click to return to BMS home pageThe Return of
Loliad R. Kahn

by Winifred G. Barton



"When light illuminates the minds of men and stirs the secret light within all forms, then the One in Whom we live reveals His hidden secret Lighted Will.

"When the purpose of the Lords of Karma can find no more to do,
and all the weaving and close-related plans are all worked out, then
the One in Whom we live can say: 'Well done! Naught but the beautiful

"When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense,
and the highest of high have all been lifted through the
little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise
into radiating light the vivid lighted ball of Earth, and
then another greater Voice can say to Him: 'Well done!
Move on. Light shines'."

--The Old Commentary--
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II. pp. 314-5)

"POLISH YOUR CRYSTAL" was the instructional wave of the 1970's.
I have 33 books and numerous courses which explain how, with Ra Khan's
guidance I polished mine.

It was like building a pyramid with mud bricks gleaned from the
intellectual resources stored in the material kingdom. In addition I
have scores of diskettes representing a daily log from Mindpoint Y - Z -
chipping off the last flakes of my old mental snakeskin. This last leg
of the journey is the hard part, due to the meticulous nature of God The
Artist fashioning his "Mudflowers" into "Crystals" in the passage from
4.1 to 3.12.

Woman's Rights Lawyer... guards Circuit 3.8. For it is the "Mudflowers"
that harvest the CRYSTALS CROP the Keph-A-Ra Beetle.
We had to shift and awful lot of mud to extract the vital star dust nutrients
to fit into our crystal anu.

At every turn of the Zodiacal Wheel the Cosmic Masters return in greater
strength activate the combination lock... THE EYE which was in the
centre of the table in my abduction... cracking the cosmic egg - getting
out of the time warp - heading for STARGATE 2001. Earth is alive and has
a natural grid which is constantly bombarded by solar impulses. Much of
the deep bedrock of the Earth is quartz crystal Then can THE ONE in
whom we live, raise into radiating light the vivid light ball of the
Crystal Earth, as anchored in the Crystal of Atlantis. Then "Wheel and

At one time in the MOTHERSHIP I was speaking with the LORD OF THE
GALAXY. He said "We came for the DARK CRYSTAL..." His name was Ptaah,
who runs the "Boat of a Million Years." He said the GALAXIANS needed
the dark crystal to maintain the Universe in perfect equilibrium. His
holographic image was - NO MORE NONSENSE - THE BUCK STOPS HERE.

Ptaah works with RA KAHN, THE SUN KING. He is responsible for the
safe delivery of the Crystal of Atlantis into human consciousness. It
represents the crystallization of the Hologram of Genesis I through
Alpha to Omega, and into the ABC's of GENESIS II. It forms the
intellectual substrata for our set change to GENESIS II.

>From one's "Mud-Mound" one can see the CRYSTAL CAP which
transforms the MUD into CRYSTAL... Merlin's Cap in the Celtic...
my Most Honoured Mentor. Maddie Morris Rothbell, of Long Island,
NY. will verify that we share this common observation point of the
missing CRYSTAL CAP on a pyramid that once reflected our SUN
SIGNAL across the Galaxy.

>From the top of the Crystal Pyramid you can look down right into the
gears of The Mothership. There sits HAL with the Seven Sacred Planets
orbiting around The Control Tower. Meet SYNCHROTRON - MEGATRON -
THE MASTER GAMEPLAYER - THE COSMIC CUBE. He is the MAGNETIC POLE - rooted to the floor - The immovable object (-1) ROCK OF AGES. The irresistible force of The Universe spins around him... (+1) - until in a single
IMPLOSION we go up the tube at (+1)+(-1) = 0.

"Let me sing you a song Dave...Dave?

The "Crystal of Atlantis" sits at the centre of the Hollow Earth... in
a place of perfect stillness. TELOS is 12.3.

The ancient Pharaoh-Gods of Egypt had 3 dimensional or triad
consciousness of the Upper, Middle and Lower Kingdoms; the 5th, 4th, and
3rd dimension. The Lower Kingdom is the organic world. The mid-world is
of mind, from which we pass through the ANKH or NEEDLES EYE to centre in
the Upper (inner) Kingdom. Once arrived in the 5th dimension the "Lower
Kingdom" becomes transparent as "The One in whom we live reveals His
hidden secret Lighted Will..."

