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Loliad R. Kahn
by Winifred G. Barton



Little of real scientific import was uncovered during the next three hundred years. It was determined that the V.P.S. of a child was established by the male spermatozoa, no two of which are identical. It was theorized and later proven that female thinking during pregnancy had a considerable bearing on the mental attitudes of her offspring, though the child's V.P.S. being different, might interpret this preconscious knowledge in a different manner after birth.

Without a doubt, the most important fact finding ever made in the
understanding of the mind was the proving of the extremely fine fibres
which are the source of mental vibration, and the power which institutes
these vibrations. We now come to that time in ancient history when new
minds began to awaken and take up the challenge of further discovery.

It had long since been established that common electricity was the
result of magnetic vibrations. But there now appeared to be an opposing
theory that vibration was the result of electricity ... however, some
deliberation on this matter showed that the little mental electric motor
could not operate without a source of supply, and that the supply must
come from the frictional power of the almost invisible fibrous strings
contained within the brain and plexes.

In order to attain their maximum power, it was found that these fibres
needed certain food; the iron sulphates, copper sulphates, and oxygen
contained in the blood in particular. Before birth these elements are
obtained from the maternal blood supply, but once the umbilical cord is
broken the supply ceases.

It was positively established that a newly born infant could be kept in
a state of suspended animation after birth with no separation of the
umbilical cord; that such a child and its mother could be maintained in
a healthy condition provided the infant was not permitted to breathe.

For many decades it had been thought that preconscious mind was the
power that kept the body operating ... via its thought ... that it could
keep both heart and lungs active despite the unconscious state of the
conscious mind. New discoveries exploded this theory when tests showed
that the fibrous strings in the plexes created the power that was the
source of the body's supply. For the mother and child experiments
demonstrated that both the heart and lungs could be made to function
with the aid of an outside source of power, even though the rest of the
child's body appeared inanimate, as in death.

Using this newly discovered fact as a basis for further investigation,
it was later proven that the fine fibrous communications system was not
endowed with an extra large supply of neutrons per proton and electron.
The answer lay in the three infinitesimal elements of the neutron,
where once again the number of neutralis is greater than the number of
either opposites. It seemed that the supply of power was extracted from
each breath taken, indicating that the magnetic supply to the neutralis
was inhaled constantly and became the source of animated life.

Here a new thought was injected as it became apparent that in all
things there were opposites, each of which is exactly equal to the
other, complimenting the other, while in between these two is a variable
and this variable is the source of vibration. It is the variable that
has the ability to pick up universal vibrations which are all about.

We were taught that in natural life there are five scales of
vibrational action. "HEAT", "SOUND", "COLOUR", "LIGHT", and "THOUGHT" ... all are positive forces with no opposites until one
enters the sixth field of opposites ... "BLACK LIGHT" or "ANTI-NATURE" (sometimes known as "ANTI-MATTER").

These components of basic life in homo sapiens represent the sum total
of the vibrational force allotted to Nature by Supreme Being up until
that time when humanity was given a greater power which might be termed
a seventh scale -- "SPIRITUAL THOUGHT VIBRATIONS". These in fact, are
only the lowest tone in a scale which starts as man's "inner power" and
ends at Source, The Creator...

Because the frequency of the spiritual vibrational scale is vastly
higher than natures' five positive scales, and even vastly greater than
natures' opposites (or the sixth power) the lowest spiritual scale
possesses all of natures' powers which are subordinate to it.

Motion creates friction or energy and all energy has its source in The
Master. Consider that in the beginning there was nothing but a pool of
Spirit which filled the Universe. Spirit was aware of Itself, and sought
to express Itself in creation, so withdrew Itself into a central point
of mighty concentration then burst forth into expression. The ripples
and waves of energy emanating from Mind widened and became of slower
wavelength as they retreated from Source. And in creating, spirit, the
ever present essence, became Spirit ... the focal point of the Universe,
as well as filling the Universe with itself.

