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Loliad R. Kahn
by Winifred G. Barton



The few distant tribes who partially survived the downfall of Atlantis each had their original cultural roots in that civilization. Their progeny, and so Atlantean thinking, still affects the lives of many present day Earth-dwellers.

The world floats on a sea of fire which is gradually dying down, and
will become extinguished in a few more million years ... unless in the
meantime mankind probes too deeply into Nature.

Is such a state of affairs building up on Earth today?

A study of history is the looking backward to events and conditions as
they were and comparing them with the present era. Time, in terms of
years is important only in the sense that man, unable to visualize very
far ahead, can best assess human advancement in retrospect.

This does not mean that in any generation man can afford not to
envision human progress in the millions of generations yet to come.

Life's purpose can only be for the future. Each generation forms the
foundation for the progress of those yet unborn.

In terms of the human race, retrogression looms ahead unless the course
is altered. Warnings have come from all sides. Yet Ego has prevented
this stream of heavenly guidance from having much effect. "Not always
shall my spirit strive with man," He has said.

If the life expectancy of the sun is another 48,000,000,000 years, it
is reasonable to suppose that Earth's life expectancy is at least half
of that number of years. However, taking into consideration density,
helium content, and rate of usage in comparison to the sun, we might
find that the life expectancy of Earth is about equal to that of the

The point for questions is; how does the life expectancy of
homo sapiens compare with Earth's life expectancy?

At the present rate of deterioration, fostered by illogical breeding
habits, mechanization and luxury, led by the lighter skinned races, a
further separation of human thought will occur. The dark skinned races
will rise to power and shortly afterwards decline when swiftly overtaken
by Ego.

Through the specialization rule and mass psychology as it is still
practised today, the bulk of the human race will degenerate to
comfortable slavery status, having all their thinking done for them, and
completely dominated by mechanized instruction, to finally lose all
power of independent thought or personal drive. They will sink to a low
mental level which concentrates only on fleshy comfort and social

But for spirit...

Ever and anon, Spiritual Promise is inviolable. He will send
messengers, channels for the expression of Divine Wisdom to guide
humanity. These will be fully apparent to those with integrity, easily
recognizable to the non egotistical seeker. They will illuminate and
lead, helping to maintain the essential balance of nature and spirit.

Regardless of nationality, their cities will rise on Earth, first one
and then another, to form the nucleus of a new, single Earth-race.

Such a city has He shewn to me in a vision.

The huge structure was formed like a bubble; seamless; having the
appearance of plexiglass; of tensile strength beyond anything yet
devised on Earth. Even impervious to Black Light vibrations.

Inside the outer dome was a second, similar "bubble", with about ten
feet of space in between the two shells.

These walking in the intervening space between the shells are able to
observe all that goes on beyond the outer shell. But they cannot see
into the inner shell, the structural molecules being so balanced that
they shift to adjust to light rays either from within or without. A warm
hand placed on any part of this shell will immediately feel cold.
Showered with any cold substance, the shell will cause that substance to
react as though to heat.

No air, sunlight, rain, dust, germs or radiation can pierce the outer
"bubble". High above and in between the two shells is a form of
manufactured daylight, sunlight, and even clouds to fill any
psychological requirements of the inhabitants. The air is constantly

Inside the second shell the dwelling compare with those of the
twentieth century, but are built in softer, more curved lines, and are
all of the same glasslike material.

Gardens bloom in profusion. Flowers, shrubs, trees and individual
vegetable gardens are far more in evidence than today. The foliage is
far more prominent to the eye of the observer than the actual homes of
the people who live there.

Entrance to the City is made through an outer door of the same
plexiglasslike material. This door leads onto a ten ft. driveway
between the two shells. However, at the entrance a tunnel-like
arrangement with three doors greets a visitor. By taking the door to the
left of the entrance it would be possible to drive around the entire
city and emerge where you started, coming out of the door on the right
hand side of the entrance.

The centre door gives access to the City proper. But before entering
from the outer atmosphere, all are subjected to extensive scrutiny.
Possessions, including conveyance, are tested with metal detection and
radioactive devices.

If the people wishing to enter the city are non-resident, all
possessions are left at the entrance, and the visitor is supplied with
every requirement for the duration of his visit.

Permanent residents wishing to leave (a rare circumstance) may only do
so with a special permit. These people are specially outfitted for the
trip into the outer world, including their "conveyance"; a one piece,
completely plasticlike vehicle with no visible working parts.

Nothing but the decontaminated human body may enter through the inner
door, and nothing but a person and their conveyance may leave.

Permission is frequently given for those from the outside world to take
a grand circular tour around the driveway which circles the city. At
this time none of the previously mentioned precautions apply.

About one mile in a geometrically straight line from the entrance, we
find the Administration Building -- known locally as The House. From the
City's gateway, the main centre driveway is uncluttered by any
buildings. It is landscaped to some depth with a glorious array of
multi-coloured flora, so artistically designed that it never becomes
overbearing or distracting to the senses.

The House, like all others, is of the same material as the shell. It
shows only one storey above ground level, and is almost half a mile
square, though not actually square in shape.

A long wide terrace, reached by five wide, stonelike steps, dominates
the front elevation of the building. Much of this terrace is landscaped
with exotically beautiful gardens, with subdued aquariums here and
there, glittering from the rays of rare, tropical-like fish. A central
fountain of crystal clear water plays its way high into the air.

The terrace is usually occupied by a quiet female figure, who dispenses
the colony's needs with exact impartiality.

High up, and out of sight to all but the initiated, are a number of
instruments similar to today's television sets. They are indeed a form of
television which may be tuned into the required channel by pressure on a
small button close to the woman's hand. When the image of the required
person appeared on the screen, a whispered instruction to that
technician could tune in both the image and words of any person living
in the world. When required this machine could also relay the image and
speech of certain persons from other occupied planets in the Universe.