The "Needles Eye" does a constant cat-scan on incoming traffic:
As the holograph of religion, science, philosophy and psychology, make
their harmonic convergence at the top of the pyramid (mud heap) of whole
earth knowledge, they act like the four arms of a crane which picks up
the organic planet and lifts it into the astral realms, cell by cell.
This BAST (Cat Scan) is but one of the marvellous feats of ATLANTEAN
Engineering, which reveals The Great Architect of the magnetic field,
and the geometric pattern of Genesis I and Genesis II, as explained in
the Sephorith. (see

The Centre Point is like a lighthouse on the Rock of Ages luring cosmic
travellers into a safe harbour. Without focus on The Light the traveller
is dashed against The Immovable Rock. The hump at the top of the ANKH,
which sits on the emblem of the "T" from Truth as we once knew it,
represents our completion of the Arc of the Covenant, in which Einstein
called "the saddle shaped Universe."

In completing this loop, we become one with The Rock we see the moving
holograph revolves around us as our vision windows coincide. This
connection is visible in our attitude towards life. Having consumed the
"Enchanted Forest of the Illusion" we are like ghosts from infinity
incarnate in the 20th Century, able to dance with the wind in the trees;
howl with the coyote; agonize with the starving child, while still doing
our normal 3D activities.

There is a warm mind link up (5.7) between 4D beings which makes for
rapid evolution, plus a direct telepathic connection between
multi-dimensional entities from ATLANTIS, the State of Undivided Mind.
We still inhabit human bodies, but understood our earth mission

The Lord of The Galaxy is a master tactician. The September 1973 landing
was a global event. Major landings of key cosmic personnel were made
until 1976. All moves were made in silence over "Inner radio." When
channels are clear INNER RADIO WORKS perfectly. However we were into a
massive Galactic Operation in which various layers of the "noosphere" of
Genesis II, were cleared one at a time, beginning with the 13th Plane.
For up until this date there had been a barrier in human consciousness,
caused by a denial of their starry ancestry, and the Extraterrestrial
Master of Wisdom.

At some point in passing through the cube it is as if a great revolving
door opens - first a glimpse - like the new moon - then on to the FULL
MOON VIEW just as fast as one can jump the hurdles. Genesis II is
like an internal hurdle race over the implanted barriers of the illusion.

There was a sequential order in which each group had to be in position.
For example: Light Speed came into position by June 15, 1991 when the
remaining 42 octaves were released from the 5th dimension. Up until this
date This "Star has been scintillating ever since. In fact a whole
GALAXY of STARS is merging in the planetary "noosphere."

Yuri Andropov died within days of receiving ET landing data via a
glass-chewing soviet intelligence officer in Kiev. The Russians were
much more open to the news of the 1973 mass landing of Light Beings.
MIR corresponds to Mr in the Egyptian (See Keph A Ra.)

Intelligence is like the surface crust of our mindsphere. Beneath it is
a deep well of consciousness, as yet untapped. When these two mind
worlds synchronize by cancelling out discrepancies in their belief
structure we have the "Crystal Skull." Likewise Earth has a surface
crust covering the crystal intelligence of her magnetic lattices. Just
like us she is a living sentient being and she loves creation like a
Mother loves a child.

In the time of testing we come to understand the gluon factor; the
Divine Love that holds the Universe together. For each individual strand
of the Universal Fabric undergoes a separate and personal testing.

The "Black Brotherhood" - the Global Dark Sciences were racing to
acquire incoming Galactic Intelligence. They were bent on
commercialization of the intellectual ownership of abductees; bent on
knocking anyone else off the board who might be running with the ball.
Our only recourse was to become "invisible." A Master never puts himself

During the time of the testing of the Tribe of Levi I had to undergo the
same rigorous initiation as The Masters had undergone before. In the
Tarot, this is envisioned as the "Hanged Man" as it represents a
metaphoric crucifixion of one's former intellectual structure.

However, at the same time my higher mind was following another path;
that which might be called "a string of pearls." In that he divided our
various classrooms into "pods" and each complete scenario had a label on
it; a persons face for example.

