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The Glorious Race
by Winifred G. Barton



Regardless of its capacity, the cranial computer clicking on only the material 4-1/2% of its maximum vibrational range, succumbs completely when it comes to grips with nature's most powerful weapon ... chemical reactions.

The full force of this barrage usually strikes during late adolescence, sweeping all reason aside with avalanche force. Who wants to pause to consider logic anyway when boy meets girl? However, as the future adult pattern for happiness often hinges on this particular phase of adolescence it is worthy of serious study. The general formula is, boy meets girl, likes what he sees, and for awhile thrills to the results of the varied assortment of stimuli with which nature baits her tender trap.

At first these results are so satisfactory to the carnal senses that every effort is made to please the object of attention and suppress any less attractive personal aspects for fear of disrupting the harmony and the pleasurable results of delightful experimentation. The "Like" logic blinds the preconscious to any deficiencies in the prospective mate ... clear vision would be a spoil-sport.

However, as the initial stimuli weakens and all experiments to produce further reactions seems to be exhausted, tiny faults in the partner become increasingly obvious and less care is given to the concealment of unfavourable traits. About this time another pair of glancing eyes promises fresh chemical adventure, a new formula for stimulation ... Ego says "That's for Me!" and the original union is abandoned as the preconscious quickly supplies the conscious with many reasons why the first mate was unsuitable.

Nature chuckles ... "That's my boy! Homo sapiens certainly justifies his place as my favourite species; as he is omnivorous, he is just as instinctively polygamous ... or you might say just plain curious. How else could I have developed the species so successfully?"

No one wants to quarrel with Nature in this respect ... Harmony in all things is the ideal state of being. Spirit adds the infallible safety valve that beeps "Down Rover, down" to the carnal if the situation begins to get out of hand.

Even those who normally have the highest regard for social opinion overlook its demands when chemical reaction takes over. There is no immunity, Prince and pauper alike are powerless to resist this heady magic.

When the natural logic of "Like and Dislike" has been the first rule in life and only a fraction of the vibrational capacity has been exercised, such a mind compares miserably with the "Computer" augmented by the energy-speed or insight of the other 95-1\2%.

Insight might be likened to a fine wire quivering with thought impulses projected by the spiritual mind. This thread runs to its earthly link, the human mind, from source ... Supreme Being. Each "like" and "dislike" can be compared to guy wires holding the insight-energy fixed, impeding the vibrational capacity and nullifying the spiritual messages which are sent freely to guide, because of the degree of fixation or preconceived ideas which hold the mind rigid. Undistorted communication, or if you prefer the term free communion between one's natural self, spiritual self, spiritual guide, and Deity, in no way detracts from the galvanic stimulation of chemical reaction, merely adds depth of perception. A controlled mind is capable of beaming the intensity of its power in any direction desired (rather like a flashlight with a spot-bulb), able to concentrate fully on the project at hand. Of course every boy and girl loves to flirt with members of the opposite sex! Enjoys experimenting a little with the fluttering heartbeat, the soft blush.

Trifling with chemical reactions is a delightful prerogative of youth. Indeed, life would be dull if matters were otherwise. But youth should be a time of casual meandering with no thought of hurrying. Spirit, when in harmony, rejoices with its animal counter-part, knowing that it will recall all these carnal delights in heaven when the flesh is dust. The maturity we advocate in no way fails to relish the joys of natural development, nor detracts in any way from the full pleasure of each phase of mating.

Today's youth is encouraged to be in far too much of a hurry to fill a gluttonous appetite; this is the result of overdoses of inflammatory literature, films and conversation. Instead of being content to explore life as an individual, learning all the subtleties of interplay between people and emotions, testing the vital resonance of moral courage, creating a sense of rightness, self-reliance; youth seeks to devour; and in so doing misses the thrill of little things, like accidentally brushing the hand of the beloved, the unexpected locking of glances, the prelude to monogamy.