Nature, furthest from source, has dominion over the lowest band of
energy waves; heat, sound, colour, light and thought, with these tools
she must form her world. This requires a complimentary circuit, or a
negative side, (anti-nature) to complete this circuit. Beyond this
"Natural Circuit" is the spiritual circuit, to which each human being
has a key. This indefinable source of life, containing more powerful
vibratory scales, is able to defy all the laws and properties of its

Yet again, the human spirit is at the lowest end of this whole new experience in power, but capable through the assistance of spiritual guides to link this inner power to ever ascending octaves of vibrations ... even to Source. In this manner human beings, still flesh bound, can make available to themselves the knowledge of eternity.

As Spirit stirred the motion created friction which was transformed into energy. Heat is the effect of friction at the lowest end of the vibrational scale, and, as applied to the fibres of the mind, is one source of body heat. Going up the scale one is led directly into sound; for it is possible to go only
so far up any vibrational scale before arriving at the height of one
scale and the lowest level of the next. Sound begins at the level of any
coarse noises and progresses into the inaudible; from thence to colour.

There is another aspect of sound that came to light in ancient times.
This was in the field of odour.

Research into the ramifications of mental vibrations led Suernians into
an investigation of body odour, and finding no separate scale, were led
into the realisation that odour has no individuality in the vibrational
field, and is actually a form of sound. For example, it is the sound of
fear emanating from an animal that tells another of its fear, though as
humans we are unable to "hear" this scale and can only interpret the
coarser vibrations known as odours.

Investigations into this area led to the vital discovery of the law of
compensatory sympathy. Prepared charts showed that the vibrational
scales of male and female in all species examined differed, that
"body-sounds" are not equally distributed, some areas being capable of
greater odour vibration than others. These surfaces in the female strike
a corresponding sympathetic chord in the male, raising his vibrational
reaction to the females level, though not with identical preconscious or
conscious interpretation.

Some animals are instantly aware of the stronger body sounds emanating
from humans. This can be easily observed in the reactions of domestic
animals which, having spent thousands of years in close proximity to the
human species, interpret as by instinct, the meaning of the vibrational
sounds as manifested in odour.

The frightened man, like the frightened animal, emanates sound waves
that excite the animal facing the man. A dog returns to its home despite
being transported many miles away. He follows the particular sound
messages of odour emanated by his home surroundings.

Generally speaking, the dog has a greater affinity for the human male
than the female because masculine vibrations are more attuned to those
of the animal. But once the animal has been given an opportunity to
retune itself to the higher vibrational scale of the female it becomes
more devoted to her than to the male.

The harmonious canine relationship with young humans of both sexes is
again the reflection of a more approximate sympathetic equality.

Odour is not the only reflection of body sound, and indeed is but a
small part. By far the greatest reflection is sound itself, and no two
persons transmit at exactly the same vibrations per second. However, the
shading between any two persons might be so slight that an immediate
compensatory sympathy results between them, and each is instantly
attracted to the other. Telepathy between such people is a simple

Where males and females of the human species are concerned the law of
compensatory sympathy is evidenced best when they meet and "fall in

In actual fact, the male body "sounds" are sympathetic to those of the
female, so that his V.P.S. rises to the level of her transmissions, at
which time they become attuned and compensatory emotion is evidenced in

Children are quite cognisant of the sound vibrations of adults;
particularly those of the parents, and living in close proximity, react
constantly to the harmony or discord which may emanate.

Sound (either heard consciously or preconsciously) has tremendous
effects on all living things. Man lives by sound yet fails to realise
its potentialities in both peace and war. Mass hysteria, quite common in
the 20th Century, can become a deadly weapon by means of continuous
repetitious sound; through friction and heat to sound.

The underground botanical gardens of Atlantis, where plant growth was
regulated by sound vibrations, were the most beautiful gardens ever
devised by man. No sunlight ever entered these gardens and no plant
received water from the surface; moisture was dawn up into the roots by
sound waves.

