego.

The scattered survivors soon noted a change in climate. A new equator
meant new seasons, or rather that former seasons revolved on a different
schedule. Even the length of the year had changed.

Prior to the year 3900 B.C., the calendar was composed of 356 days. The
new calendar showed that earth's orbit now followed a path farther from
the sun than it had done previously. This enlarged orbit indicated that
unless Mars, too, had changed course, then earth had to necessarily
spend at least some part of the year outside of Mars' persistent shadow.
This did indeed occur, improving the overall situation on earth, as
longer periods of sunshine were now experienced over wider areas of
earth's surface. One result was the gradual recession of the vast ice
shield which had covered a large part of earth's crust prior to this

There had been global collisions before this time; there will probably
be others. Each of these prehistoric clashes had involved adjacent
planets. For example, at one time a wayward Jupiter had plunged
earthwards, only to be deflected by the moon which then circled both
Mars and earth. This permitted earth to survive a severe displacement
and gradually re-evolve its badly damaged life forms. The 356-day
calendar of Loliad's era and the 360-day year immediately prior to the
Biblical Exodus, when compared to the 365-day year of modern times,
indicates that two critical astronomical changes must have affected
earth's orbit, pushing it farther and farther away from the sun. We then
find that in the two thousand years between 3900 B.C. and 1700 B.C.,
when earth first began to count its years in terms of 365 days, it had
swung into an orbit which took an extra nine days to complete its
journey around the sun.

Changes in calendar calculations, together with a new equator and
definite changes in seasons, proved very confusing to earth's survivors.
To further complicate matters, there was also a change in the direction
of the rising sun. Very ancient legends of people living along the edges
of earth's sunlit strip tell how the sun changed its rising and setting
pattern no less than five times within mankind's memory records. One of
these changes took place at the time of the Atlantean tragedy.

For more than 2,000 years great thinkers have pondered the knotty
problem of white, red, yellow, brown and black races. By glancing at a
newly formed map, arranged on the basis of the information given herein,
we can conclude that the white people lived for thousands of years in
the shadow of Mars, receiving no beneficial sunlight or exposure to the
ultraviolet rays necessary to make a permanent impression on
pigmentation. The very dark skinned races were those subjected to heavy
concentrations of sunlight, their pigmentation darkening as a protection
against over exposure to the ultraviolet rays. Another interesting fact
is that among the dark skinned races who have remained untainted by
northern bloodlines, hair is very sparse. Profuse hair, especially on
the head and to a lesser extent the body, is found only in lighter
skinned races.

A study of these facts enables fairly accurate determination of the
original areas occupied by ethnic groups. Coupled with ancient legends
of various races, it allows quite definite placements. The native
North American, for example, by legend, basic beliefs, and pigmentation
has many indications of originating from the early Atlantean
civilization. Long before the advent of "Christian missionaries," the
North American Indian had a name for the Supreme Spirit who alone
reigned over the universe. They believed in heaven, or an eternal "happy
hunting ground"; they understood spiritual guidance and visitations of
spiritual apparitions, and the relationship between the spirit of man
and the Spirit of God -- all beliefs of Khe origin transferred to
Atlantis, which helps to date the migration time of these people.

According to their timeless legend, the Indian people were made up in
the sky by the great Spirit Kitchemanitou, who then sent a "Thunderbird"
to find a suitable place for His people to live.

The term "Thunderbird" might well describe the advanced aeronautical
transportation common in Atlantis just after Loliad's time. And we know
that even today people migrate from politically deteriorating countries
to find greater freedom of spiritual expression in new lands, or can
even be deported if they oppose the establishment. Another point of
interest worth mentioning here is the common belief among spiritualists
that many people have a North American Indian Guide, which suggests
rapid spiritual advancement for these people after they have passed
beyond the physical boundary. Fascinating food for thought!

Various earthly authorities have repeatedly declared that the end of
the glacial epoch may have been almost contemporaneous with the rise of
the great civilizations of Egypt, Sumeria, India, China and Mexico. At
the same time this era marks the rise of European man, who was as yet
living in the stone age, when a bronze age was well advanced in the
older cultures. This apparent rise coincides with the Atlantean
catastrophe, and Europe's jolt out of the constant shadow of Mars. All
was lost of the great ancient civilizations then, save the outlying
tribes of Khe who knew little of the major philosophies of their mother
culture. Those living in Mexico, less hard hit than other portions,
carried on a sub-Atlantean culture for many years, until even this
remnant was eventually wiped out in a later disaster.