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Loliad R. Kahn
by Winifred G. Barton



W.G.B. -- "Well Loliad, here ends your book. I hope that we have somehow managed to convey all the things that you desired. I couldn't help noticing how carefully you managed to avoid telling us about your wives and children..."

L.R.K. -- "Women!!! always so interested in insignificant details."
W.G.B. -- "Men ... always so free with technical details, and speaking
of details Lee, we have a small problem. I seem to have several pages of
leftover notes which don't quite fit into the main context of the book;
little items you have given me as side issues along the way.

L.R.K. -- "How would it be if you just add them as "Notes". Their only
purpose is to fulfil the promise I made to you when we first started
this work. All that I tell you is true and will eventually be proven.
Each year your scientists uncover fresh evidence in the fields of
psychology, geology, physics, etc.,"

W.G.B. -- "Yes, I've noticed many items appearing in the newspapers
and scientific journals to prove what you say. They've even unearthed a
paranthropus, our horned headed ancestors that you spoke of in the

L.R.K. -- "When you complete the story Keph-A-Ra is giving you,
everything will fit into place much more easily. He takes up man's
history from Egypt, where he served as Chief Scribe to King Tutmous. I'm
leaving you in expert hands ..."

W.G.B. -- "Only temporarily I hope".

L.R.K. -- "Very temporarily".


There is increasing evidence attesting to the fact that earth's
continents were once part of a great single land mass. Geologists and
theorists, endeavouring to answer questions of ice, continental drift,
mammoths in the arctic regions of the U.S.S.R. and Canada, fail to reach
the right conclusion because they attempt to explain isolated points
without properly considering the whole situation.

In 1894 for example, J. Geikie, in his book "The Great Ice Age and Its
Relation to the Antiquity of Man" page 25, says", "It was conceived that
somehow and somewhat in the far north a series of gigantic waves were
mysteriously propagated". In this instance he was giving some
explanation of the occasional boulder of granite perched atop a high
ridge of dolerite.

When the art of map-making developed, intellectuals began to see how
simple it would have been for the Americas to have swung from east to
west, using the narrow strip between Alaska and Siberia as a fulcrum;
conceiving this possibility with their knowledge of continental drift
and noticing how obviously South America would fit into the Gulf of
Guinea. Scarcity of islands in the South Atlantic would however, deny
the possibility of such an event having occurred.

Positive occurrences, posing major questions, still remain a mystery to
man. Why did the glacial sheet of the Ice Age cover the greater part of
North America and Europe, while the north of Asia remained free?

In America the ice reached to latitude 40 degrees and in Europe to
latitude 50 degrees; while in north east Siberia even above latitude 75
degrees was free of permanent ice. Why then did the coldest place on
Earth remain untouched, when the basin of the Mississippi and all that
part of Africa south of the equator was icebound?

Mammoths found in Siberia, so perfectly preserved that the stomach
contents of flora and fauna eaten shortly before death, (some varieties
of which are still known today) are distinguishable; intrigue the

Consider the ivory tusks, swept ashore along the Arctic Ocean in such
profusion that a brisk trade was maintained between Russia and China for
many years; and numerous mammoth-type skeletons found in the Canadian
far north and parts of South Africa.

No longer does it seem feasible that the Eskimo and North American
Indian crossed the narrow isthmus between Alaska and Siberia. Their
absence of ancient traditions denies the possibility of such an event,
especially when we know that not having a written language, verbal
history would have survived more colourfully than in most cultures.

It is not difficult to believe that England and Greenland, along with
many northern islands could have been part of a greater land mass in the
north, and that the numerous islands of the North East coast of Canada
could also have been part of that mass.

Let us turn once more to our fulcrum; Alaska and Siberia; but instead
of swinging the Americas to the east (towards Europe), we swing them to
the west, across the Pacific.

We would then find Canada, with a condensation and enlargement of the
islands off the Siberian coastline, fitting very nicely next to Russia.
The Mississippi Valley of the U.S.A. would come close to China on about
latitude 40 degrees; South America would fit into the Philippines area;
Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and the numerous islands
(other than the Coral Islands) would complete the map on that side. We
then find ourselves left with only Antarctica, the furthest flung single
land mass which belongs way up in the Atlantic, to complete a single
land mass theory, by occupying that area between Africa and the

Now we hold the key to solving many vexing mysteries. These are in
Greenland, Iceland, America, Baffin Island and England, formations of
rocks and sea bed sediments which indicate a flooding of the land by
more water than we are capable of imagining. Large sections of Europe
have revealed in early excavations that the area has been covered by the
sea no less than five times.