Beneath the main structure of this building are fifteen lower floors
which constitute the heart and pulse of the entire city.
Here is machinery, refineries, air and water pumps, purifiers, smelters,
offices ... everything that is required to sustain life. The whole
place is illuminated by an everlasting daylight that creates no shadow
and is without visible source.

Surprisingly enough, from the fifth subfloor downwards there is no
light. Total blackness greets the eye. The workers here, who are not
native Earthlings are ebony in colour. They are shaped along somewhat
different lines to those of the human form, the main differences being
in the head and extremities. These people have developed far beyond
man's meagre mental capabilities. They are particularly adept at reading
magnetic vibrations and keep records of the sayings, schemings and
doings of the now decadent outside world. All thought vibrations are
monitored within a radius of 300 square miles.

Another innovation is a tubular-type launching pad situated some
distance from The House (as the main building is called). This double
rocket launching site can be reached by twin tunnels from the fifteenth
subfloor and connects to the fifth subfloor by a chute made up of an
endless chain belt conveyance with seats large enough for two
passengers. These travel at such a speed that one and a half seconds is
all the time required to travel the 165 ft. downwards.

From the fifth subfloor downwards is the domain of the "Ebonites." The
temperature in this working area is necessarily maintained at a constant
90° fahrenheit; one route to the launching site likewise.

Native earthlings rarely visit this area of heat and total darkness, in
spite of ample connections between all floors.

The second launching tube is cool and brightly lit, manned by deeply
bronzed human operators. The spaceships coming and going from the dual
launch site are however, identical. Only the functional interiors differ
for the convenience of passengers.

Space Ships leave and arrive regularly. The "Ebonites" to return to
their home planet, the earthlings to tour the accessible parts of the
Universe. Interplanetary exchange has long since been established,
whereby an Earth-ship might reach a planet carrying a visitor for a
further destination whose journey would then be completed by stages,
utilizing craft from other worlds.

Visitors would stay at earth-conditioned accommodations throughout
their trip.

But such travelling would be rare, for any human in this period who
ventured on such a voyage would have to spend a whole lifetime away from
his home planet.

To better understand the population of the colony a closer description
of its inhabitants might be in order. The earthlings, by intermarriage,
had all achieved various bronze skin shading with medium hair colouring.

Interplanetary technician exchange, which insofar as Earth was
concerned applied only to these "Bubble-Colonies", supplied the
"Ebonite" technicians, whose skill was foreign to earthlings. In return
selected earthlings went to other planets to develop skills peculiar to
earthlings. This system was largely responsible for the rapid progress
in either place.

The "Ebonites" had quite a large head in comparison with their body.
The ears were set high; the eyes were five to six times larger than
human eyes with a feline translucence. The nose, as a protuberance did
not show, but the mouth was quite large and prominent -- similar to the
mouths of vegetarian animals on earth, for these people were strict
vegetarians. They had no chin.

Being accustomed to a home planet where three earth years was as one of
their own, each "Ebonite" contracted to spend three years on Earth. This
arrangement was absolutely essential, as among this race both the male
and female experienced a "heat" period only once every three
earth years. At this time it was necessary that mating take place or the
health of the "Ebonite" would be seriously impaired. Very strict records
were kept for this purpose; the mating season could be predicted to
almost the minute of its commencement and took several hours for

Although both male and female workers came to Earth, no mating ever
took place away from the home planet. No genital organs were normally in
evidence. The female breast enlarged only during the nine to ten weeks
of her gestation period, and weaning became automatic as they shortly
retracted to the normal size of any well developed male.

Earthlings found it almost impossible to differentiate between the
sexes of the "Ebonites", but between themselves the odour vibrations
emitted by the body were quite distinguishable. The "Ebonites" were also
very conscious of human odour vibrations and found them not only most
distasteful but very loud, so that they would politely contrive to cover
both the nose and ears if an earthling was nearby.

A great deal of thought and preparation had gone into the foundation of
this enclosed city. Conceived by a handful of early pioneers, it is now
peopled by a relatively small percentage of the human race, who, through
spiritual guidance have elected to live in seclusion.

The state of the outside world had deteriorated to the point where 90%
of the population live in a abject state of servitude, dominated by one
hundredth of one percent of their total. The remainder live on a
somewhat higher plane of thought, but are completely restricted as to
freedom of choice. These are the essential intellects required by the
rulers for scientific knowledge.

Vast amounts of time and energy are spent in bickering between the
rulers. These arguments are usually termed "Conferences" and
"Committees". Territorial zones are set and reset as each group strives
for supremacy.

Those within the enclosure, metaphysically minded, and heedful of the
future of the whole human race, had tired of such wastage of time,
talent and human potential. Having seen the writing on the wall they had
chosen to build impregnable cities to which all sincerely peaceful and
humble people were welcome. Here alone was it possible to survive the
onslaught of mass psychology and warfare. Herein the nucleus of
humanity which would survive to father A GLORIOUS RACE.

Here they waited out the seemingly interminable years. Although the
"outsiders" bred in droves they suffered strange new diseases and once
in a while held mass war drives to cut down on their numbers. Suicide
was also common, both on individual and mass scales. Often after such
outbreaks thousands would approach the "Bubble Cities" seeking entrance.

I see this picture in far greater detail than herein described. The
characters in my vision actually live, talk and act. Their days are
spent in concentrated effort to teach the "outsiders" peace and love. As
their adherents grow in number new cities are formed all over the Earth
to accommodate all who wish to participate. Their wisdom is such that
any error among themselves is instantly apparent and is given immediate

Mankind is now at the cross-roads.