Each life is that person's own exclusive adventure, all wondrous and aglow, unfolding in achievement. Stuffing the cranium with a lot of preconceived ideas about other peoples' sex lives detracts from the originality of these most tender experiences, denudes them of much of their shy charm, often causing disappointment if one's reactions are less explosive than the preconscious has been led to expect. This reaction terrifies Ego, giving rise to fears of inadequacy or abnormality, which sometimes forces Ego into extreme behaviour to reassure itself.

Taking into account the way in which Ego magnifies its associations to advance its own image, it is clear to the mind operating on the "Truth and Error" reasoning that stories portraying lurid sex are highly exaggerated while subtlety presented in a manner which tends to make normalacy seem tame in comparison. Thus inflaming the Ego of the observer to attempt to copy that depicted by the story-teller for the benefit of personal prestige.

This same image is projected in an attempt to merchandise status-salve products of relatively little necessity; chrome trim on cars for instance.

Departure from simple pleasures and a sophisticated outlook is a definite sign of a prowling panther, or "Rover is on the loose" as we say at home. Spiritually starved youth caters to "Like" in all its degrees and shuns anything classifiable under the heading of "Dislike". (i.e. menial tasks; subjugation of will; sacrifice of personal comfort or pleasure; grappling with faults etc.,). This type of training leaves youth wide open to error when it comes up against the highest degree of "Like" in the physical vibratory scale ... the poets term it "Love".

"Love" is the most extreme degree of chemical reaction registered by the carnal mind. It is determined by the amount of magnified excitation created in the preconscious by the eye of the beholder. "Love is blind" say the poets, and how right they are! Together with song writers and biologists, poets have adequately detailed the various aspects of physical love as it applies to homo sapiens, leaving no necessity for further comment here. Sufficient to say there is no age of immunity, nor any mind capable of coping with this reaction without aid from the spiritual element.

There is no relationship between spiritual love and chemical reaction. It is possible to experience both at the same time, or either separately. The first is emotional energy released into the aura, the second represents the complicated glandular functioning of our chemical factories.

True love is giving. Giving to all in like measure. It recognises no sex, no blood ties, no race or national character. It is in no way influenced by the animal logic of "Like and Dislike". In understanding all, it pardons all error committed against it; acknowledges equality with all; is aware that any transgressor suffers from absence of insight, has less strength to combat the foggy logic of material reasoning and is therefore a slave to the flesh.

Successful marriage requires a high degree of emotional chemical reaction; compatibility of mentality and preferably environment, plus freedom from erroneous carnal reasoning; the ability to love all mankind. Successful parenthood necessitates the addition of favourable genetic factors to supplement these basic requirements.

Early marriage is a matter for individual decision. No one can say that it is right or wrong to marry early or later in life for better results. When insight confirms that the essential sense of responsibility is present and combines with chemical reaction to produce insurmountable proof that the time has come to wed; so be it.

There are economic factors involved; over emphasis on a lavish ceremony may detract from the acquisition of vital necessities. It is wise to avoid credit purchasing, often fun to do without certain items at first, getting them one by one as the years roll by, when each item takes on the aspect of a milestone of achievement.

Be sure that dissatisfaction with life in the parental home is not a contributing factor to early marriage, or general boredom with the common round. Before embarking on a course of matrimony the wise youth will take a close look at his own inter-family relationships and evaluate the degree of harmony. A good son will make a good husband.

A very wise youth will examine all previous personal relationships prior to marriage in an effort to recognise his true degree of maturity. One who criticises parents, should check this list of criticisms carefully to make sure these same failings are not reflected in personal attitudes, yet manifested in a slightly different manner.

Parents sometimes suffer from inability to communicate with each other ... never let this happen young husbands, the tiniest first falsehood, however innocently meant, can snowball into a maze of misunderstanding. Lack of perfect communication is the greatest marriage wrecker on this continent.