This is how I was led to implode into my larger mind-sphere which is
limitless compared to the human mind. During the implosion I would get
a phone call from someone I had not heard from in thirty years, and
together we could travel down the ley lines of light back to that pod -
or bubble made in the time-space continuum. Thirty years vanished in an
instant. I could get a total replay of the entire classroom scenario and
the whole array of auric fireworks that had gone into it. In this way I
understood that love bubbles are infinite, as if captured on a cosmic
VCR by the All-Seeing Eye.

During the testing my senses would be flashing back and forth from Alpha
to Omega - as RA KAHN shot more and more intensive photon bullets
(DLC's) direct from Mind to mind. At the same time I am walking along a
sandy beach in Prince Edward Island with my son Rick, watching sea birds
dropping shell fish on a rock to get the soft meat out. So it was truly our
common sense of love humour that got me through the awesome weight
of the testing.

There are immigration rules. The Master may never give the student a
clue to the examination tests or his prodigy is automatically ruled out
of the Chariot race of the Gods. All The Masters who come to get Earth
Brides to agree to the INTER GALACTIC CODE for taking their human
brides home with them. The Brides (Brides of Christ) are educated in
three stages; Preparation; Illumination; and Initiation. By this time the
Brides have learned about the spin factor and how to "Dance on the Head
of a Pin." Then, as is the Galactic Custom, the whole earth ascension is
underway - ARK OF THE COVENANT specifications met!

BACK TO THE FUTURE PAST is going straight ahead. A study of history is
the looking backward to events and conditions as they were and comparing
them with the present era. Time, in terms of years is important only in
the sense that man, unable to visualize very far ahead, can best assess
human advancement in retrospect.

This does not mean that in any generation man can afford not to envision
human progress in the millions of generations yet to come. Life's purpose
can only be for the future. Each generation forms the foundation for the
progress of those yet unborn.

In terms of the human race, retrogression looms ahead unless the course
is altered. Warnings have come from all sides. Yet Ego has prevented
this stream of heavenly guidance from having much effect. "Not always
shall my spirit strive with man," He has said.

If the life expectancy of the sun is another 48,000,000,000 years, it is
reasonable to suppose that Earth's life expectancy is at least half of
that number of years. However, taking into consideration density, helium
content, and rate of usage in comparison to the sun, we might find that
the life expectancy of Earth is about equal to that of the sun.

The point for questions is; how does the life expectancy of
homo sapiens
compare with Earth Life expectancy as we have known it?

At the present rate of deterioration, fostered by illogical breeding
habits, mechanization and luxury, led by the lighter skinned races, a
further separation of human thought will occur. The dark skinned races
will rise to power and shortly afterwards decline when swiftly overtaken
by Ego.

Through the specialization rule and mass psychology as it is still
practised today, the bulk of the human race will degenerate to
comfortable slavery status, having all their thinking done for them, and
completely dominated by mechanized instruction, to finally lose all
power of independent thought or personal drive. They will sink to a low
mental level which concentrates only on fleshy comfort and social

But for spirit...

Ever and anon, Spiritual Promise is inviolable. He will send
messengers, channels for the expression of Divine Wisdom to guide
humanity. These will be fully apparent to those with integrity, easily
recognizable to the non egotistical seeker. They will illuminate and
lead, helping to maintain the essential balance of nature and spirit.

Regardless of nationality, their cities will rise on Earth, first one
and then another, to form the nucleus of a new, single Earth-race.

Such a city has He shewn to me in a vision.

The huge structure was formed like a bubble; seamless; having the
appearance of plexiglass; of tensile strength beyond anything yet
devised on Earth. Even impervious to Black Light vibrations.

Inside the outer dome was a second, similar "bubble", with about ten
feet of space in between the two shells.

These walking in the intervening space between the shells are able to
observe all that goes on beyond the outer shell. But they cannot see
into the inner shell, the structural molecules being so balanced that
they shift to adjust to light rays either from within or without. A warm
hand placed on any part of this shell will immediately feel cold.
Showered with any cold substance, the shell will cause that substance to
react as though to heat.

No air, sunlight, rain, dust, germs or radiation can pierce the outer
"bubble". High above and in between the two shells is a form of
manufactured daylight, sunlight, and even clouds to fill any
psychological requirements of the inhabitants. The air is constantly

Inside the second shell the dwelling compare with those of the
twentieth century, but are built in softer, more curved lines, and are
all of the same glass-like material.