By studying an Atlas we see an absence of islands from Greenland to
Antarctica and down through the north and south Atlantic. Yet from the
Siberia-Alaska convergence south, and through the Pacific to Antarctica
there are many islands all inclining in a northerly direction, as though
a huge mass of land had been torn away leaving a trail of litter behind

By following the trail of this land mass on its rapid journey we are
able to visualize the mountains of water pushed ahead of it, and the
tidal vortex in its wake.

What great land masses in this path must have been inundated, never to
be seen again! Mountains were formed as earth pressures increased. The
range of mountains down the West Coast of the Americas was undoubtedly
formed by tremendous pressures from east to west, while many of the
worlds original mountains were lost beneath the sea. In the Pacific
quite the reverse happened as the parting continental land masses
dragged vast sections of land behind it, evidenced by the high ridges
from Alaska to Australia, which tape off to comparative lowlands all
down the west coast of the Americas to Antarctica. Then there are the
deep trenches; The Mindanas, Mariana (in places nearly six thousand
fathoms deep); Japan etc., A brief glance at these will show that they
follow a rough outline of the West Coast of the Americas.

This revamp of the Atlas shows why mammoth skeletons of the same
species are to be found in Siberia, Alberta, and parts of Africa.
Entertain this theory, Note the similarity of Mongolian features between
the Eskimos, Siberians and Mexicans. Study existing maps and charts of
the world, then let your imagination reconstruct the enormity of the

The last ice shield ran on a line which started north of 75 degrees
north latitude in Siberia, down through Europe and roughly the area of
the Mississippi Valley. However, the heavens were even more restless
than they are today, so that vagrant planets caused several further
changes in the Earth's axial motion.

But none were as violent or far reaching as that which split Earth's
crust asunder. Even now there is confusion with your present latitudes
and longitudes, though I have tried to use your mapping methods to

Progressive scientists should be the first to say that today's "facts"
are tomorrow's "errors". They are the ones most open to change, which is
the only possible progress towards truth. The pity is that men are
taught today's errors when all truth is available.

We have recreated the world of yesterday, but all we have gained is a
few answers, unless we find a lesson for the future. We see the
happenings of the past as repetition for the future unless seven times
seven has past, at which time the past is past and will not be again.

As the people of a nation think, so will they do. But too often the
governing bodies reflect the wishes of only the strongest factions. The
dogmatism of Churchianity which exercises coercion in both education and
government then affects the free choice of the people.

Homo sapiens as a species must understood two things.

1. Nature will add to and change for the improvement of any
species which show the need by continuous usage of a faculty
(as typified by this picture of the sub-species of millions of
years ago).

2. Evolution of the species is also dependent upon the higher
vibrational powers of Spirit. Nature and Spirit however, must
work in harmony or Nature will destroy that with which she is not
satisfied. A completely spiritually dominated population would
create a world like Vringg. The ultimate aim then, is harmony in
the Universe.

By giving you these books containing the truth of events past,
parts of which (to the time of my death) were taught me by recording
and video tapes, parts of which I was privileged to participate in,
and parts of which are given to me directly by Him as I speak to you, it
is my hope that many will learn the lessons contained therein.

No assessment of progress can be made accurately except by looking
backwards and noting the errors of past generations, that greater
insight may be brought to bear on future problems. When the goal is in
sight there will no longer be a need to look backwards, and emphasis can
then be placed on pushing ahead to attain that goal more speedily.

This goal will become increasingly clear as present generations come
into the age of faith, and develop individual senses of responsibility.

In traversing the earth as I do, I see nations emerging from what might
be termed infancy, and beginning to crawl. Others, having progressed a
little further, have learned to toddle -- the stage of greatest faith in
the parents.

At this time in a child's life there is a deep curiosity in the things
it sees. The more advanced child wants to help the weaker brother or
sister to rise and walk. Each child has complete faith in the parents,
turning to them in times of hurt or happiness, still needing to be
cuddled at night before sleeping.

There is no other way to turn except inward. The well adjusted child of
wise, loving parents knows from experience that its faith is well
placed. The preconscious knows just what to expect from parents and this
is how faith grows stronger.

In this manner the Heavenly Parent and many servants, watch over
spiritual beings on earth. Being Wisdom, the Parent does not impose
itself, but leaves the children to play and learn about their
environment; warning against harmful experiments, comforting in times of
stress, waiting for the children to turn Heavenwards for advice -- even
while It sees them attacking their problems in the wrong manner. The
only way to build mental strength and character is to permit the child
freedom of choice. Such is the state of childish faith, earned by the
parents without fanfare or dogma, learned through personal contact.