Words are not necessarily the best method of communication. The thoughtful manner, the considerate gesture, can often be more explicit than words. When you find the right partner hold nothing back. Commune with every sense you have ... all six of 'em ... give your marriage the very best that is in you to give.

With harmony of spirit and carnal the language proceeding from the lips will be incapable of representing anything other than the true thought of the speaker, echoing its link with source. The preconceived maze of intrigue and falsehood presently festering like a cancer in man's mind will then be recognised as an antiquated disease of the dark ages.

* * *

When Supreme Being assigned Nature the task of forming a species suitable for spiritual development, Deity actually allotted to Nature a relatively infinitesimal spark of His own Life Energy (or vibration) to work with. Nature used this spark wisely and finally produced "Adam" whose thought energy was of a suitable speed for use as a "transformer" for the shorter wavelengths of spiritual impulse. Indeed to this day the preconscious mind performs just that function, its performance dependent on its freedom from the disease of prejudice. The physical intelligence is relatively insignificant. The capacity of the "transformer" can be magnified or dimmed by the degree of its willingness to serve.

Technically speaking the preconscious can be divided into three sections; Like, Dislike, and Neutral information. This functioning goes into operation at the time of birth. Messages from the body nerve centres are processed in two ways simultaneously. The preconscious, largely censored by Ego, on the completion of its analysis, activates motion, triggering instantaneous chemical reaction. Through this chemical action a surge of emotional energy is released and recorded in the physical aura. Thus thought-energy is transformed into emotion and energy waves of ultra colour, invisible to the untrained human eye, but capable of being picked up as ultrasonic vibrations by many of the lower forms of animal life, is captured. Many humans have an instant feeling of sympathy or dislike of others, according to how these thought energy waves are beamed.

The colour in the physical aura varies according to the momentary mood of the individual, but is reflected in the second, or spiritual aura to form a permanent record of the individual's life pattern. Being of dual entity, each part with a distinctly separate energy source, mankind is possessed of two auras: The natural aura, common to all animals; and the spiritual aura. The first aura, described above, records incoming and outgoing thought through transformed emotional energy.

Any serious student wishing to investigate the human aura has two choices of procedure. Disregarding the study requiring supernormal faculties, the method dependent on physical equipment is a practical alternative.

Aura goggles have been found effective among 87% of students, (novelty users are not included in this estimate). These light-excluding goggles utilize six pairs of colour filters which are interchangeable. Different coloured filters, tinted with coal-tar dyes, are used for selected tests. A carmine tinted filter for example, cuts the outer aura from view, while a blue filter has the opposite effect.

The aurabiometer, a radiesthetic instrument, can measure certain aurotic characteristics beyond optical detection. The exact spectral position of aura radiations can also be determined by photo electric spectrographic methods.

The inner aura roughly follows the contours of the body about three inches away from the body. The outer aura reaches beyond the boundaries of the inner aura and can vary considerably in width, depth, and colour between persons.

The spiritual healer often uses the striations of the inner aura to make his diagnosis, for this reflects all the physical factors governing the human body.

In a few rare individuals, a "super-aura" is visible, superimposed over, and stretching beyond the other two auras.

Because chemical reactions in the body are automatic reflexes they can only be controlled by thought, which means retraining the mind. Re-education is simple once the preconscious is analyzed and freed of erroneous reasoning, in the manner advocated in THE INNER POWER. This is the only way to control the thoughts from which the aura takes its colouring.

As no two thoughts can cause exactly the same emotional reaction, and no two people react in an identical manner, the impulse waves created vary in length, making the colour of a physical aura unique to that individual, and to constantly vary in depth and intensity, much like a shimmering Aurora Borealis. The longer waves reflect red, the shortest show as indigo, at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Tension, anger, and frustration waves are comparatively long and slow, giving the angry person a ruddy aura at the peak of wrath. The generous, loving emotions, being the shortest in the natural vibratory range, clothe their mortal in blue light. In between these two extremes can be found every shade of emotion possible, more defined in adults as life long patterns become set. Body heat and odour is also captured in the magnetic field as the energy they disperse in vibration radiates around the physical being. Thus total man is reflected in his aura and can never be falsely represented or misinterpreted by those with efficient "transformers".