Gardens bloom in profusion. Flowers, shrubs, trees and individual
vegetable gardens are far more in evidence than today. The foliage is
far more prominent to the eye of the observer than the actual homes of
the people who live there.

Entrance to the City is made through an outer door of the same
plexiglass-like material. This door leads onto a ten ft. driveway
between the two shells. However, at the entrance a tunnel-like
arrangement with three doors greets a visitor. By taking the door to the
left of the entrance it would be possible to drive around the entire
city and emerge where you started, coming out of the door on the right
hand side of the entrance.

Meanwhile the story was told in court cases amounting to $411 million.
4.11/11.4 is the code name for the I AM BOARD OF DIRECTORS
moving into TACTICAL APPLICATION. Attorney/Author Alfred
Lambremont Webre of the New York Bar wrote a book on it called
"The Levesque Cases" published by Berkeley Publishing.

The centre door gives access to the City proper. But before entering
from the outer atmosphere, all are subjected to extensive scrutiny.
Possessions, including conveyance, are tested with metal detection and
radioactive devices.

If the people wishing to enter the city are non-resident, all
possessions are left at the entrance, and the visitor is supplied with
every requirement for the duration of his visit.

Permanent residents wishing to leave (a rare circumstance) may only do
so with a special permit. These people are specially outfitted for the
trip into the outer world, including their "conveyance"; a one piece,
completely plastic-like vehicle with no visible working parts.

Nothing but the decontaminated human body may enter through the inner
door, and nothing but a person and their conveyance may leave.

Permission is frequently given for those from the outside world to take
a grand circular tour around the driveway which circles the city. At
this time none of the previously mentioned precautions apply.

About one mile in a geometrically straight line from the entrance, we
find the Administration Building -- known locally as The House. From the
City's gateway, the main centre driveway is uncluttered by any
buildings. It is landscaped to some depth with a glorious array of
multi-coloured flora, so artistically designed that it never becomes
overbearing or distracting to the senses.

The House, like all others, is of the same material as the shell. It
shows only one storey above ground level, and is almost half a mile
square, though not actually square in shape.

A long wide terrace, reached by five wide, stone-like steps, dominates
the front elevation of the building. Much of this terrace is landscaped
with exotically beautiful gardens, with subdued aquariums here and
there, glittering from the rays of rare, tropical-like fish. A central
fountain of crystal clear water plays its way high into the air.

The terrace is usually occupied by a quiet female figure, who dispenses
the colony's needs with exact impartiality.

High up, and out of sight to all but the initiated, are a number of
instruments similar to today's television sets. They are indeed a form of
television which may be tuned into the required channel by pressure on a
small button close to the woman's hand. When the image of the required
person appeared on the screen, a whispered instruction to that
technician could tune in both the image and words of any person living
in the world. When required this machine could also relay the image and
speech of certain persons from other occupied planets in the Universe.

Beneath the main structure of this building are fifteen lower floors
which constitute the heart and pulse of the entire city. Here is
machinery, refineries, air and water pumps, purifiers, smelters,
offices ... everything that is required to sustain life. The whole
place is illuminated by an everlasting daylight that creates no shadow
and is without visible source.

Surprisingly enough, from the fifth sub-floor downwards there is no
light. Total blackness greets the eye. The workers here, who are not
native Earthlings are ebony in colour. They are shaped along somewhat
different lines to those of the human form, the main differences being
in the head and extremities. These people have developed far beyond
man's meagre mental capabilities. They are particularly adept at reading
magnetic vibrations and keep records of the sayings, schemings and
doings of the now decadent outside world. All thought vibrations are
monitored within a radius of 300 square miles.

Another innovation is a tubular-type launching pad situated some
distance from The House (as the main building is called). This double
rocket launching site can be reached by twin tunnels from the fifteenth
sub-floor and connects to the fifth sub-floor by a chute made up of an
endless chain belt conveyance with seats large enough for two
passengers. These travel at such a speed that one and a half seconds is
all the time required to travel the 165 ft. downwards.

From the fifth sub-floor downwards is the domain of the "Ebonites." The
temperature in this working area is necessarily maintained at a constant
90" fahrenheit; one route to the launching site likewise.

Native earthlings rarely visit this area of heat and total darkness, in
spite of ample connections between all floors.