Beyond sound, natural vibrations reaches ever upward into realms of
colour. As the body constantly transmits sound waves, so it gives off
colour as a reflection of its thought.

Though the researchers in Suerne were able to follow and eventually
measure these scales, uncovering facets of knowledge yet unknown in the
20th Century, they never discovered the source of life to a degree which
would enable them to react the process of creation test tube style.

By measuring the colour band of thought vibrations, they were traced to
the natural aura ... that translucent light, or vibrations in colour,
which surrounds the body of every living person.

Discoveries in the field of vibration improved mental telepathic
techniques to the point where it was quite common to send couriers with
lengthy and complicated messages over long distances. When exact
verbatim repetition, as required in certain formulae was desired, the
messenger, who had no knowledge of the terminology involved, was
tranced, implanted with the formula, then untranced and sent on his way.
On arriving at his destination the courier would be retranced, have the
information lifted out of his mind leaving no conscious or preconscious
memory of what he had carried.

Uncomplicated messages were implanted by simple telepathy and the
courier would relay the information on reaching his destination. The
danger in this method lay in the fact that the repeated messages must be
transmitted through the conscious mind of the courier and might not be
reproduced in the exact words telepathically planted. The sense might
appear the same, but a single misinterpretation by any of the three
parties involved in the communication left room for error, therefore
this method could not be used for matters requiring verbatim delivery.

Training in telepathy is neither difficult nor rigorous. Initially
constant practise is required, but the devotee soon develops this easy
and silent method of communication with a deft partner. While one
trained transmitter might have no difficulty projecting to an untrained
person in the same room, "reaching" the same untrained person at any
distance would be difficult. Two persons trained in telepathic transmission
could, by synchronization of effort, successfully project within an
approximate five mile radius.

A group of untrained people who gathered together to concentrate
their efforts simultaneously, perhaps through repeated use of a specific
formation of words, would, if projecting at the same time each day,
eventually get through to a single person over a distance of about
twenty to twenty-five miles. The recipient of such a message would be
unaware of its origin but would, apparently of his own free will, accept
the information.

Telepathic practises of this nature, either by a single individual or
by a group of persons, have been in force among all the peoples of the
world at various times, and form much of the basis for "Voodoo" ...
impotent to a strong mind that lives by faith, but fatal to those
gripped by superstition and fear of evil.

As always there are many variations of method, usually unwittingly,
without full knowledge of the whys and wherefors. While trained
personnel know exactly what is being done and why.

In Khe there were classes for any who cared to expend the small effort
required to practise, and such classes were considered to be a most
enjoyable way of spending a few evenings each week. These gatherings
were quite informal, a handy place to obtain up-to-date news and
learning on any subject. Another important aspect of such training was
the fact that all who enrolled became potential teachers of telepathy.
Hence the herdsman could teach the scholar; all were equal. And
telepathy was often a most convenient method of communication.

The buildings which housed such classes were especially built for this
purpose. These dome-roofed, circular shaped structures, had wall
sections which could be raised into the roof as required. They were
mainly designed to provide shelter from the elements and had no rooms as
such. The pupils stood or sat about in small or larger groups, or
perhaps in twos or threes; each person wearing a colour denoting his
occupation. Those trained in the higher arts, investigators into the
sciences, wore green, either in the over-robe or sash, or hat ... or
any combination of these. Green had long been recognised as the
teacher's colour and all who were decorated in this manner were required
by law to make themselves available in the classrooms for a minimum of
one hour each day ... though it was not uncommon for a teacher to spend
all of his waking hours in the classroom.

Later, a system of substitution was introduced, so that the teacher
engrossed in some aspect of a scientific problem that could not be left,
might have an apt student stand by to absorb the detail of the
experiment and substitute himself in the classroom for the allotted
daily one hour minimum.