The inner entity also has its aura, far shorter in wavelength than the physical aura; shorter than anything known in Nature's realm. It differs also in that, whereas the carnal aura shows a predominant shade at any one time, the spiritual aura appears more like a permanent rainbow surrounding the entire figure, starting at the feet and branching up on each side of the body to its widest point at the head and shoulders. It records every thought the physical aura has ever reflected; permanently.

During my teenage tribulations, when the aura began to flare up like a red torch indicating earthy female reaction to a situation, Loliad would start flickering around in rhumba rhythm, humming "The Lady in Red, the fellows are crazy for the lady in red" with mounting momentum if I ignored his broad hint that car- nality was predominant. He could waltz beautifully too, crooning "In my sweet little Alice Blue Gown", when the situation became organized. I constantly marvel at the tenderness of my teacher ...

(A friend of mine who allowed himself to become a guinea-pig for psychedelic drug experimentations, related how, when various forms of music were used as a form of emotional stimulant, the music faded as he went deeper under the influence of L.S.D., and was crystallized into pictures, like multi-coloured icicles swaying and falling before him as he proceeded into the labyrinth of emotional unfoldment which allowed him to interpret the melody on a far broader scale than ever possible when it was only heard as sound.)

In holding onto a mental image of colour, my pupils learn to clothe themselves in true-blue emotions. At first this is not easy and can only be achieved for an hour or so at a time. In daily life it is often hard to resist the temptation to reflect red when all around are flaming.

A red aura precludes sound reasoning, indicates grave chemical insult to the physical body if allowed to predominate, (ulcers, heart attacks etc.,) causes individuals to be accident prone, and halts both natural and spiritual healing processes ... in teen language one just isn't cooking on all burners.

It has been explained how Nature takes away that which is not used and increases that which is used proportionately. Chemically speaking the glands (and there are many microscopic, yet undiscovered glands in the brain tissue) which store body chemicals, work hardest to reproduce that which is mostly required of them. As different emotions release different kinds of chemicals into the blood stream, the habitually angry or tense individual produces an over-abundance of "anger-reacting" chemicals ready for dispersal upon the slightest provocation. Similarly, the meek develop a higher capacity for "soothing type" chemical production. In between these two extremes, every range of emotional reaction is suitably catered to by the body's chemical factory. In this way adult reaction patterns become established ... you might say the production line settles down to a steady output as per blueprint. An addled preconscious emotes with unfailing regularity over every situation which affronts ego. This constant drain of energy leaves exhaustion and neurosis in its wake, with the chemical plant working overtime to cope with the demands made on it. Pressures such as this create chemical imbalance, medicines and drugs add to the imbalance, permitting ill health in the individual.

Youth has the chance to organise its chemical output before the pattern is set, to control its manufacturing specifications. Thus, THE GLORIOUS RACE will naturally manufacture far more potential for love and humanity, than for anger and frustration. Finally the tension producing elements will become decadent ... a definite objective for future generations. A graduate of THE INNER POWER classes, wears an effortless blue aura, can control the mind, and therefore chemical output, focuses emotional energy on love of God, love of humanity, rather than self.

Nature requires a constant supply of energy for her evolutionary processes. Emotion, being released energy, has no other end than return to source; as animals, this is what happens to our stored natural energy at death. But mankind, being possessed of a separate energy source, quite beyond the natural, has this impulse record incorporated into the super-natural aura which is imperishable, unless Deity decree otherwise.

* * *

Four wave lengths govern the physical being: --

1. Preconscious thought -- the shortest and swiftest natural range of thought. Mankinds' mental l.B.M. computer.

2. Conscious thought -- which is a stepping down or lengthening of the preconscious thought impulses.

3. Emotion -- a longer wavelength than that of conscious thought which triggers chemical reaction and aurotic coloration.