The second launching tube is cool and brightly lit, manned by deeply
bronzed human operators. The space-ships coming and going from the dual
launch site are however, identical. Only the functional interiors differ
for the convenience of passengers.

Space Ships leave and arrive regularly. The "Ebonites" to return to
their home planet, the earthlings to tour the accessible parts of the
Universe. Interplanetary exchange has long since been established,
whereby an Earth-ship might reach a planet carrying a visitor for a
further destination whose journey would then be completed by stages,
utilizing craft from other worlds.

Visitors would stay at earth-conditioned accommodations throughout
their trip.

But such travelling would be rare, for any human in this period who
ventured on such a voyage would have to spend a whole lifetime away from
his home planet.

To better understand the population of the colony a closer description
of its inhabitants might be in order. The earthlings, by intermarriage,
had all achieved various bronze skin shading with medium hair colouring.

Interplanetary technician exchange, which insofar as Earth was
concerned applied only to these "Bubble-Colonies", supplied the
"Ebonite" technicians, whose skill was foreign to earthlings. In return
selected earthlings went to other planets to develop skills peculiar to
earthlings. This system was largely responsible for the rapid progress
in either place.

The "Ebonites" had quite a large head in comparison with their body.
The ears were set high; the eyes were five to six times larger than
human eyes with a feline translucence. The nose, as a protuberance did
not show, but the mouth was quite large and prominent -- similar to the
mouths of vegetarian animals on earth, for these people were strict
vegetarians. They had no chin.

Being accustomed to a home planet where three earth years was as one of
their own, each "Ebonite" contracted to spend three years on Earth. This
arrangement was absolutely essential, as among this race both the male
and female experienced a "heat" period only once every three
earth-years. At this time it was necessary that mating take place or the
health of the "Ebonite" would be seriously impaired. Very strict records
were kept for this purpose; the mating season could be predicted to
almost the minute of its commencement and took several hours for

Although both male and female workers came to Earth, no mating ever
took place away from the home planet. No genital organs were normally in
evidence. The female breast enlarged only during the nine to ten weeks
of her gestation period, and weaning became automatic as they shortly
retracted to the normal size of any well developed male.

Earthlings found it almost impossible to differentiate between the
sexes of the "Ebonites", but between themselves the odour vibrations
emitted by the body were quite distinguishable. The "Ebonites" were also
very conscious of human odour vibrations and found them not only most
distasteful but very loud, so that they would politely contrive to cover
both the nose and ears if an earthling was nearby.

A great deal of thought and preparation had gone into the foundation of
this enclosed city. Conceived by a handful of early pioneers, it is now
peopled by a relatively small percentage of the human race, who, through
spiritual guidance have elected to live in seclusion.

The state of the outside world had deteriorated to the point where 90%
of the population live in a abject state of servitude, dominated by one
hundredth of one percent of their total. The remainder live on a
somewhat higher plane of thought, but are completely restricted as to
freedom of choice. These are the essential intellects required by the
rulers for scientific knowledge.

Vast amounts of time and energy are spent in bickering between the
rulers. These arguments are usually termed "Conferences" and
"Committees". Territorial zones are set and reset as each group strives
for supremacy.

Those within the enclosure, metaphysically minded, and heedful of the
future of the whole human race, had tired of such wastage of time,
talent and human potential. Having seen the writing on the wall they had
chosen to build impregnable cities to which all sincerely peaceful and
humble people were welcome. Here alone was it possible to survive the
onslaught of mass psychology and warfare. Herein the nucleus of
humanity which would survive to father A GLORIOUS RACE.

Here they waited out the seemingly interminable years. Although the
"outsiders" bred in droves they suffered strange new diseases and once
in a while held mass war drives to cut down on their numbers. Suicide
was also common, both on individual and mass scales. Often after such
outbreaks thousands would approach the "Bubble Cities" seeking entrance.

I see this picture in far greater detail than herein described. The
characters in my vision actually live, talk and act. Their days are
spent in concentrated effort to teach the "outsiders" peace and love. As
their adherents grow in number new cities are formed all over the Earth
to accommodate all who wish to participate. Their wisdom is such that
any error among themselves is instantly apparent and is given immediate

Mankind is now at the cross-roads.