As the child learns faith in wise parents, so in harmonious households
do younger children learn to lean on an older brother or sister. This
requires co-operation, one to seek and the other to give advice.

Faith is built by experience. But there can be no experience without
communication. Humanity has lost the art of conversation with angels.
Once asked for help the Guide is given the freedom to act and will soon
build faith in its desire and ability to help.

The infant learns love as it learns faith without being told to learn.
By communion with Guides and through the development of faith, humanity
can soon learn to love its individual angel as an older brother or
sister. In faith, through the angels, man can reach ever upwards towards
the Heavenly Parent who, though beyond present understanding, spreads
Its hands over the earth like a protective shield, as in benediction.

Whereas, from henceforth children can be taught faith and love in the
Supreme One, today's adults need more formal education. First they need
to look inwards, and finding egotistical dominance, recognise the enemy
of self and spirit ... the servant who has become the master.

Zolumn stated quite definitely that The Master first looked upon
Himself to know love, and in so doing found and knew Ego.

As there are seven aura colours, there are seven stages of advancement
for spiritual man; seven levels to purity in heaven; seven spectral
light-colours in exactly one-seventh quantity each, which when combined
produce white ... emblematic of perfect purity.

As today's generations enter the fifth state, that of faith, earth will
know a greater peace, fraternity and joy than ever before. These are
part of the ingredients of the state of total love, the sixth state,
which leads the species into the seventh state, that of total purity.
Only in this final state of purity can mankind be trusted with the
responsibility for whole spirit; at which time The Son will return to

It is futile to search the records, read the stars, or try to estimate
this event. No man can gauge the time lapse required for mankind to
reach the seventh state; or indeed if the species will even survive long
enough to know this state. Nature and Science grapple for dominance;
retrogression, advancement, curiosity, fear and ego intermingle -- but
there is little faith.

On earth the age of faith is also the age of Science, a time of free
choice. Much is said about democracy and freedom of action. But a
moments thought will show that this freedom only applies to the natural
and spiritual choices. Now, as humanity comes into faith, each must
decide to turn one way or another. To scientific and physical matters,
or to Spirit and spiritual progress. The wise will seek harmony of the

Major and minor prophets have led the way from ancient times to the
present. Each depended on a Guiding Angel, each had complete faith, each
had looked upon himself first to know love.

Of the many minor messengers, Carl Marx and Mahatma Ghandi illustrate
the common denominator. Each fought the animal instincts in man and
strove to express equality of spiritual beings.

Strong emphasis is placed on the word "love" in all aspects of
churchianity, but in such a way that it amounts to a command. This is as
useless as commanding a baby, unable to understand words, to love its

Many claim to be serving in God's work, yet few are even aware of what
this means. Holding an image of a Deity made in the likeness of
corruptible man, religious leaders today serve no greater purpose than
their forerunners in Atlantis.

When a faith needs a graven image to remind its followers of Supreme
Being, it is serving no good purpose. There are none more pitiful than
those, being themselves blind, hold out a pleading hand to another who
is also blind, and ask for guidance, not knowing that the other is also
blind. And so the first blind man places faith in another with no idea
of where he is being led.


Three elements comprise the inner nucleus of the neutron. We can call
them the protonet, electronet and phellons, which vibrate between the
two former components setting up pulsations which keep them apart.

There is a measurable range of pulsations in neutrons themselves,
which combined with the number of neutrons per atom, causes varying
elements to form different kinds of matter. The varying elements with
different quantities of atoms is the reason for matter, as each element
is in opposition to the other.

The seven scales from heat to spiritual thought, being other than
matter, are composed of a single element and controlled by the number of
phellons contained within the neutron.

The magnetic field of vibrations is determined by the number of
pulsating phellons. A comparatively small number of phellons causes heat
to occur, but once the whole heat range has been accomplished the
phellons begin to subdivide to accommodate the required higher rate of
vibration to enter the next scale; that of sound. This subdivision
process continues upward into the highest range capable in the physical
scale of vibrations.

In giving this scale it is necessary to convert from an ancient system
to your terminology. Therefore the figures used are whole figures which
most closely approximate the original script. The discrepancies should
be comparatively minor. To further clarify this tabulation VPS is used
for vibrations per second and ×10/12 means that twelve zeros are to
follow the whole figure.