4. Action -- the effect of preconscious thought which consumes energy.

A fifth wavelength, far shorter and swifter than any of the others constitutes the difference between homo sapiens and all other earthly life. Herein our spark of the divine.

The objective is to depart from physical life with a spiritual aura in colour bands unaltered from those at birth, but with greater depth and intensity; the impulse waves of each colour being at the peak of brilliance of its particular scale, so that, were the colours to be mixed they would blend into a perfect glistening white.

Thus it follows, that impurity of preconscious thought emits erroneous emotional responses, which dull and distort the colour on the spiritual aura. Ego, having no power of differentiation other than degrees of like and dislike, causes each thought emanation from the preconscious mind to be based on its own petty consider- ations. The inner power, augmented by high speed thought-energy from a guide, can separate stored knowledge into "Truth and Error" categories; self-analysis affords an opportunity to re-evaluate stored knowledge and discard error. Spirit then has an opportunity to replace erroneous thoughts with accurate thoughts, resulting in an entirely new pattern of emotional output; a complete revision of the chemical firing mechanism. Malicious gossip for instance, that at one time triggered pleasurable reaction in the preconscious, now creates a feeling of repugnance.

Ego alone stands between the stored knowledge in the mind and the perception of spiritual insight. The re-evaluation process requires concerted effort which can only be achieved by self will, and can never be imposed upon one individual by another. The reward for this effort is happiness undreamed of, based on an entirely new set of values, great physical and mental vigour (conserved by economic chemical manufacture) and total absence of fear ... for what is there to fear when understanding everything.

Evolution demands a single identifiable sex, and in this regard, dormant chemical glands are activated at puberty. In a comparatively short period of time Ego has to adjust to these changes and sudden chemical upsurges tend to rock the physical boat.

This glandular barrage is intended to fulfil a dual purpose. Nature clamours for propagation of her species. The Master seeks a perfect receptacle for a fresh pure spiritual spark of divine energy. To fulfil one demand and not the other is a grave error. Thus to rush emotionally blinded into parenthood without giving the subject mature consideration is to commit a crime of untold magnitude.

To accept sexual relations while ignoring their fundamental purpose is to embark on an endless futile voyage into self satisfaction and neurosis. To delight in the preliminaries with the ultimate objective of reproduction soundly fixed in the preconscious mind,is a thrilling experience. The emotional and chemical reaction can be controlled at will if the mental directive is perfectly balanced. All who want maturity and happiness for their children must acquire these things as individuals before the children are conceived. Miracles are made no other way.

Meditate on the Immaculate Conception. The natural son of Mary, possessed of the perfect spiritual image of his Heavenly Father. Every mother to be has this privilege to raise her child as the spiritual son of God, in His likeness. Mary demonstrated the possibilities of such a child ... a baby taught to manufacture only purity of thought, making him free of the sins of an earthly father. The pattern for chemical manufacture is a factor handed down from one generation to another. How often have we heard people say "Little Fred has got his father's temper" (or temperament). A child's guardian needs to be fully aware of the genetic weakness potential, but fortunately there is no such thing as an inherited weakness which spiritual insight cannot overcome.

It follows then, that tomorrow's generations will be able to assess integrity on a far broader scale than is presently possible. Superficial physical charm which now leaps out from the pages of magazines, our entertainment world, and the fields of advertising, will become passe as insincerity becomes instantly obvious. Truth will sweep all ugliness before it with avalanche force; the false will have no hiding place, even as it is in heaven, when THE GLORIOUS RACE blossoms into the full flower of its promise. There will be no question of fooling all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time ... the meek shall inherit the Earth.

This is the power offered to the sincere. The power of instant recognition of what is true and untrue ... together with the re-sponsibility. For when ye understand the Law, so shall ye be judged. As you receive grace, so you must give, as you accept the proclamation, so you must proclaim ... for this is all part of the Law.