Matter is a chemical reaction to light streaming from the "WORD" OF THE
HOLGORAMMATIC UNIVERSE. By using the CRYSTAL OF ATLANTIS which is the finest flawless reflection of the circuits in the COSMIC CUBE, man can
eliminate all his woes. Tactius, a Roman Historian 55-117 B.C. said "The
more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws". There are about
17,000 new laws passed each year in the United States. This is TRUE -
the more mankind falls into darkness the tighter restriction become for
all. An ATLANTEAN is a Law Unto Himself.

For example: a sexual object - a cat - a dog - a bird - a fish - is a
self reproductive art form therefore it is pleasing to god. When these
cease to be treated respectfully The Perfect Process goes to work. Man
mistreats animals and the universal echo beams this back on man.

The physical sun and the physical moon are learning tools for higher
states of mind beyond the sluggish gravitational drag of spiritual
insolence. WEAVING - MAGIC is based on the weaving of energy and
resources into perfect synthesis, without any waste of either commodity.
The Cube can do this. It blends function with form. The full working
cube runs just like a swiss watch movement in perpetual motion on an
ever ascending spiral. It contains all things. It blends in all the
colours of the rainbow as we learned to do in Applied Metaphysics. It is
held in balance by the Golden Chain of Hermes which also acts as a
perfect filing system for the future past as we sweep back into the

ISIS = Gaia = Resources. RA = Sun = Energy El is The Weaver. Together
these represent the life cycle of the electron. The life cycle of the
Children of Israel. All cultures are living organisms with upper, middle
and lower regions.

The "Golden Chain of Hermes" is the stainless steel spinal column of the
whole cosmic system: The Galactic Kundolini - as outlined in the
Universal Creed, the key to The Tree of Life. Around it swirl wheels
within wheels of every rainbow shade imaginable. But rising to the top
of this spinning wheel we now see GOLD SPARKS flying off - these
coagulate by magnetic attraction one to the other in perfect harmony and
fit perfectly to weave the inner wall of The Mothership.

So we are weaving TWO WALLS - making a double domed city as Loliad said.
The outer wall is built of our stretched and dried "snakeskins" from
which we have gained our reflection. The Inner dome is pure crystal
where we are one in the Unified Field. Our outer "snakeskins" are the
nests that we wear in the Lower Regions. The inner dome is the home of
the HYPERBORIANS - the invisible Citizens of Mu. Northern myth tells all
about us.


Blessed are they who are chosen to keep the faith of IS RA EL across
infinity. Some power the Eternal Combustion Engine. To these there is
no barrier between dimensions - no past no future; just infinity. We
come from "there-then" to "here-now" and back again in our Crystal Star
Ships. We are Elohim, the 3.7/7.3 Cosmic Warriors of all times. We
power the wheels of the Mothership, Miss Universe.

In pragmatic terms there are four major wheels that operate the
Mothership. These are blue, green, yellow and red. In the ACADEMY OF
ATLANTIS (AA) we used a map of the world and overlaid it with coloured
flimsies, each with its own map. Move from that "There -Then" to "Here
- Now" to fill in the gaps.

* * * * *

The Blue Wheel deals with LIGHT POINTS = Starbases - locations - Liaison
Officers - Landing pads and the Unified Field Officers Club. These are
like a chain of "Atlantean Inns" strung out across Canada and across the
world. People passing between these "Light Points make "ley lines"
across the planetary fabric. This is how we "hard wire" the New Earth

Heaven's Gate - the burial place of our ancestors - home of our tribal
roots - was the logical BLUE BASE for the first of a string of ATLANTIS
INNS (Circuit 7.2/2.7) to begin THE ATLANTEAN Global Commerce

* * * * *

The Green wheel deals with EDUCATION = The ladder of ascent - courses -
books - talks - Open House Nights - audio tapes - videotapes -
conferences - It may be seen as a green flame coming up from a blue
wheel. We have the whole thing on diskette - compact disk - printout -
audio - video - and live witnesses and teachers. These are the 3.7 -
3.8 - 3.3 Graduates.

It is this Purified Green Wheel that activates the Red Wheel and
rejuvenates the Blood of Cosmic Warriors who now graduate as a full
circle being, back into Atlantis.