-- Heat 72×10/12 VPS to 134×10/12 VPS
-- Sound 175×10/12 VPS to 354×10/12 VPS
Ultra sound waves
-- Colour 395×10/12 VPS to 790×10/12 VPS
Highest visible colour
-- Light 831×10/12 VPS to 166×10/13 VPS
Conscious thought ceases
-- Physical Thought 207×10/13 VPS to 414×10/13 VPS
100% usable preconscious
-- Black Light 455×10/13 VPS to 985×10/15 VPS
Life begins & ends
-- Spiritual Thought 55×10/24 VPS to 55×10/31 VPS
From thought to element

For spiritual thought to become a word, action or emotion, it must be
reduced through the conscious mind from a minimum VPS of 55×10/24 to a
scale below the 72×10/12 VPS of heat.

In colour which contains the elements of both sound and heat, it is
necessary to turn to the spectrum to find true colour; that is colour
with an individual scale, such as red at the bottom of the scale, which
is no longer red once the VPS have reached the top of the scale, but
orange, and so on through yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet -- where
colour ceases to be at 790×10/12 and becomes transparent.

Emotion is the original conscious translation of a preconscious or
spiritual thought being returned to source via the aura, (the colour
band of vibrations), each emotional circuit being completed through the
physical aura whether its source of origin be preconscious or spiritual.

Once the action or thought is recorded in the physical aura, it is
automatically reflected into the spiritual aura, where it must remain
for the duration of earthly life, available as a basis for further
thought and action.

There is no way to change or eradicate these thoughts and actions from
the spiritual aura. Only the emotional part of thought can be stored,
and this is how the original colours of the spiritual aura are modified.
This is the eternal part of man which carries into the higher realms of
vibrational power after the physical is dead.

It follows then, that as the human spirit is in the likeness of Spirit
Supreme, it is unacceptable in any form other than the purity of its
original state. The cleansing period must be accompanied by
understanding and willingness (for there is still free choice) to gain
purity. Thus follows remorse, purgatory, hell of one's own making.

Having gained understanding the rehabilitation period is entered into.
The final result leaves the aura untainted, so that on the completion of
the seventh level (or vibrational scale) the spiritual aura regains the
brilliant whiteness of purity and rejoins its original spark in
preparation to becoming whole once more.

Supreme Beings' ultimate purpose for humanity (or any other species
which may replace humanity on earth should they fail), is that each
should be capable of the responsibility for whole spirit, as exemplified
by The Christ.

A complete blueprint has been given in our courses for each individual
to use as a guide in the fight between ego and spirit. This of course,
is a personal matter and cannot be accomplished on a collective basis.
Furthermore, there is no one who truly understands the individual but
Self, the personal Guide and The Master.

Egotistical adjustment is essential; the driving force is not only
mastered but improves. For example, the lion is considered a brave
egotistical animal, while the hyena is reckoned to be cowardly, without
personal pride or strong egotistical tendencies.

Make ego the servant rather than the blindfold between preconscious
knowledge and spirit. Develop faith in the inner self as an unfailing
source of truth and higher vibrational thought capacity than anything
given by Nature; faith in the angelic host; faith in Supreme Being
without recourse to idolatry (graven images etc.,) and imitation love.

The understanding engendered by faith inexorably leads to a concept of
love, and with understanding added, the way to Universal Consciousness
is opened and the fifth state of being complete.

Consider the events herein recorded. Look about you and see the
probability of Atlantean history being repeated. Remember the easy road
they chose, the road which catered to excitation and display. Try to
study a large scale map of the world, remembering that the magnetic
north pole was several thousands of miles to the east in those days, the
North Atlantic Ocean but a lake, the whole of the Americas part of the
U.S.S.R. and Africa, the equator placed quite differently, and Mars as a
sister planet.

Remember that in those days there were many small tribes of
semi-cultured peoples, many more aboriginal tribes, and three distinct
cultural centres; Suerne the spiritual, Atlantis the scientific; and
China the political.

Science destroyed the spiritual because its driving force, directed for
personal gain, exceeded that of the spiritual elements. Each ignored the

Your time of free choice is now. The political road brings wars and
threats of war; it is an illogical policy. Alone, the scientific path
will produce far more rapid annihilation of the species but with less
attendant misery to the individual, as its methods are swift and sure.
The road of pure spirit, never experienced by earthlings but
illustrated by the Vringgians lacks harmony.

The ideal choice, that of combining the knowledge and driving force
of nature (science) with the truth of spirit, can bring about a quiet
revolution which will be the salvation of mankind.