In THE INNER POWER, extra sensory perception was explained in terms of a built-in antenna. Each person has the equipment in spiritual impulse potential. To use it for sensationalism or publicity is catering to the animal instincts and therefore destructive. Its only purpose is to teach Universal Law. Always remember, even with a transformer operating at maximum capacity, all the love we can give is less in comparison to a candle-flame to the sun, in the love that is returned to us. Deity alone has compassion enough to supply each spiritual being in the Universe with love in excess of the combined total of all that Universal beings can offer up to Him.

Follow the instructions for development and you can prove these things among yourselves. Form study circles for group analyses. Any who speak with traces of self pity or arrogance need this error firmly corrected in the same manner that first aid would be offered. Write to us at Box #415, Frankford, ON K0K 2CO with any problems. Multiple self analysis will play a major role in future education programs. The wise will weigh group comments very seriously.

Any who feel superior have serious cause for alarm; inability to declare "But for Supreme Love I would be all animal", and to the less fortunate "There but for the grace of environment go I". The mock-pious, who imitate goodness, feeling preconscious satisfaction as a result, block any chance of further development, reflect a murky aurotic mess. The most certain thing of all is, that there is always room for improvement, always some new avenue of generosity to explore.

An outstanding example of error today is among the most spiritually satisfactory people on Earth, who in resenting injustice to others, fret and fume over injustice (yellow aura) rather than seeking to fight it logically with every ounce of strength at their command. "Vengeance is Mine ... I will repay" saith The Lord. This instruction clearly defines that passing mental judgment on those who create injustice is a very different attitude to active participation to combat error; one can be done with absolute compassion, the other provokes anger.

For the first year or two, it is best to be concerned only with eradication of personal error; breaking the guy wires of preconscious rigidity to achieve a high degree of personal perception. At the time of aurotic judgment there will be no other under shimmering scrutiny, no further opportunity to plead excuses or self-justification. Either you are wearing the garment of light or you aren't ... it's that simple. This salient point is the corner-stone in developing humane-ity.

Nationally, ideologically and racially; self scrutiny is of major importance. To those who might say "Life is running very smoothly, I do nobody any harm, am happy in my family circle. What reason have I to change", I offer the story of Pontius Pilate.

Sufficiently perceptive that he could find no fault with Jesus the Christ, Pontius Pilate hedged around trying to find a way to avoid the crucifixion, for he knew the chief priests were motivated by envy. But then there was his position to think of, so "willing to content the people" (society) he washed his hands of the whole affair, knowing that in so doing he permitted the crucifixion to proceed. Lack of spiritual exercise had so weakened his moral fibre that when the test came all his proud boasts of being just and honourable faded to nought ... He fell back on carnal reasoning "Why jeopardize my career for a nobody".

Who then was more guilty? Those who were blinded by envy, whose Ego and Superego facade was being openly attacked, or the man who, aware of right, chose self protection. How many men would do otherwise?

The fact that this deed was perpetrated against the Official Son, makes it in no way different to any similar offense against any human being, for each is the Child of Spirit. Consideration of personal comfort, apathy towards injustice, disregard of the needs of the most insignificant, is a direct offence against Supreme Being, receiving identical aurotic condemnation ... "In so much as you have done it unto the least of these, either good or evil, thou hast done it unto Me ..."

This identical weakness is prevalent in our Society. To those who take pride, as no doubt Pontius Pilate did in "decency" might, I ask: Is your decency the result of fortunate accident in environment, the result of good training, as any other animal might be trained? Is your decency motivated by common sense which says don't get involved with extremists or disrespect of Society will ensue? Consider the agonies that Pilate eventually suffered and make them your own.

For to be aware of Spirit, yet to ignore Spiritual Precepts which demand ALL our strength, is to reject our eternal birthright.


Go to chapter 7 ...