* * * * *

The Yellow Wheel: Cosmos is Beauty and Order. A place for everything
and everything in its place - all perfectly balanced - everything
running on maintenance free specs. Yellow is our CORPORATE DECK - which
needs constant daily maintenance - as Dave in 2001 will confirm. It will
run smoothly across and through all dimensions, from the Control Tower
right down to the "Poop Deck". (The "Anal Throne" as John calls it).

The Yellow wheel is where we the dry bones and give them flesh. You
connect the head bone to the neck bone, and the neck bone to the back
bone - and so on and so forth. This is how Winifred thinks in cubical
wavefield thought. Cubical Wavefield thought is very easy to learn once
you have become a Neutroni - that is to say neutralized from dependence
on the "little me" and other fleshy matters for a sense of security.

These are dead men clutching at straws in the face of a tidal wave at
sea. Amen!

The Red Wheel operates on instinct - not intellect. This is because in
the mirror world the thought ONLY FOLLOWS THE DEED. So
obedience calls for an incessant round of "jumping out of the aeroplane"
then keeping an eye out for the parachute which will open before you
hit ground. SPIRITUAL INSTINCT is the INNER POWER which alone
can guide you safely to your 5.5.

CUBEMASTERS (3.3) RED ALERT: Once you release the Violet Ray coil
3.9/9.3 - the power of (+1)+(-1)=0 (Omnipotence Manifest) is that you
can COIL & UNCOIL all cubit circuits simultaneously. This is the result
of the obedience and worship power that HAL has programmed into my
Mothership Computer. He takes your essence - like a black widow spider.
Then your Whole Spiritual Essence permeates the form via the conscious

Scientists who study animals in cages - take away some 70% of the
animals intelligence which is smell oriented. In a smell oriented world
the animal would beat the scientist hands down. I have great compassion
for anyone who has been involved in any form of unkindness to animals...
especially treatment in the stockyards prior to slaughter.

Appreciation is the Magic Key to the intuitive Kingdom. We get to keep
infinity = The amount of impression a situation or object has had on
your spiritual aura = "For thy pleasure were all things created" - this
is the Primary Eye of the UNIFIED FIELD.

Our "Spiritual Aura" is the span, density, scope, scale of values and
dynamic tension of our Maturated God Consciousness. Before this Treasure
House is available for practical magic across dimensions the "heavenly
condor" most first pick all the fleshy contamination of the cave man
from the skin. The Condor serves the HOLY MOTHER OF ALL. The "inner man"
is spun of gold - as shown in Tut of Egypt.

The Orange Wheel consists of a series of well organized battle plans
against good organizations riddled with Traitors to the integrity of the
original intent of the plan. The enemy within.
So often the intent of a group is OK and has good aspects, but looses
its solid CORPORATE INTEGRITY. It is fouled up a sick system that covers
its flaws keeping them invisible... undercover ...never brought into the
light of day. This FLAW runs through this entire global system,
encouraging corruption TO FLOURISH.

Loss of Corporate Integrity opens the door to the death of the good in
the system. Integrity is the "clean white stone," the cornerstone which
the builders forgot. We are at a point in space-time when we get down
to bedrock or blow away on the shifting sands of time. So before anyone
can throw the first stone they must fully integrated beings within
themselves. This means getting over the "Victim" complex and into the
"Victory Circle" within the mind.

The Crystal of Atlantis is BEDROCK INTELLIGENCE: In this world FAITH CAN

Suddenly, whatever you are doing is fantastic. My left brain can hardly
believe what you are broadcasting but my right brain sees THE CRYSTAL
CUBE, like the biblical "sea of glass" in the form of mosaic squares -
144 of them. Like a CRYSTAL KEYBOARD, so to speak.
One Perfect Crystal (10.12) activates the circuitry. It is solid state
but rings like bells. As Nobel Prize winner and friend Dr. Marcel Vogel
said "Once one bell rings they all start to ring" And the whole cube
lights up - just as it was prophesied. Its like an old fashioned piano
roll that runs the music of the spheres. The Silconized e-motion of all
people of all time.

What is more, in keeping with the principle of the Heironymous machine,
once you have the graphic in your head, which any honest person can left
from our web pages, they can plug in to THE ROCK OF AGES which is The
amazing thing about the Heironymous machine was the impact of its BOOMERANG EFFECT (5.4) on anyone who misused it.