Each village in Khe had its schoolhouse, and professional teachers were
trained from early childhood as we have explained. The board of elders
who examined the children to determine their future, consisted of not
less than three persons who asked questions by telepathy, reading the
subconscious answers. One member of the board, an expert in interpreting
the natural aura, concentrated on watching the changing shades as the
various questions were asked.

A decision by this Tribunal of Learning was final. If it was decided
that a child was to become a shepherd, the lad would be so trained and
could never become anything else. However, there was nothing to stop the
boy learning any subject he wished in his free time. The board was so
expert that very rarely was any error made, and I never knew anyone who
evidenced the least desire for change, or who showed any dissatisfaction
with his lot.

These Tribunals had other uses in the theoretic field, as it was found
that at such an early age the child still reflected some of the maternal
thought experienced during pregnancy.

Suernians felt that these methods allowed people freedom of thought and
brought forward those minds with the greatest potentiality for
development. Happiness and contentment resulted as each person followed
the occupation best suited to his ambition and capacity.

Potential wrong-doers were uncovered early and educated in such a
manner as to correct erroneous tendencies. In later years,
instrumentation was used to correct mental maladjustment.

Once my particular field of specialization was established, I was
"given the green" after one year of training, and thereafter taught for
one hour each day, though many of the pupils were years older than
myself. It was not at all uncommon to see a man of ripe old age seeking
clarification on some point of philosophy from a child-teacher, and who
would then go off to some quiet place to sit and meditate on the

Any theory seeming to hold merit was put before "The Council of Many"
who, finding sense in the theory would submit it to the "Council of
Few", who in turn would forward it to the "Council of Three," and from
thence gain the attention of "The Wise One", the head of state, who had
the authority to implement the theory.

In this way, meritorious suggestion could be advanced, whether thought
out in detail by the instigator or developed by others. Though sometimes
it would be years before the idea came before the "Wise One".

No credit was given to the originator of such a thought, though on
recognising that the germ of his idea, after intensive study and
experimentation had produced results, he might be justified in feeling
some personal pride without detriment to his ego. But to voice this
pride was unthinkable ... all boastful pride was subdued.

By such methods, my people had advanced far along the road to wisdom
before the time of my birth. There was complete recognition and love of
Supreme Being ... He was the subject dearest to a Suernians' heart.

At the time when the natural aura was first gaining recognition,
great advances had already been made in the understanding of telepathy,
analytical psychology, analytical medicine and brain surgery.

Each section of the brain had been tabulated and the proton-
electron-neutron ratio of each section recorded, a long with a breakdown
count of the neutrons' three components. Further experiments were
abruptly halted as scientists approached the scale of black light, the
fringes of which had already been found by a group working along
different lines in the field of chemistry.

It was this dual approach that brought a very real fear of black light
into prominence. The possible potential for good revealed in early
investigations was offset by the realization that a power of such
magnitude, which could be concentrated in the hands of a single person,
would give the possessor the ability to command the thinking of a whole
nation or create total destruction. Thus black light could create horror
beyond the comprehension of human concept. Here a force that could
change the orbit of Earth in the heavens; your bible warns of its
potential, as it warns you of so many other things.

Yet away and beyond the magnetic vibrational scale of black light lies
the realm of Spiritual thought ... the scale, available to mankind,
which opens the door into the World of Spirit. The lowest V.P.S. in this
scale is 55 x 10/24 ... and ascends to 55 x 10/31 -- or fifty-five with
twenty-four zeros per second, to fifty-five with thirty-one zeros
vibrations per second.

Instrumental evidence had long since proven that the conscious mind has
no vibrational scale of its own, therefore has no capacity to think. It
merely interprets the vibrations fed from the preconscious in much the
same manner as a transformer on an electrical circuit. The transformer
receives power of greater magnitude at its inlet, then modifies this for
home service by reducing the current.

To become intelligible, spiritual thought must pass through the
"conscious transformer", and as every thought from either the physical
or spiritual mind must complete a circuit (or forever be repeated),
these spiritual thoughts must be stepped down to pass through a scale of
vibration slow enough to be intelligible to the preconscious mind. Being
the instrument of memory, the preconscious tries to tuck each
spiritual thought into its proper place, according to prior association.
However, all thoughts are first submitted to ego for examination, and
twisted into a shape satisfactory to the mental censor before being
handed on for filing.

In this way, the knowledge in mans' mind is either added to or
subtracted from in such a manner that the retained information reflects
only those aspects favourable to personal opinion. Thus Ego, no longer
the servant or driving force of original intention, makes itself the
master of man's mind, rejecting all that might detract from its

Both natural and spiritual law is broken by this censorship. Facts are
not tabulated in the cold light of logic, and the more egotistical the
person, the less his ability to reason, or see reason.

Meanwhile, the spiritual mind continuously strives to obtain a
returning message exactly as it was sent out over the circuit. The
natural and spiritual minds thus bombard the conscious with their
messages and a modern disease known as tension is often the result.

Knowing of the natural aura, and its reflection of physical thought in
colour, and being aware of the presence of spirit; Suernian scientists
began searching for a possible colour reflection from the higher
vibrational scale of spiritual thought ... although this meant
entertaining the possibility of a human body surrounded by two aurae,
one reflecting dominant physical thoughts, the other showing spiritual

These theories were eventually proven to be correct and the name
"Spiritual Aura" seemed to be the most appropriate title for this new

Little difficulty was encountered when instrumentation was used to
measure and tabulate the natural aurotic calibrations, because only one
colour was in evidence at any given moment despite the widely varying
shades and scintillating motion of the aura. (The Aurora Borealis in the
northern hemisphere, and the Aurora Australis in the south are splendid
visual examples of the physical aura.)

Recording the spiritual aurotic calibrations presented quite a special
problem however, for here the seven spectral colours were each in
evidence at all times, differing from person to person only in the depth
of shading and width of colour bands. (Again, there is a perfect visual
example in the rainbow).

By applying the calibrational measurement system to newly born infants
it was found that a natural aura of a ripening wheat shade was common to
all, and though wide variations were found in the scintillating
strength, it was proven that ease or difficulty of birth had some
bearing on this matter, so no great stress was placed on this point.

But in every instance where measurements were taken of the spiritual
aura of a newly born child, either male or female, the results showed a
spiritual aura of equal colour intensity.

These experiments took place over many years. Scientists roamed the
known world in an effort to prove or disprove these facts. The answers
never varied. Healthy babies, sickly babies, deformed babies, retarded
babies, babies of every shade and race; babies of widely different
environment ... showed not one iota of variation in the spiritual aura
during the first three days of their lives. After three days the
instruments did record small differences showing a similar pattern tribe
by tribe.

When all efforts to check the accuracy of the original conclusion had
been satisfactorily completed (i.e. that the spiritual aura was present
around each human, but absent in all other animals tested) cross-checks
were continued over a great many years until it was finally accepted as
fact that:-

(Picture missing)

  • Male - Female Figures surrounded by their auras
  • Man has two parts with two thinking minds. Revealed by two aurae
    reflecting two vibrational scales of thought.
  • The brain obtained and stored knowledge of the physical world.
  • The "mind" received knowledge from another source -- a supernatural
    source on a higher vibrational scale.
  • Thoughts emitted from each of these components was reflected in a
    band of colour vibration. Lesser animals were in sympathy with human
    vibrations on a very low scale -- not beyond the scale of magnetic vibration
    in sound; though a few were entering into an awareness of the field of colour, more evident in birds than in creatures tied to earth.
  • All experiences on either plane were stored in the second,
    spiritual aura.

These newly accepted findings brought about decades of revision of the
facts previously known about mind and spirit. The practise of medicine
became almost non-existent as public health improved to the point where
sickness and pain were practically eliminated.